An arcade (or colonnade) is a covered passage or walkway usually adjacent to the street right-of-way and parallel to the building facade. The street side is usually open and defined by a succession of columns that support arches or lintels (the latter form is referred to as trabeated). The arcade is an element of the building facade, and can be integrated into the mass of the building or an additive appendage.
Arcades provide shade and protection for pedestrians in inclement weather. This works best if all buildings on a street adhere to the same set of guidelines so that the pedestrian experience through the arcade is continuous and uninterrupted. The city of Bologna, Italy, is a stellar example of a multitude of buildings adhering to the same design intent. The city boasts 17 miles (28 km) of arcades that protect pedestrians.
When an arcade span the entire sidewalk, it creates the most urban frontage type. This condition reduces the distance between building faces on either side of the street and creates maximum enclosure.
Light and shadow on the flooring along with the spacing of columns create a rhythmic walking experience that helps reduce the perceived distance of travel. Columns are commonly spaced 6 to 24 feet (1.8 to 7.3 meters) apart.