In the human body, 99% of calcium exists in the bone and teeth .Insufficient intake of calcium for infants may leads to varus or valgus knee deformity. Children with serious knee deformity have to take corrective surgery when they grow up.
Varus knee deformity: the knees can’t put together if the two ankles are (as shown in the left picture)
Valgus knee deformity: the ankles can’t put together if two knees are (as shown in the middle picture)
Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Cramp in calf muscles is a symptom of calcium deficiency for pregnant women. Calcium deficiency of a mother will result in calcium deficiency of her baby.
Some parents say their babies are easily scared by some minor noise when they are asleep, and a sudden shake of their stretched arms is usually the babies’ reaction to the minor noise.
Some other parents say their babies sleep well in their arms, but will wake up easily if they put the babies onto bed, usually with the loud baby cry.
In fact, the reason is calcium deficiency. Calcium maintains the level of neural muscle excitation, and calcium deficiency will cause the increasing of neural muscle excitation. That’s why the babies are easily scared.
Calcium deficiency will also cause a lot of sweating. Sweating will arouse itch of the pillow part of the head. So babies will shake their heads frequently, which will result in alopecia (as shown in the above picture).
Why Calcium Deficiency Causes Cramp?
Calcium maintains the level of neural muscle excitation. When human blood calcium level decreases, the parathyroid gland (as shown in the picture below), which is in the neighborhood of the thyroid in the neck, will secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH will remove calcium from the bone to keep the calcium level in the blood, maintaining the normal metabolism of the body.
When the functioning of the parathyroid decreases, there will be insufficient PTH secreted and Cramp will occur if the PTH removed from the bone can’t keep the normal metabolism.
Cramp is kind of good to some extend because people go to hospital if cramp happens. However, if the parathyroid functions well, calcium in the bone will be transferred continually to the blood. As a result, the bone will be softened and eventually become deformed due to the heavy load.
How To Make Calcium Supplement Scientifically?
There is a substance called 7-dehydrocholesterol in human skin, which can be transformed into vitamin D in ultraviolet radiation. Since vitamin D helps the intestine absorb calcium, so babies should often bask in the sun.
Glass will block the ultraviolet radiation, so it’s useless to bask in the sun through glass.
Vitamin AD drops contains both vitamin A and D. These two vitamins are fat-soluble and can’t dissolve in water, so it can’t be released in the urine. Therefore there’s a danger of being poisoned if taking vitamin AD for long time.
Vitamin A is used to treat nyctalopia. If the purpose is only to help calcium absorption, then it’s safer to take vitamin D, without worries of vitamin A overdose.
In conclusion, vitamin D helps calcium absorption. The calcium absorption rate will be greatly increased if people raise the vitamin D amount in their body.