翻译者:Vivian Tsai & Sharon Sun
讲者简介:Esther Gokhale:矫正教练
演讲简介:现代社会中,无论是上班族还是学生党都因为久坐而引起了一系列的身体问题,那么出来避免久坐之外,什么样的坐姿才是最合适,最健康的坐姿呢?来听听矫正教练Esther Gokhale是怎么说的。
We, in modern society, have really forgotten how to use our bodies. And we suffer a lot of aches, and pains, and dysfunction because of that.
But the good news is that we can heal most of the neck pain, and the plantar fasciitis, .and the repetitive stress injuries, and the back pain that we suffer. And we can do it simply by restoring our primal posture and truly natural ways of bending, walking, lifting, sitting.
Here you see two Portuguese horsemen, and they are both relaxed, but they are sitting very differently. This guy is slumped, head forward, shoulders forward; and this guy is pretty upright.