This is a special card. This is my…my little girl, with her hair that she said, “kept growing out rather than down”, which is how she wanted it to grow. This is the princess card that was created because I couldn’t find it in the stores.
Habits of the Highly Successful
Motherhood launched my life in many ways, certainly launched my career. I was looking for a card for my little girl who was seven andgoing through this stage whereshe didn’t like her hair. And I went looking for a greeting card that would just kind of subtly reinforce her sense of self. And I thought, “I’ll find a brown-skinned princess” and…and realised quickly that there was a complete absence of anything that was representative. And had one of those epiphany moments where I thought, “Oh, why don’t I do this?” Rather than discarding the thought, I stepped into it, and it changed my life because it opened up this entire entrepreneurial journey where I realised the power of doing something which is driven by meaning.
Color-blind cards went on to be, really, the first independent publisher tosecure a presence for black cards or multicultural cards in the British High Street. We won lots of awards and got distributed in America and South Africa. And started this, or were certainly part of this early conversation around why representation and diversity and inclusion are so important in retail. I’m very proud of that.