1.For the Palestinians, it implies settling for something less than full sovereignty.[刘开哲1]
2.The members of OPEC cannot agree on their production level.[刘开哲2]
3.In order for price liberation to be effective, the many checks and balances in the market economy must be operative as well.
4.“The nuclear attack will take care of our defense and installations and the biological weapon will take care of people.” Macarthur said.[刘开哲3]
5.The two-level price system provides opportunitiesfor those who have power over allocating materials to profiteer from theirposition.
6.“The Americans realized that their job was far from over and they would like to give it a second shot.” one of experts said.[刘开哲4]
7.With the current-account deficit likely to increase, market forces might be expected to push down the dollar further, cheapening exports and eventually raising the price of imports to prohibitive levels.
8.He(指卡扎菲)was smart enough to realize he needed to make friends……now, through the good offices of Tunisia and Algeria, he wants to reach out to the United States as well.
9.Andropov’s place in hospital has been taken by his former rival, Konstantin Cherninko, laid now with appendicitis.[刘开哲5]
10.High and low, you find people consumed with what they can steal.
[刘开哲3]此句中take care of有to kill之意,但本句能否准确译出取决于译者对上下文和语境的理解,故在只有单句的情况下,我认为本句翻译练习没有任何意义。
[刘开哲4]Take a second shot原意为“再打一针刺激药剂”,此处引申为“再加紧地干”。