Swift -- 11.源码分析&高阶函数




var empty = ""

 (lldb) po withUnsafePointer(to: &empty){print($0)}
 0 elements

 (lldb) x/8g 0x00000001000102c8
 0x1000102c8: 0x0000000000000000 0xe000000000000000
 0x1000102d8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102e8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102f8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000




public struct String {
  public // @SPI(Foundation)
  var _guts: _StringGuts

  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal init(_ _guts: _StringGuts) {
    self._guts = _guts

  // This is intentionally a static function and not an initializer, because
  // an initializer would conflict with the Int-parsing initializer, when used
  // as function name, e.g.
  //   [1, 2, 3].map(String.init)
  internal static func _createEmpty(withInitialCapacity: Int) -> String {
    return String(_StringGuts(_initialCapacity: withInitialCapacity))

  /// Creates an empty string.
  /// Using this initializer is equivalent to initializing a string with an
  /// empty string literal.
  ///     let empty = ""
  ///     let alsoEmpty = String()
  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  public init() { self.init(_StringGuts()) }
  • String是一个结构体类型
  • 里面有一个成员变量_StringGuts


public // SPI(corelibs-foundation)
struct _StringGuts: UnsafeSendable {
  internal var _object: _StringObject

  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal init(_ object: _StringObject) {
    self._object = object

  // Empty string
  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  init() {
    self.init(_StringObject(empty: ()))
  • _StringGuts是一个结构体类型
  • _StringGuts的初始化函数中又传入了_StringObject


@inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal init(empty:()) {
    // Canonical empty pattern: small zero-length string
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm) || arch(arm64_32) || arch(wasm32)
      count: 0,
      variant: .immortal(0),
      discriminator: Nibbles.emptyString,
      flags: 0)
    self._countAndFlagsBits = 0
    self._object = Builtin.valueToBridgeObject(Nibbles.emptyString._value)
    _internalInvariant(self.smallCount == 0)
  • 如果是i386或者是arm架构执行前一个逻辑,调用自身的init函数

探究self.init(count: 0, variant: .immortal(0), discriminator: Nibbles.emptyString, flags: 0)

internal struct _StringObject{

    enum Nibbles {}
    internal var _count: Int

    internal var _variant: Variant

    internal var _discriminator: UInt8

    internal var _flags: UInt16
    @inlinable @inline(__always)
      init(count: Int, variant: Variant, discriminator: UInt64, flags: UInt16) {
        _internalInvariant(discriminator & 0xFF00_0000_0000_0000 == discriminator,
          "only the top byte can carry the discriminator and small count")

        self._count = count
        self._variant = variant
        self._discriminator = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: discriminator &>> 56)
        self._flags = flags
  • _StringObject也是一个结构体类型,存放的一些变量。
  • 从目前来看String就是值类型

关于discriminator: Nibbles.emptyString

extension _StringObject.Nibbles {
  // The canonical empty string is an empty small string
  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal static var emptyString: UInt64 {
    return _StringObject.Nibbles.small(isASCII: true)

@inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal static func small(isASCII: Bool) -> UInt64 {
    return isASCII ? 0xE000_0000_0000_0000 : 0xA000_0000_0000_0000

// Discriminator for large, immortal, swift-native strings
// 代表原生的大的字符串
@inlinable @inline(__always)
internal static func largeImmortal() -> UInt64 {
return 0x8000_0000_0000_0000
  • 这也就是我们刚开始时,观察empty字符串内存空间里有一个0xe000000000000000
  • 如果我们将字符改为中文字符串,例如"我",那么此时这里就会返回0xA000_0000_0000_0000
  • large string会返回0x8000_0000_0000_0000



源码中small string的注释

On 64-bit platforms, small strings have the following per-byte layout. When
stored in memory (little-endian), their first character ('a') is in the lowest
address and their top-nibble and count is in the highest address.

│ _countAndFlags                │ _object                                     │
│ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │     15     │
│ a │ b │ c │ d │ e │ f │ g │ h │ i │ j │ k  │ l  │ m  │ n  │ o  │ 1x10 count │

On 32-bit platforms, we have less space to store code units, and it isn't
contiguous. However, we still use the above layout for the RawBitPattern

│ _count        │_variant .immortal │ _discr │ _flags  │
│ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │   9    │ 10 │ 11 │
│ a │ b │ c │ d │   e   f   g   h   │1x10 cnt│ i  │ j  │
  • 对于64位来说,从低位到高位存放字符串数据。最高位存放的是count(字符串个数)
  • 对于小字符串来说,并没有将该空间(16字节)占满的字符串


var str = "ab"

 (lldb) po withUnsafePointer(to: &str){print($0)}
 0 elements

 (lldb) x/8g 0x00000001000102c8
 0x1000102c8: 0x0000000000006261 0xe200000000000000
 0x1000102d8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102e8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102f8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  • 低位存放6261也就是ab字符串的值。类似于NSString的内存方式
  • 高位存放的是识别器数据和字符串count


var str = "abcdefghijklmnopq"

 (lldb) x/8g 0x00000001000102c8
 0x1000102c8: 0xd000000000000011 0x800000010000a570
 0x1000102d8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102e8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102f8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000

此时的内存布局就变了,第二个8字节的高64位我们应该清楚表示的是一个large string

源码中large string的注释

Large strings can either be "native", "shared", or "foreign".

Native strings have tail-allocated storage, which begins at an offset of
`nativeBias` from the storage object's address. String literals, which reside
in the constant section, are encoded as their start address minus `nativeBias`,
unifying code paths for both literals ("immortal native") and native strings.
Native Strings are always managed by the Swift runtime.

Shared strings do not have tail-allocated storage, but can provide access
upon query to contiguous UTF-8 code units. Lazily-bridged NSStrings capable of
providing access to contiguous ASCII/UTF-8 set the ObjC bit. Accessing shared
string's pointer should always be behind a resilience barrier, permitting
future evolution.

Foreign strings cannot provide access to contiguous UTF-8. Currently, this only
encompasses lazily-bridged NSStrings that cannot be treated as "shared". Such
strings may provide access to contiguous UTF-16, or may be discontiguous in
storage. Accessing foreign strings should remain behind a resilience barrier
for future evolution. Other foreign forms are reserved for the future.

Shared and foreign strings are always created and accessed behind a resilience
barrier, providing flexibility for the future.

│ nativeBias │
│     32     │

│    b63:b60    │   b60:b0   │
│ discriminator │ objectAddr │

discriminator: See comment for _StringObject.Discriminator
objectAddr: The address of the beginning of the potentially-managed object.

TODO(Future): For Foreign strings, consider allocating a bit for whether they
can provide contiguous UTF-16 code units, which would allow us to avoid doing
the full call for non-contiguous NSString.
  • 大字符串会开辟内存空间去存放字符串,并且在b0~b60中存放的是开辟的内存空间地址。
  • 真正的字符串内存地址是需要将存放的内存地址 + nativeBias(32)


(lldb) x/8g 0x00000001000102c8
0x1000102c8: 0xd000000000000011 0x800000010000a570
0x1000102d8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x1000102e8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x1000102f8: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000

(lldb) x/8g 0x10000a590
0x10000a590: 0x6867666564636261 0x706f6e6d6c6b6a69
0x10000a5a0: 0x00000020000a0071 0x0000000000000000
0x10000a5b0: 0x7365547466697773 0x7465677261542f74
0x10000a5c0: 0x74654d7373616c43 0x77732e6174616461
  • 从该内存中已经能够获取到字符串信息了




// TODO(String docs): Combine this with Nibbles table, and perhaps small string
// table, into something that describes the higher-level structure of
// _StringObject.

All non-small forms share the same structure for the other half of the bits
(i.e. non-object bits) as a word containing code unit count and various
performance flags. The top 16 bits are for performance flags, which are not
semantically relevant but communicate that some operations can be done more
efficiently on this particular string, and the lower 48 are the code unit
count (aka endIndex).

│   b63   │  b62  │       b61        │       b60       │ b59:48 │ b47:0 │
│ isASCII │ isNFC │ isNativelyStored │ isTailAllocated │  TBD   │ count │

isASCII: set when all code units are known to be ASCII, enabling:
  - Trivial Unicode scalars, they're just the code units
  - Trivial UTF-16 transcoding (just bit-extend)
  - Also, isASCII always implies isNFC
isNFC: set when the contents are in normal form C
  - Enables trivial lexicographical comparisons: just memcmp
  - `isASCII` always implies `isNFC`, but not vice versa
isNativelyStored: set for native stored strings
  - `largeAddressBits` holds an instance of `_StringStorage`.
  - I.e. the start of the code units is at the stored address + `nativeBias`
isTailAllocated: contiguous UTF-8 code units starts at address + `nativeBias`
  - `isNativelyStored` always implies `isTailAllocated`, but not vice versa
     (e.g. literals)
  - `isTailAllocated` always implies `isFastUTF8`
TBD: Reserved for future usage
  - Setting a TBD bit to 1 must be semantically equivalent to 0
  - I.e. it can only be used to "cache" fast-path information in the future
count: stores the number of code units, corresponds to `endIndex`.

NOTE: isNativelyStored is *specifically* allocated to b61 to align with the
bit-position of isSmall on the BridgeObject. This allows us to check for
native storage without an extra branch guarding against smallness. See
`_StringObject.hasNativeStorage` for this usage.
  • b63 -> isASCII最高位存放的是否为ASCII
  • b62 -> isNFC当内容为标准c时设置。如果为ASCII总是为1
  • b61 -> isNativelyStored是否为原生存储
  • b60 -> isTailAllocated存储大字符串时为1
  • b59:48 -> TBD占位,供以后使用
  • b47:0 -> count,字符串长度

0xd000000000000011 -> 1101 ...

总结:前8个字节其实就是存储的flag + count


let str = "Hello World"


print(str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)]) // e


聊到这个问题我们就必须要明白Swift String代表的是什么?一系列的Characters(字符),字符的表示方式有很多,比如我们最熟悉的ASCII码ASCII码一共规定了128个字符,对于英文字符来说128个字符已经够用了,但是相对于其它语言来说,这是远远不够的。



我 -> 6212 -> 0110 0010 0001 0010
是 -> 662F -> 0110 0110 0010 1111
K -> 004B -> 0000 0000 0100 1011
O -> 006F -> 0000 0000 0110 1111
D -> 0064 -> 0000 0000 0110 0100
Y -> 0079 -> 0000 0000 0111 1001




  • 单字节的字符,字节的第一位设为0,对于英语文本,UTF-8码只要占用一个字节,和ASCII码完全相同。(例如:“K”的UTF-8码ASCII码一致都是0x4B

  • n个字节的字符(n>1),第一个字节的前n位设为1,第n位设为0,后面字节的前两位都设为10,这n个字节的其余空位填充该字节的unicode码,高位用0补足

我 -> 11100110 10001000 10010010
是 -> 11100110 10011000 10101111
K -> 0100 1011
O -> 0110 1111
D -> 0110 0100
Y -> 0111 1001


  • Unicode规定了字符对应的二进制
  • UTF-8规定了Unicode在内存中存储方式








String's Index has the following layout:

 │ b63:b16  │      b15:b14      ║     b13:b8     │  b7:b1   ║       b0       │
 │ position │ transcoded offset ║ grapheme cache │ reserved ║ scalar aligned │
                                └──────── resilient ────────┘

Position, transcoded offset, and scalar aligned are fully exposed in the ABI.
Grapheme cache and reserved are partially resilient: the fact that there are 13
bits with a default value of `0` is ABI, but not the layout, construction, or
interpretation of those bits. All use of grapheme cache should be behind
non-inlinable function calls. Inlinable code should not set a non-zero value to
grapheme cache bits: doing so breaks back deployment as they will be interpreted
as a set cache.

- position aka `encodedOffset`: A 48-bit offset into the string's code units

- transcoded offset: a 2-bit sub-scalar offset, derived from transcoding

<resilience barrier>

- grapheme cache: A 6-bit value remembering the distance to the next grapheme

- reserved: 7-bit for future use.

<resilience barrier>

- scalar aligned, whether this index is known to be scalar-aligned (see below)
  • position aka encodedOffset一个48bit值,用来记录码位偏移量
  • transcoded offset一个2bit的值,用来记录字符使用的码位数量
  • grapheme cache一个6bit的值,用来记录下一个字符的边界
  • reserved7bit的预留字段
  • scalar aligned一个1bit的值,用来记录标量是否已经对齐过

比如说,访问当前的“我”,当前的encodedOffset(码位偏移量)为0,当前的transcoded offset(码位数量)为24(3字节)

“是”的encodedOffset为24(3字节),transcoded offset为24

“K”的encodedOffset为48,transcoded offset为8

所以当我们使用了String.Index后,我们的字符串通过encodedOffsettranscoded offset去取出对应的字符串。


  • 当我们在构建String.Index的时候,其实就是把encodedOffsettranscoded offset计算出来存入String.Index中。
  • 当我们去取字符串的时候,会根据String.IndexencodedOffsettranscoded offset信息去取出对应的字符串。
// Index
extension _StringGuts {
  internal typealias Index = String.Index

  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal var startIndex: String.Index {
   return Index(_encodedOffset: 0)._scalarAligned
  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal var endIndex: String.Index {
    return Index(_encodedOffset: self.count)._scalarAligned


let str = "Hello World"

//print(str[str.endIndex]) //Swift/StringRangeReplaceableCollection.swift:302: Fatal error: String index is out of bounds

print(str[str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)]) // d

那是因为源码中的endIndex并没有取count -1而是直接存入的count导致的



var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
  alloc_global @$s4main3arrSaySiGvp               // id: %2
  %3 = global_addr @$s4main3arrSaySiGvp : $*Array<Int> // user: %35
  %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 5           // user: %6

  // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
  %5 = function_ref @$ss27_allocateUninitializedArrayySayxG_BptBwlF : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer) // user: %6
  %6 = apply %5<Int>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer) // users: %8, %7
  %7 = tuple_extract %6 : $(Array<Int>, Builtin.RawPointer), 0 // user: %34

  %8 = tuple_extract %6 : $(Array<Int>, Builtin.RawPointer), 1 // user: %9
  %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Int // users: %12, %29, %24, %19, %14

  %10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1         // user: %11

  %11 = struct $Int (%10 : $Builtin.Int64)        // user: %12

  store %11 to %9 : $*Int                         // id: %12
  %13 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1          // user: %14

  %14 = index_addr %9 : $*Int, %13 : $Builtin.Word // user: %17
  %15 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 2         // user: %16
  %16 = struct $Int (%15 : $Builtin.Int64)        // user: %17

  store %16 to %14 : $*Int                        // id: %17

  %18 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2          // user: %19

  %19 = index_addr %9 : $*Int, %18 : $Builtin.Word // user: %22
  %20 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3         // user: %21
  %21 = struct $Int (%20 : $Builtin.Int64)        // user: %22

  store %21 to %19 : $*Int                        // id: %22

  return %37 : $Int32                             // id: %38
} // end sil function 'main'


/// Returns an Array of `_count` uninitialized elements using the
/// given `storage`, and a pointer to uninitialized memory for the
/// first element.
/// This function is referenced by the compiler to allocate array literals.
/// - Precondition: `storage` is `_ContiguousArrayStorage`.
@inlinable // FIXME(inline-always)
func _allocateUninitializedArray<Element>(_  builtinCount: Builtin.Word)
    -> (Array<Element>, Builtin.RawPointer) {
  let count = Int(builtinCount)
  if count > 0 {
    // Doing the actual buffer allocation outside of the array.uninitialized
    // semantics function enables stack propagation of the buffer.

    let bufferObject = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_1(
      _ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>.self, builtinCount, Element.self)

    let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._adoptStorage(bufferObject, count: count)
    return (array, ptr._rawValue)
  // For an empty array no buffer allocation is needed.

  let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._allocateUninitialized(count)
  return (array, ptr._rawValue)


/// Returns an Array of `count` uninitialized elements using the
/// given `storage`, and a pointer to uninitialized memory for the
/// first element.
/// - Precondition: `storage is _ContiguousArrayStorage`.
internal static func _adoptStorage(
  _ storage: __owned _ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>, count: Int
) -> (Array, UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>) {

  let innerBuffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
    count: count,
    storage: storage)

  return (
      _buffer: _Buffer(_buffer: innerBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: 0)),
  • _adoptStorage返回了array和第一个元素的首地址




  • count存放的是数组元素的个数
  • _capacityAndFlags容量和标志位


var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


 (lldb) po withUnsafePointer(to: &arr) {print($0)}
 0 elements

 (lldb) x/8g 0x00000001000102b0
 0x1000102b0: 0x0000000100720c10 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 0x1000102e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
 (lldb) x/8g 0x0000000100720c10
 0x100720c10: 0x00007ff84333e568 0x0000000000000003
 0x100720c20: 0x0000000000000005 0x000000000000000a
 0x100720c30: 0x0000000000000001 0x0000000000000002
 0x100720c40: 0x0000000000000003 0x0000000000000004
 (lldb) cat 0x00007ff84333e568
 invalid command 'cat 0x00007ff84333e568'.
 (lldb) cat address 0x00007ff84333e568
 address:0x00007ff84333e568, e368full type metadata for Swift._ContiguousArrayStorage<Swift.Int> <+16> , ($ss23_ContiguousArrayStorageCySiGMf), External: NO libswiftCore.dylib.__DATA.__data +e368



let x: Int16 = 0b0000_0011_0101_1100
let x1 = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded: x) // 0b0101_1100



var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]




public mutating func append(_ newElement: __owned Element) {
  // Separating uniqueness check and capacity check allows hoisting the
  // uniqueness check out of a loop.


  let oldCount = _buffer.mutableCount
  _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: oldCount)
  _appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity(oldCount, newElement: newElement)

internal mutating func _makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotUnique() {
  if _slowPath(!_buffer.beginCOWMutation()) {
    //bufferIsUnique -> 缓存区是否唯一
    //minimumCapacity -> 最小容量count + 1
    //growForAppend -> 是否添加时需要扩容
    _createNewBuffer(bufferIsUnique: false,
                     minimumCapacity: count + 1,
                     growForAppend: true)

/// Creates a new buffer, replacing the current buffer.
/// If `bufferIsUnique` is true, the buffer is assumed to be uniquely
/// referenced by this array and the elements are moved - instead of copied -
/// to the new buffer.
/// The `minimumCapacity` is the lower bound for the new capacity.
/// If `growForAppend` is true, the new capacity is calculated using
/// `_growArrayCapacity`, but at least kept at `minimumCapacity`.
internal mutating func _createNewBuffer(
  bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
) {
  _internalInvariant(!bufferIsUnique || _buffer.isUniquelyReferenced())
  _buffer = _buffer._consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique: bufferIsUnique,
                                         minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                         growForAppend: growForAppend)


/// Returns `true` and puts the buffer in a mutable state iff the buffer's
/// storage is uniquely-referenced.
/// - Precondition: The buffer must be immutable.
/// - Warning: It's a requirement to call `beginCOWMutation` before the buffer
///   is mutated.
internal mutating func beginCOWMutation() -> Bool {
  let isUnique: Bool
  if !_isClassOrObjCExistential(Element.self) {
    isUnique = _storage.beginCOWMutationUnflaggedNative()
  } else if !_storage.beginCOWMutationNative() {
    return false
  } else {
    isUnique = _isNative
  if isUnique {
    _native.isImmutable = false
  return isUnique


接下来继续分析append中的_reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: oldCount)

internal mutating func _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: Int) {
  // Due to make_mutable hoisting the situation can arise where we hoist
  // _makeMutableAndUnique out of loop and use it to replace
  // _makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotUnique that precedes this call. If the
  // array was empty _makeMutableAndUnique does not replace the empty array
  // buffer by a unique buffer (it just replaces it by the empty array
  // singleton).
  // This specific case is okay because we will make the buffer unique in this
  // function because we request a capacity > 0 and therefore _copyToNewBuffer
  // will be called creating a new buffer.
  let capacity = _buffer.mutableCapacity
  _internalInvariant(capacity == 0 || _buffer.isMutableAndUniquelyReferenced())
  if _slowPath(oldCount + 1 > capacity) {
    _createNewBuffer(bufferIsUnique: capacity > 0,
                     minimumCapacity: oldCount + 1,
                     growForAppend: true)
  • 如果oldCount + 1大于容量,此时的数组就需要扩容,也就是执行_createNewBuffer


/// Creates and returns a new uniquely referenced buffer which is a copy of
/// this buffer.
/// This buffer is consumed, i.e. it's released.
internal __consuming func _consumeAndCreateNew() -> _ArrayBuffer {
  return _consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique: false,
                              minimumCapacity: count,
                              growForAppend: false)

/// Creates and returns a new uniquely referenced buffer which is a copy of
/// this buffer.
/// If `bufferIsUnique` is true, the buffer is assumed to be uniquely
/// referenced and the elements are moved - instead of copied - to the new
/// buffer.
/// The `minimumCapacity` is the lower bound for the new capacity.
/// If `growForAppend` is true, the new capacity is calculated using
/// `_growArrayCapacity`, but at least kept at `minimumCapacity`.
/// This buffer is consumed, i.e. it's released.
internal __consuming func _consumeAndCreateNew(
  bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
) -> _ArrayBuffer {
  let newCapacity = _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity: capacity,
                                       minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                       growForAppend: growForAppend)
  let c = count
  _internalInvariant(newCapacity >= c)
  let newBuffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
    _uninitializedCount: c, minimumCapacity: newCapacity)

  if bufferIsUnique {
    // As an optimization, if the original buffer is unique, we can just move
    // the elements instead of copying.
    let dest = newBuffer.firstElementAddress
    dest.moveInitialize(from: mutableFirstElementAddress,
                        count: c)
    _native.mutableCount = 0
  } else {
      subRange: 0..<c,
      initializing: newBuffer.mutableFirstElementAddress)
  return _ArrayBuffer(_buffer: newBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: 0)


internal func _growArrayCapacity(_ capacity: Int) -> Int {
  return capacity * 2

internal func _growArrayCapacity(
  oldCapacity: Int, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
) -> Int {
  if growForAppend {
    if oldCapacity < minimumCapacity {
      // When appending to an array, grow exponentially.
      return Swift.max(minimumCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity))
    return oldCapacity
  // If not for append, just use the specified capacity, ignoring oldCapacity.
  // This means that we "shrink" the buffer in case minimumCapacity is less
  // than oldCapacity.
  return minimumCapacity


比如说var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],这里的初始容量就为count * 2 = 10。当count为11(数据量超过10)的时候,此时就需要扩容。新的数组容量为count * 2 = 22。然后依次类推




久而久之我们就会发现项目中散落着和AFNAlamofire相关代码,不便于统一管理,而且很多代码内容都是重复的,于是我们就会新建一个中间层Network layer来统一管理我们的AFNAlamofire

我们仅仅希望我们的App只和我们的Network layer打交道,不同关心底层使用的是哪个三方网络库,即使进行迁移,也应该对我们的上层业务逻辑毫无变化,因此我们都是通过Network layer来耦合业务逻辑的。

但是因为抽象的颗粒度不够,我们往往写着写着就会出现越过Network layer,直接和我们的三方网络库打交道,这样就违背了我们的设计原则。



  • Requst模块请求的模块
  • Provider模块发起请求的模块
  • Response模块请求响应的模块




/// The protocol used to define the specifications necessary for a `MoyaProvider`.
public protocol TargetType {

    /// The target's base `URL`.
    var baseURL: URL { get }

    /// The path to be appended to `baseURL` to form the full `URL`.
    var path: String { get }

    /// The HTTP method used in the request.
    var method: Moya.Method { get }

    /// Provides stub data for use in testing. Default is `Data()`.
    var sampleData: Data { get }

    /// The type of HTTP task to be performed.
    var task: Task { get }

    /// The type of validation to perform on the request. Default is `.none`.
    var validationType: ValidationType { get }

    /// The headers to be used in the request.
    var headers: [String: String]? { get }

public extension TargetType {

    /// The type of validation to perform on the request. Default is `.none`.
    var validationType: ValidationType { .none }

    /// Provides stub data for use in testing. Default is `Data()`.
    var sampleData: Data { Data() }



/// Class for reifying a target of the `Target` enum unto a concrete `Endpoint`.
/// - Note: As of Moya 11.0.0 Endpoint is no longer generic.
///   Existing code should work as is after removing the generic.
///   See #1529 and #1524 for the discussion.
open class Endpoint {
    public typealias SampleResponseClosure = () -> EndpointSampleResponse

    /// A string representation of the URL for the request.
    public let url: String

    /// A closure responsible for returning an `EndpointSampleResponse`.
    public let sampleResponseClosure: SampleResponseClosure

    /// The HTTP method for the request.
    public let method: Moya.Method

    /// The `Task` for the request.
    public let task: Task

    /// The HTTP header fields for the request.
    public let httpHeaderFields: [String: String]?

    public init(url: String,
                sampleResponseClosure: @escaping SampleResponseClosure,
                method: Moya.Method,
                task: Task,
                httpHeaderFields: [String: String]?) {

        self.url = url
        self.sampleResponseClosure = sampleResponseClosure
        self.method = method
        self.task = task
        self.httpHeaderFields = httpHeaderFields

public typealias EndpointClosure = (Target) -> Endpoint

@escaping EndpointClosure = MoyaProvider.defaultEndpointMapping

final class func defaultEndpointMapping(for target: Target) -> Endpoint {
            url: URL(target: target).absoluteString,
            sampleResponseClosure: { .networkResponse(200, target.sampleData) },
            method: target.method,
            task: target.task,
            httpHeaderFields: target.headers



public typealias RequestResultClosure = (Result<URLRequest, MoyaError>) -> Void

final class func defaultRequestMapping(for endpoint: Endpoint, closure: RequestResultClosure) {
        do {
            let urlRequest = try endpoint.urlRequest()
        } catch MoyaError.requestMapping(let url) {
        } catch MoyaError.parameterEncoding(let error) {
        } catch {
            closure(.failure(MoyaError.underlying(error, nil)))



/// Designated request-making method. Returns a `Cancellable` token to cancel the request later.
open func request(_ target: Target,
                  callbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = .none,
                  progress: ProgressBlock? = .none,
                  completion: @escaping Completion) -> Cancellable {

    let callbackQueue = callbackQueue ?? self.callbackQueue
    return requestNormal(target, callbackQueue: callbackQueue, progress: progress, completion: completion)

func requestNormal(_ target: Target, callbackQueue: DispatchQueue?, progress: Moya.ProgressBlock?, completion: @escaping Moya.Completion) -> Cancellable {
    let endpoint = self.endpoint(target)
    let stubBehavior = self.stubClosure(target)
    let cancellableToken = CancellableWrapper()

    // Allow plugins to modify response
    let pluginsWithCompletion: Moya.Completion = { result in
        let processedResult = self.plugins.reduce(result) { $1.process($0, target: target) }

    if trackInflights {
        var inflightCompletionBlocks = self.inflightRequests[endpoint]
        self.internalInflightRequests[endpoint] = inflightCompletionBlocks

        if inflightCompletionBlocks != nil {
            return cancellableToken
        } else {
            self.internalInflightRequests[endpoint] = [pluginsWithCompletion]

    let performNetworking = { (requestResult: Result<URLRequest, MoyaError>) in
        if cancellableToken.isCancelled {
            self.cancelCompletion(pluginsWithCompletion, target: target)

        var request: URLRequest!

        switch requestResult {
        case .success(let urlRequest):
            request = urlRequest
        case .failure(let error):

        //网络响应回调 -> Response
        //public typealias Completion = (_ result: Result<Moya.Response, MoyaError>) -> Void
        let networkCompletion: Moya.Completion = { result in
          if self.trackInflights {
            self.inflightRequests[endpoint]?.forEach { $0(result) }
            self.internalInflightRequests.removeValue(forKey: endpoint)
          } else {

        cancellableToken.innerCancellable = self.performRequest(target, request: request, callbackQueue: callbackQueue, progress: progress, completion: networkCompletion, endpoint: endpoint, stubBehavior: stubBehavior)

    requestClosure(endpoint, performNetworking)

    return cancellableToken




  • 接受函数或者是闭包作为参数
  • 返回值是一个函数或者是闭包



let arr = ["APPLE", "PEAR", "BANANA"]


print(arr.map({$0.lowercased()})) // ["apple", "pear", "banana"]



let numArr = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]

print(numArr.map({$0})) // [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6]]
print(numArr.flatMap({$0})) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]



let numArr = [1, 2, nil, 3, 4, 5, 6, nil]

print(numArr.compactMap({$0})) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]



let numArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

print(numArr.filter({$0 < 3})) // [1, 2]


@inlinable public func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result



let numArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

let result = numArr.reduce(10, +) // 31


public func reduce<Result>(
  _ initialResult: Result,
  _ nextPartialResult:
    (_ partialResult: Result, Element) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
  var accumulator = initialResult
  for element in self {
    accumulator = try nextPartialResult(accumulator, element)
  return accumulator


extension Sequence {
    func customMap(_ transform: (Element) -> Element) ->  [Element] {
//        return reduce([Element]()) {
//            var arr = $0
//            arr.append(transform($1))
//            return arr
//        }
        //into -> 将地址传入进去
        return reduce(into: [Element]()) {

let arr = ["APPLE", "PEAR", "BANANA"]

print(arr.customMap({$0.lowercased()})) // ["apple", "pear", "banana"]


extension Collection {
    func findMaxValue() -> Element where Element: Comparable{
        return reduce(into: self[startIndex]) {
            $0 = $0 > $1 ? $0 : $1

let numArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

print(numArr.findMaxValue()) // 6


extension Sequence {
    func customReverse() -> [Element] {
        return reduce(into: [Element]()) {
            $0 = [$1] + $0
            //向数组index = 0的地方插入$1也是可以的
            //$0.insert($1, at: 0)

let numArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

print(numArr.customReverse()) // [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]


let result = numArr.reduce(into: (0,1)) {
    if $1 % 2 == 0 {
        $0.1 *= $1
    }else {
        $0.0 += $1

print(result) //(9, 48)


let result = numArr.reduce(into: 0) { $0 += $1 % 2 == 0 ? $1 * $1 : 0 }
print(result) // 56
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