Vocabulary【Negative Factors】
When employees work long hours and have no time to relax, they may lose morale.
But low morale may be caused by other factors than stress.
Here are some reasons why employees may become unmotivated at work.
feeling undervalued
If someone feels undervalued, they feel that they are not valued by others.
When an employee has worked hard, but thinks that their efforts have been ignored, they may feel undervalued.
It can be difficult to motivate employees who feel that the work they do doesn't matter.
conflicting values
Values are ideas that people believe are important, such as honesty.
When an employee's values are not the same as their company's or job's, conflict can occur.
If someone values honesty, they may feel uncomfortable if they need to exaggerate the truth.
exaggerate: 夸大
task ambiguity
Task ambiguity refers to a lack of understanding about how your job should be done.
If a manager often gives her team incomplete directions, it will likely lead to ambiguity.
Unless they know what's expected of them, employees may feel they can't do their jobs well.
ambiguity: 歧义
lack of career path
Career path refers to opportunities for advancement within a company.
New skills and responsibilities can encourage employees to stay motivated.
If employees aren't given a chance to advance in their jobs, they will get tired of doing the same work every day.
- Why could someone who feels undervalued lose motivation at work?
> they may think their work is unimportant - what could happen if an employee's values are different from their company's
> they may experience a conflict in values - If employees aren't given a chance an advance in their job, they will get tired of doing the same work every day.
- Why could task ambiguity demoralize employee?
> employees will feel they can't do their jobs well - Without opportunities to develop at their company, employees...
> will get tired of their work - If an employee has been given incomplete directions about how to do something, they won't know what's expected of them.
demoralize: 使泄气