But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. --- John4:14
The Lord does not describe a river, but a living spring. “Be filled”, so that the sweetness of the relationship between the saints and the Lord Jesus’ life will flow in abundance, just at the Lord poured it out to him. If you find that life can’t flow smoothly, the problem must be in you; there must be an obstruction. Keep connected to the source of spring of water, and you’ll get more blessing, right? Not, you will have a river of flowing water, which is unable to stop the life.
We will become a river of flowing the living waters. Let the Lord Jesus flow, and let everyone be blessed. Some people are like the Dead Sea, only receiving without giving, because their relationship with Lord Jesus is not harmonious. We accept his life for sure; and so, it is certain that he flows through us. If the Lord does not flow smoothly in you, your relationship with him must have a flaw. What stands between you and Him? What stops you to His belief. If not, Jesus said, “You shall flow forth rivers of living water”. Not the transmission of blessings, not the representation of experience, but the surging of rivers. Hold fast to the source of living water, to keep faith in the Lord and to keep you’re your relationship with him, so that you will have an endless supply of living water for others, and will not dry up or die.
Is it an exaggeration for individual believers to flood the river? You say, “I can’t see any rivers.” Remember not to look at yourself from “who am I”. The history of God’s work often begins with people who are hidden, unknown, and ignored, but who remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear God, let me regain the unique joy of your presence, that I may belong to your completely in this place. I do not seem fit to do anything but wait for you. God, show me a permanent mark. 次