
前记:本文章是邮箱开发协议层开发的说明文档,并结合IOS MailCore 2框架进行比对学习,以期对邮箱开发有更好的理解。

第一章 IMAP


1.1 IMAP 和 POP区别


1.2 接口模型


MUA(Mail User Agent):顾名思义,MUA就是“邮件用户代理”。邮件需要代理,这是由于通常Client端的计算机无法直接寄信(不然为什么要邮件主机?),所以,需要通过MUA帮我们传递信件,不论是送信还是收信,Client端用户都需要通过各个操作系统提供的MUA才能够使用邮件系统。举个例子,Windows里的OutLook Express、Netscape里的mail功能与KDE里的Kmail都是MUA。MUA主要的功能就是接收邮件主机的电子邮件,并提供用户浏览与编写邮件的功能。
MTA(Mail Transfer Agent):MUA是用在Client端的软件,而MTA是用在邮件主机上的软件,它也是主要的邮件服务器。MTA就是“邮件传送代理”的意思,既然是“传送代理”,那么用户寄信与收信时,都找MTA就对了!因为它负责帮用户传送。基本上,MTA的功能如下。
MDA(Mail Delivery Agent):“邮件投递代理”主要的功能就是将MTA接收的信件依照信件的流向(送到哪里)将该信件放置到本机账户下的邮件文件中(收件箱),或者再经由MTA将信件送到下个MTA。如果信件的流向是到本机,这个邮件代理的功能就不只是将由MTA传来的邮件放置到每个用户的收件箱,它还可以具有邮件过滤(filtering)与其他相关功能。



1.3 协议状态



1.4 命令和应答

  • IMAP仅仅规定了一个超时值,一个不活动自动注销的定时器,限制客户机的空闲时间。
  • 命令行和应答行不区分大小写。

1.5 状态应答


  • 两种类型的状态应答
  • 常用应答状态码
eg: a042 noop
a042 ok noop completed
 * OK imap.example.com server ready


eg:a030 create team-notes
a030 no mailbox already esists
* no [alert] MailBox is at 95% quota  


eg:a1035 noop blurp
a1035 bad invalid argument 
* bad missing tag 


PREAUTH 状态应答仅在会话开始的时候看到,仅作为非标记应答发送
* preauth localhost server ready


* bye server loging out 

1.6 服务器数据

组成: 信件文件、信件标志、信箱列表、搜索结果和服务器功能等。

1.7 关于多个等待处理的命令

  • SMTP支持命令的顺序执行(流水线)。
  • SMTP还支持多个等待命令按任意顺序处理(非流水线处理)。
假设同时发出一个rename 和 create命令
b285 rename status-reports status-reports-old
b286 create status-reports
// 执行结果
b285 OK rename completed
b286 OK create completed
b285 rename status-reports status-reports-old
b286 create status-reports
// 执行结果
b286 no mailbox already exitsts
b285 OK rename completed


2.1 NIL


2.2 邮箱名

  • 信箱名是IMAP中的文字量,使用一个字符串作为语法元素。
  • 在各大厂商中的邮件协议中只有一个特殊的信箱名:INBOX,这是指用于存储到达电子邮箱的主信箱。且不区分大小写。
  • 在各大厂商的其他(除INBOX)的邮箱名可能不禁相同,比如有的厂商的发送箱写作:Send Mail但是可能其他厂商会写作:send-mail。

2.3 内部日期


2.4 大小


2.5 sequence-num

  • 用来标识当前信件在整个信件集合中的位置。
  • 需要注意的是:某个信件在信件集合中的位置不是一成不变的,一个具体的例子,当用用户在A客户端登录,他对信件标号为5的信件感兴趣,端来A客户端,在B客户端中登录他删除的了信件标号为2的信件,此时再次登录A客户端时,原来标识为5 的信件将会被更改为4。这在信箱的数据缓存时应有相应的策略来解决这个问题。

2.6 唯一标识符 UID

  • 概念:信件放在信箱中时,IMAP给每个信件指定的一个唯一的标识符。
  • 类型:32位整数
  • 唯一标识符按递增的顺序进行分配,但是不要求是连续的,但这些数字必须是升序的。
  • 不变性:不管邮箱中信件的增删都不会影响邮件的唯一标识符的改变。

2.7 信件标志

  • 概念:用来标识一个邮件的信息状态。常见的标志有:新邮件、已阅邮件、已读邮件、未读邮件、删除邮件、星标邮件。
  • 用户在客户端开发时可进行自定义的邮件。
@interface MCOIMAPMessage : MCOAbstractMessage <NSCoding>

/** IMAP UID of the message. */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint32_t uid;

/** IMAP sequence number of the message.
 @warning *Important*: This property won't be serialized. */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint32_t sequenceNumber;

/* Size of the entire message */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint32_t size;

/** Flags of the message, like if it is deleted, read, starred etc */
@property (nonatomic, assign) MCOMessageFlag flags;

/** The contents of the message flags when it was fetched from the server */
@property (nonatomic, assign) MCOMessageFlag originalFlags;

/** Flag keywords of the message, mostly custom flags */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* NSString */ customFlags;

/** It's the last modification sequence value of the message synced from the server. See RFC4551 */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t modSeqValue;

/** Main MIME part of the message */
@property (nonatomic, retain) MCOAbstractPart * mainPart;

/** All Gmail labels of the message */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* NSString */ gmailLabels;

/** Gmail message ID of the message */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t gmailMessageID;

/** Gmail thread ID of the message */
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t gmailThreadID;

 Returns the part with the given part identifier.
 @param partID A part identifier looks like 1.2.1
- (MCOAbstractPart *) partForPartID:(NSString *)partID;

 HTML rendering of the message to be displayed in a web view.
 The delegate should implement at least
 so that the complete HTML rendering can take place.
- (NSString *) htmlRenderingWithFolder:(NSString *)folder
                              delegate:(id <MCOHTMLRendererIMAPDelegate>)delegate;


2.8 信件结构

  • 关键字段列表
1、 Date(发送或收件时间,date类型)
2、 Subject (主题,字符串类型)
3、 From (信件来自,地址类型)
4、 Sender (发送者,地址类型)
5、 Reply-To (回复,数组类型,数组元素为地址类型)
6、 To (发送至,数组类型,数组元素为地址类型)
7、 Cc (抄送,数组类型,数组元素为地址类型)
8、 Bcc (密送,数组类型,数组元素为地址类型)
9、 Message-ID (信件标志,字符串类型)
  • 由上面可见Subject、Message-ID是字符串类型,而From、Sender、From、To、Cc、Bcc 都是地址类型。以下是MailCore 2框架中MCOMessageHeader中的参数,从中可以看出更详细的关于邮箱Header的信息。
@interface MCOMessageHeader : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding>

/** Message-ID field.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * messageID;

/** Message-ID auto-generated flag.*/
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isMessageIDAutoGenerated) BOOL messageIDAutoGenerated;

/** References field. It's an array of message-ids.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* NSString */ references;

/** In-Reply-To field. It's an array of message-ids.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* NSString */ inReplyTo;

/** Date field: sent date of the message.*/
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate * date;

/** Received date: received date of the message.*/
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate * receivedDate;

/** Sender field.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) MCOAddress * sender;

/** From field: address of the sender of the message.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) MCOAddress * from;

/** To field: recipient of the message. It's an array of MCOAddress.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* MCOAddress */ to;

/** Cc field: cc recipient of the message. It's an array of MCOAddress.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* MCOAddress */ cc;

/** Bcc field: bcc recipient of the message. It's an array of MCOAddress.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* MCOAddress */ bcc;

/** Reply-To field. It's an array of MCOAddress.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray * /* MCOAddress */ replyTo;

/** Subject of the message.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * subject;

/** Email user agent name: X-Mailer header.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * userAgent;

/** Returns a header created from RFC 822 data.*/
+ (MCOMessageHeader *) headerWithData:(NSData *)data;

/** Initialize a header with RFC 822 data.*/
- (instancetype) initWithData:(NSData *)data;

/** Adds a custom header.*/
- (void) setExtraHeaderValue:(NSString *)value forName:(NSString *)name;

/** Remove a given custom header.*/
- (void) removeExtraHeaderForName:(NSString *)name;

/** Returns the value of a given custom header.*/
- (NSString *) extraHeaderValueForName:(NSString *)name;

/** Returns an array with the names of all custom headers.*/
- (NSArray * /* NSString */) allExtraHeadersNames;

/** Extracted subject (also remove square brackets).*/
- (NSString *) extractedSubject;

/** Extracted subject (don't remove square brackets).*/
- (NSString *) partialExtractedSubject;

/** Fill the header using the given RFC 822 data.*/
- (void) importHeadersData:(NSData *)data;

/** Returns a header that can be used as a base for a reply message.*/
- (MCOMessageHeader *) replyHeaderWithExcludedRecipients:(NSArray * /* MCOAddress */)excludedRecipients;

/** Returns a header that can be used as a base for a reply all message.*/
- (MCOMessageHeader *) replyAllHeaderWithExcludedRecipients:(NSArray * /* MCOAddress */)excludedRecipients;

/** Returns a header that can be used as a base for a forward message.*/
- (MCOMessageHeader *) forwardHeader;

// 地址结构是用圆括号列表表示:
("liuweihua" NIL "645565656" "qq.com")
// 说明
// 地址结构是有个圆括号列表好友电子邮件地址的分析元素。这些元素
// 按照个人按照个人名称、SMTP、源路由、信箱名、和域名列出
  • 地址结构


一下摘自MailCore 2 MCOAddress(地址结构类的接口文档)从中可以更好的看出地址结构的内容。

@interface MCOAddress : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding>

/** Creates an address with a display name and a mailbox.

    Example: [MCOAddress addressWithDisplayName:@"DINH Viêt Hoà" mailbox:@"hoa@etpan.org"] */
+ (MCOAddress *) addressWithDisplayName:(NSString *)displayName
                                mailbox:(NSString *)mailbox;

/** Creates an address with only a mailbox.

    Example: [MCOAddress addressWithMailbox:@"hoa@etpan.org"]*/
+ (MCOAddress *) addressWithMailbox:(NSString *)mailbox;

/** Creates an address with a RFC822 string.

    Example: [MCOAddress addressWithRFC822String:@"DINH Vi=C3=AAt Ho=C3=A0 <hoa@etpan.org>"]*/
+ (MCOAddress *) addressWithRFC822String:(NSString *)RFC822String;

/** Creates an address with a non-MIME-encoded RFC822 string.

    Example: [MCOAddress addressWithNonEncodedRFC822String:@"DINH Viêt Hoà <hoa@etpan.org>"]*/
+ (MCOAddress *) addressWithNonEncodedRFC822String:(NSString *)nonEncodedRFC822String;

 Returns an NSArray of MCOAddress objects that contain the parsed
 forms of the RFC822 encoded addresses.

 For example: @[ @"DINH Vi=C3=AAt Ho=C3=A0 <hoa@etpan.org>" ]*/
+ (NSArray *) addressesWithRFC822String:(NSString *)string;

 Returns an NSArray of MCOAddress objects that contain the parsed
 forms of non-encoded RFC822 addresses.

 For example: @[ "DINH Viêt Hoà <hoa@etpan.org>" ]*/
+ (NSArray *) addressesWithNonEncodedRFC822String:(NSString *)string;

/** Returns the display name of the address.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * displayName;

/** Returns the mailbox of the address.*/
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * mailbox;

/** Returns the RFC822 encoding of the address.

    For example: "DINH Vi=C3=AAt Ho=C3=A0 <hoa@etpan.org>"*/
- (NSString *) RFC822String;

/** Returns the non-MIME-encoded RFC822 encoding of the address.

    For example: "DINH Viêt Hoà <hoa@etpan.org>"*/
- (NSString *) nonEncodedRFC822String;

  • 信件结构体
//MIME  媒体类型
//Content-Type 内容类型
//Content-ID  内容ID
//Content-Description 内容描述
//Content-Transfer-Encoding  传输加密方式
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MCOEncoding) {
    /** 7bit encoding.*/
    MCOEncoding7Bit = 0,            /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_7BIT*/
    /** 8bit encoding.*/
    MCOEncoding8Bit = 1,            /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_8BIT*/
    /** binary encoding.*/
    MCOEncodingBinary = 2,          /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_BINARY*/
    /** base64 encoding.*/
    MCOEncodingBase64 = 3,          /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_BASE64*/
    /** quoted-printable encoding.*/
    MCOEncodingQuotedPrintable = 4, /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE*/
    /** other encoding.*/
    MCOEncodingOther = 5,           /** should match MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_OTHER*/
    /** Negative values should be used for encoding not supported by libetpan.*/
    /** UUEncode encoding.*/
    MCOEncodingUUEncode = -1
@interface MCOIMAPPart : MCOAbstractPart <NSCoding>

/** A part identifier looks like 1.2.1 */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * partID;

/** The size of the single part in bytes */
@property (nonatomic, nonatomic) unsigned int size;

/** It's the encoding of the single part */
@property (nonatomic, nonatomic) MCOEncoding encoding;

 Returns the decoded size of the part.
 For example, for a part that's encoded with base64, it will return actual_size * 3/4.
- (unsigned int) decodedSize;



3.1 capability

// capability 命令返回服务器功能的列表,包括版本信息,以及支持的验证机制和扩展。
tag SP "capability"
"*" SP "capability" 1* (SP capalibity-item)
// MailCore 2 提供了相应的接口
 Returns an operation to request capabilities of the server.
 See MCOIMAPCapability for the list of capabilities.

     canIdle = NO;
     MCOIMAPCapabilityOperation * op = [session capabilityOperation];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error, MCOIndexSet * capabilities) {
       if ([capabilities containsIndex:MCOIMAPCapabilityIdle]) {
         canIdle = YES;
- (MCOIMAPCapabilityOperation *) capabilityOperation;

3.2 noop

// 什么也不做总是成功,如果客户机没有其他命令需要发送的话,
tag SP "noop"
//MailCore 2 也提供了相应的接口信息
 Returns an operation that will perform a No-Op operation on the given IMAP server.

 MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session noopOperation];
 [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) noopOperation;

3.3 Logout

// 退出IMAP会话,服务器发送一个BYE应答行,然后关闭连接。
tag SP "logout"
// MailCore 2 也提供了相应的接口信息

 Returns an operation to disconnect the session.
 It will disconnect all the sockets created by the session.

    MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session disconnectOperation];
    [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) disconnectOperation;

3.4 Login

tag SP "login" SP user-name SP password
//MailCore 2 提供了相应的接口
 Returns an operation that will check whether the IMAP account is valid.

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session checkAccountOperation];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {

- (MCOIMAPOperation *) checkAccountOperation;

3.5 creat

// creat 命令在服务器上创建制定的信箱。
// 如果该信箱已经存在,则这个命令将失效。
// mailCore 2 中相应的代码示例为:
 Returns an operation that creates a new folder

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session createFolderOperation:@"holidays 2013"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) createFolderOperation:(NSString *)folder;

3.6 delete

//delete 删除指定的邮箱
//MailCore 2 提供了相应的接口:
 Create an operation for deleting a folder

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session deleteFolderOperation:@"holidays 2009"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) deleteFolderOperation:(NSString *)folder;

3.7 rename

// 改变信箱的名称
//MailCore 2 提供了相应的接口:
 Creates an operation for renaming a folder

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session renameFolderOperation:@"my documents" otherName:@"Documents"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {

- (MCOIMAPOperation *) renameFolderOperation:(NSString *)folder otherName:(NSString *)otherName;

3.8 status

// 返回指定信箱的状态信息
// messages:信箱中的心剑术
// recent :最近信件数
// uidnext:将分配给新邮件的下一个uid
// uidvalidity:信箱的唯一合法性值
// unseen: 未读新建的标识
// mailCore 2 给出相应的接口:
 Returns an operation that retrieves folder status (like UIDNext - Unseen -)

    MCOIMAPFolderStatusOperation * op = [session folderStatusOperation:@"INBOX"];
    [op start:^(NSError *error, MCOIMAPFolderStatus * info) {
        NSLog(@"UIDNEXT: %lu", (unsigned long) [info uidNext]);
        NSLog(@"UIDVALIDITY: %lu", (unsigned long) [info uidValidity]);
        NSLog(@"messages count: %lu", [info totalMessages]);

- (MCOIMAPFolderStatusOperation *) folderStatusOperation:(NSString *)folder;

3.9 select/examine

// 打开信箱进行读写访问,允许访问其中的信件

3.10 close


3.11 subscribe

// 在某些情况下,List命令并不适合获取邮箱列表,例如在服务器可能
 Returns an operation to subscribe to a folder.

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session createFolderOperation:@"holidays 2013"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
       if (error != nil)
       MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session subscribeFolderOperation:@"holidays 2013"];
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) subscribeFolderOperation:(NSString *)folder;

3.12 unsubscribe

// 取消预定
 Returns an operation to unsubscribe from a folder.

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session unsubscribeFolderOperation:@"holidays 2009"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
       if (error != nil)
       MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session deleteFolderOperation:@"holidays 2009"]
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) unsubscribeFolderOperation:(NSString *)folder;

3.13 copy

// 把一组信件复制到制定的信箱,保留他们的标志和内部信息
 Returns an operation to copy messages to a folder.

     MCOIMAPCopyMessagesOperation * op = [session copyMessagesOperationWithFolder:@"INBOX"
                                                                             uids:[MCIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:456]
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error, NSDictionary * uidMapping) {
          NSLog(@"copied to folder with UID mapping %@", uidMapping);
- (MCOIMAPCopyMessagesOperation *)copyMessagesOperationWithFolder:(NSString *)folder
                                                             uids:(MCOIndexSet *)uids
                                                       destFolder:(NSString *)destFolder NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED;

3.14 check

// 允许客户机出发当前选择信箱的一个检查点

3.15 search

// 获取匹配的信件

 Returns an operation to search for messages with a simple match.

     MCOIMAPSearchOperation * op = [session searchOperationWithFolder:@"INBOX"
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error, MCOIndexSet * searchResult) {
- (MCOIMAPSearchOperation *) searchOperationWithFolder:(NSString *)folder
                                          searchString:(NSString *)searchString;


3.16 fetch

/** @name Fetching Messages */

 Returns an operation to fetch messages by UID.

     MCOIMAPFetchMessagesOperation * op = [session fetchMessagesByUIDOperationWithFolder:@"INBOX"
                                                                             requestKind:MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders | MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindStructure
                                                                                    uids:MCORangeMake(1, UINT64_MAX)];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error, NSArray * messages, MCOIndexSet * vanishedMessages) {
        for(MCOIMAPMessage * msg in messages) {
          NSLog(@"%lu: %@", [msg uid], [msg header]);
- (MCOIMAPFetchMessagesOperation *) fetchMessagesByUIDOperationWithFolder:(NSString *)folder
                                                                     uids:(MCOIndexSet *)uids DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE;

3.17 store

// 更改制定新建组的信件标志
 Returns an operation to change flags of messages.

 For example: Adds the seen flag to the message with UID 456.

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session storeFlagsOperationWithFolder:@"INBOX"
                                                               uids:[MCOIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:456]
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) storeFlagsOperationWithFolder:(NSString *)folder
                                                uids:(MCOIndexSet *)uids

3.18 expunge

 Returns an operation to expunge a folder.

     MCOIMAPOperation * op = [session expungeOperation:@"INBOX"];
     [op start:^(NSError * __nullable error) {
- (MCOIMAPOperation *) expungeOperation:(NSString *)folder;
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 45,775评论 1 315
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 37,945评论 3 336
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 40,096评论 1 350
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 35,789评论 5 346
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 41,437评论 3 331
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,993评论 0 22
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 33,107评论 1 271
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,308评论 3 372
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,037评论 2 355
