Deformable Convolutional Networks论文翻译——中英文对照

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Deformable Convolutional Networks


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are inherently limited to model geometric transformations due to the fixed geometric structures in their building modules. In this work, we introduce two new modules to enhance the transformation modeling capability of CNNs, namely, deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling. Both are based on the idea of augmenting the spatial sampling locations in the modules with additional offsets and learning the offsets from the target tasks, without additional supervision. The new modules can readily replace their plain counterparts in existing CNNs and can be easily trained end-to-end by standard back-propagation, giving rise to deformable convolutional networks. Extensive experiments validate the performance of our approach. For the first time, we show that learning dense spatial transformation in deep CNNs is effective for sophisticated vision tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation. The code is released at



1. Introduction

A key challenge in visual recognition is how to accommodate geometric variations or model geometric transformations in object scale, pose, viewpoint, and part deformation. In general, there are two ways. The first is to build the training datasets with sufficient desired variations. This is usually realized by augmenting the existing data samples, e.g., by affine transformation. Robust representations can be learned from the data, but usually at the cost of expensive training and complex model parameters. The second is to use transformation-invariant features and algorithms. This category subsumes many well known techniques, such as SIFT (scale invariant feature transform) [42] and sliding window based object detection paradigm.

1. 引言


There are two drawbacks in above ways. First, the geometric transformations are assumed fixed and known. Such prior knowledge is used to augment the data, and design the features and algorithms. This assumption prevents generalization to new tasks possessing unknown geometric transformations, which are not properly modeled. Second, hand-crafted design of invariant features and algorithms could be difficult or infeasible for overly complex transformations, even when they are known.


Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [35] have achieved significant success for visual recognition tasks, such as image classification [31], semantic segmentation [41], and object detection [16]. Nevertheless, they still share the above two drawbacks. Their capability of modeling geometric transformations mostly comes from the extensive data augmentation, the large model capacity, and some simple hand-crafted modules (e.g., max-pooling [1] for small translation-invariance).


In short, CNNs are inherently limited to model large, unknown transformations. The limitation originates from the fixed geometric structures of CNN modules: a convolution unit samples the input feature map at fixed locations; a pooling layer reduces the spatial resolution at a fixed ratio; a RoI (region-of-interest) pooling layer separates a RoI into fixed spatial bins, etc. There lacks internal mechanisms to handle the geometric transformations. This causes noticeable problems. For one example, the receptive field sizes of all activation units in the same CNN layer are the same. This is undesirable for high level CNN layers that encode the semantics over spatial locations. Because different locations may correspond to objects with different scales or deformation, adaptive determination of scales or receptive field sizes is desirable for visual recognition with fine localization, e.g., semantic segmentation using fully convolutional networks [41]. For another example, while object detection has seen significant and rapid progress [16, 52, 15, 47, 46, 40, 7] recently, all approaches still rely on the primitive bounding box based feature extraction. This is clearly sub-optimal, especially for non-rigid objects.


In this work, we introduce two new modules that greatly enhance CNNs’ capability of modeling geometric transformations. The first is deformable convolution. It adds 2D offsets to the regular grid sampling locations in the standard convolution. It enables free form deformation of the sampling grid. It is illustrated in Figure 1. The offsets are learned from the preceding feature maps, via additional convolutional layers. Thus, the deformation is conditioned on the input features in a local, dense, and adaptive manner.

Figure 1

Figure 1: Illustration of the sampling locations in 3 × 3 standard and deformable convolutions. (a) regular sampling grid (green points) of standard convolution. (b) deformed sampling locations (dark blue points) with augmented offsets (light blue arrows) in deformable convolution. (c)(d) are special cases of (b), showing that the deformable convolution generalizes various transformations for scale, (anisotropic) aspect ratio and rotation.


Figure 1


The second is deformable RoI pooling. It adds an offset to each bin position in the regular bin partition of the previous RoI pooling [15, 7]. Similarly, the offsets are learned from the preceding feature maps and the RoIs, enabling adaptive part localization for objects with different shapes.


Both modules are light weight. They add small amount of parameters and computation for the offset learning. They can readily replace their plain counterparts in deep CNNs and can be easily trained end-to-end with standard back-propagation. The resulting CNNs are called deformable convolutional networks, or deformable ConvNets.


Our approach shares similar high level spirit with spatial transform networks [26] and deformable part models [11]. They all have internal transformation parameters and learn such parameters purely from data. A key difference in deformable ConvNets is that they deal with dense spatial transformations in a simple, efficient, deep and end-to-end manner. In Section 3.1, we discuss in details the relation of our work to previous works and analyze the superiority of deformable ConvNets.


2. Deformable Convolutional Networks

The feature maps and convolution in CNNs are 3D. Both deformable convolution and RoI pooling modules operate on the 2D spatial domain. The operation remains the same across the channel dimension. Without loss of generality, the modules are described in 2D here for notation clarity. Extension to 3D is straightforward.

2. 可变形卷积网络


2.1. Deformable Convolution

The 2D convolution consists of two steps: 1) sampling using a regular grid \mathcal{R} over the input feature map \mathbf{x}; 2) summation of sampled values weighted by \mathbf{w}. The grid \mathcal{R} defines the receptive field size and dilation. For example, \mathcal{R}=\lbrace (-1, -1), (-1, 0), \ldots, (0,1), (1, 1)\rbrace defines a 3 \times 3 kernel with dilation 1.

2.1. 可变形卷积

2D卷积包含两步:1)用规则的网格\mathcal{R}在输入特征映射\mathbf{x}上采样;2)对\mathbf{w}加权的采样值求和。网格\mathcal{R}定义了感受野的大小和扩张。例如,\mathcal{R}=\lbrace (-1, -1), (-1, 0), \ldots, (0,1), (1, 1)\rbrace定义了一个扩张大小为13 \times 3卷积核。

For each location \mathbf{p}\0 on the output feature map \mathbf{y}, we have \mathbf{y}(\mathbf{p}\0)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\n\in\mathcal{R}}\mathbf{w}(\mathbf{p}\n)\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n) \tag{1} where \mathbf{p}\n enumerates the locations in \mathcal{R}.

对于输出特征映射\mathbf{y}上的每个位置\mathbf{p}\0,我们有\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{p}\0)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\n\in\mathcal{R}}\mathbf{w}(\mathbf{p}\n)\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n) \tag{1}其中\mathbf{p}\n枚举了\mathcal{R}中的位置。

In deformable convolution, the regular grid \mathcal{R} is augmented with offsets \lbrace \Delta \mathbf{p}\n|n=1,...,N\rbrace, where N=|\mathcal{R}|. Eq.(1) becomes \mathbf{y}(\mathbf{p}\0)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\n\in\mathcal{R}}\mathbf{w}(\mathbf{p}\n)\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n+\Delta \mathbf{p}\n).\tag{2}

在可变形卷积中,规则的网格\mathcal{R}通过偏移\lbrace \Delta \mathbf{p}\n|n=1,...,N\rbrace增大,其中N=|\mathcal{R}|。方程(1)变为\mathbf{y}(\mathbf{p}\0)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\n\in\mathcal{R}}\mathbf{w}(\mathbf{p}\n)\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n+\Delta \mathbf{p}\n).\tag{2}

Now, the sampling is on the irregular and offset locations \mathbf{p}\n + \Delta \mathbf{p}\n. As the offset \Delta \mathbf{p}\n is typically fractional, Eq.(2) is implemented via bilinear interpolation as \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p})=\sum\\mathbf{q} G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{q}), \tag{3} where \mathbf{p} denotes an arbitrary (fractional) location (\mathbf{p}=\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n+\Delta \mathbf{p}\n for Eq.(2)), \mathbf{q} enumerates all integral spatial locations in the feature map \mathbf{x}, and G(\cdot,\cdot) is the bilinear interpolation kernel. Note that G is two dimensional. It is separated into two one dimensional kernels as G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})=g(q\x,p\x)\cdot g(q\y,p\y), \tag{4} where g(a,b)=max(0,1-|a-b|). Eq.(3) is fast to compute as G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p}) is non-zero only for a few \mathbf{q}s.

现在,采样是在不规则且有偏移的位置\mathbf{p}\n + \Delta \mathbf{p}\n上。由于偏移\Delta \mathbf{p}\n通常是小数,方程(2)可以通过双线性插值实现\mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p})=\sum\\mathbf{q} G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})\cdot \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{q}), \tag{3}其中\mathbf{p}表示任意(小数)位置(公式(2)中\mathbf{p}=\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}\n+\Delta \mathbf{p}\n),\mathbf{q}枚举了特征映射\mathbf{x}中所有整体空间位置,G(\cdot,\cdot)是双线性插值的核。注意G是二维的。它被分为两个一维核G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})=g(q\x,p\x)\cdot g(q\y,p\y), \tag{4}其中g(a,b)=max(0,1-|a-b|)。方程(3)可以快速计算因为G(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{p})仅对于一些\mathbf{q}是非零的。

As illustrated in Figure 2, the offsets are obtained by applying a convolutional layer over the same input feature map. The convolution kernel is of the same spatial resolution and dilation as those of the current convolutional layer (e.g., also 3\times 3 with dilation 1 in Figure 2. The output offset fields have the same spatial resolution with the input feature map. The channel dimension 2N corresponds to N 2D offsets. During training, both the convolutional kernels for generating the output features and the offsets are learned simultaneously. To learn the offsets, the gradients are back-propagated through the bilinear operations in Eq.(3) and Eq.(4). It is detailed in appendix A.

Figure 2

Figure 2: Illustration of 3 × 3 deformable convolution.

如图2所示,通过在相同的输入特征映射上应用卷积层来获得偏移。卷积核具有与当前卷积层相同的空间分辨率和扩张(例如,在图2中也具有扩张为1的3\times 3)。输出偏移域与输入特征映射具有相同的空间分辨率。通道维度2N(注释:偏移的通道维度,包括x方向的通道维度和y方向的通道维度)对应于N个2D偏移量。在训练过程中,同时学习用于生成输出特征的卷积核和偏移量。为了学习偏移量,梯度通过方程(3)和(4)中的双线性运算进行反向传播。详见附录A。

Figure 2


2.2. Deformable RoI Pooling

RoI pooling is used in all region proposal based object detection methods [16, 15, 47, 7]. It converts an input rectangular region of arbitrary size into fixed size features.

2.2. 可变形RoI池化


RoI Pooling [15] Given the input feature map \mathbf{x} and a RoI of size w\times h and top-left corner \mathbf{p}\0, RoI pooling divides the RoI into k\times k (k is a free parameter) bins and outputs a k\times k feature map \mathbf{y}. For (i,j)-th bin (0\le i,j < k), we have \mathbf{y}(i,j)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\in bin(i,j)} \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p})/n\{ij},\tag{5} where n\{ij} is the number of pixels in the bin. The (i,j)-th bin spans \lfloor i \frac{w}{k} \rfloor \le p\x < \lceil (i+1)\frac{w}{k}\rceil and \lfloor j \frac{h}{k}\rfloor \le p\y < \lceil (j+1)\frac{h}{k} \rceil.

RoI池化[15]。给定输入特征映射\mathbf{x}、RoI的大小w\times h和左上角\mathbf{p}\0,RoI池化将ROI分到k\times kk是一个自由参数)个组块(bin)中,并输出k\times k的特征映射\mathbf{y}。对于第(i,j)个组块(0\le i,j < k),我们有\mathbf{y}(i,j)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\in bin(i,j)} \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p})/n\{ij},\tag{5}其中n\{ij}是组块中的像素数量。第(i,j)个组块的跨度为\lfloor i \frac{w}{k} \rfloor \le p\x < \lceil (i+1)\frac{w}{k}\rceil\lfloor j \frac{h}{k}\rfloor \le p\y < \lceil (j+1)\frac{h}{k} \rceil

Similarly as in Eq.(2), in deformable RoI pooling, offsets \{\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij}|0\le i,j < k\} are added to the spatial binning positions. Eq.(5) becomes \mathbf{y}(i,j)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\in bin(i,j)} \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}+\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij})/n\{ij}. \tag{6} Typically, \Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij} is fractional. Eq.(6) is implemented by bilinear interpolation via Eq.(3) and (4).

类似于方程(2),在可变形RoI池化中,将偏移\{\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij}|0\le i,j < k\}加到空间组块的位置上。方程(5)变为\mathbf{y}(i,j)=\sum\{\mathbf{p}\in bin(i,j)} \mathbf{x}(\mathbf{p}\0+\mathbf{p}+\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij})/n\{ij}. \tag{6}通常,\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij}是小数。方程(6)通过双线性插值方程(3)和(4)来实现。

Figure 3 illustrates how to obtain the offsets. Firstly, RoI pooling (Eq.(5)) generates the pooled feature maps. From the maps, a fc layer generates the normalized offsets \Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij}, which are then transformed to the offsets \Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij} in Eq.(6) by element-wise product with the RoI's width and height, as \Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij} = \gamma \cdot \Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij} \circ (w, h). Here \gamma is a pre-defined scalar to modulate the magnitude of the offsets. It is empirically set to \gamma=0.1. The offset normalization is necessary to make the offset learning invariant to RoI size. The fc layer is learned by back-propagation, as detailed in appendix A.

Figure 3

Figure 3: Illustration of 3 × 3 deformable RoI pooling.

图3说明了如何获得偏移量。首先,RoI池化(方程(5))生成池化后的特征映射。从特征映射中,一个fc层产生归一化偏移量\Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij},然后通过与RoI的宽和高进行逐元素的相乘将其转换为方程(6)中的偏移量\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij},如:\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij} = \gamma \cdot \Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij} \circ (w, h)。这里\gamma是一个预定义的标量来调节偏移的大小。它经验地设定为\gamma=0.1。为了使偏移学习对RoI大小具有不变性,偏移归一化是必要的。fc层是通过反向传播学习,详见附录A。

Figure 3


Position-Sensitive (PS) RoI Pooling [7] It is fully convolutional and different from RoI pooling. Through a conv layer, all the input feature maps are firstly converted to k^2 score maps for each object class (totally C+1 for C object classes), as illustrated in the bottom branch in Figure 4. Without need to distinguish between classes, such score maps are denoted as \lbrace \mathbf{x}\{i,j}\rbrace where (i,j) enumerates all bins. Pooling is performed on these score maps. The output value for (i,j)-th bin is obtained by summation from one score map \mathbf{x}\{i,j} corresponding to that bin. In short, the difference from RoI pooling in Eq.(5) is that a general feature map \mathbf{x} is replaced by a specific positive-sensitive score map \mathbf{x}\{i,j}.

Figure 4

Figure 4: Illustration of 3 × 3 deformable PS RoI pooling.

位置敏感(PS)的RoI池化[7]。它是全卷积的,不同于RoI池化。通过一个卷积层,所有的输入特征映射首先被转换为每个目标类的k^2分数映射(对于C个目标类,总共C+1个),如图4的底部分支所示。不需要区分类,这样的分数映射被表示为\lbrace \mathbf{x}\{i,j}\rbrace,其中(i,j)枚举所有的组块。池化是在这些分数映射上进行的。第(i,j)个组块的输出值是通过对分数映射\mathbf{x}\{i,j}对应的组块求和得到的。简而言之,与方程(5)中RoI池化的区别在于,通用特征映射\mathbf{x}被特定的位置敏感的分数映射\mathbf{x}\{i,j}所取代。

Figure 4

图4:阐述3×3的可变形PS RoI池化。

In deformable PS RoI pooling, the only change in Eq.(6) is that \mathbf{x} is also modified to \mathbf{x}\{i,j}. However, the offset learning is different. It follows the fully convolutional spirit in [7], as illustrated in Figure 4. In the top branch, a conv layer generates the full spatial resolution offset fields. For each RoI (also for each class), PS RoI pooling is applied on such fields to obtain normalized offsets \Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij}, which are then transformed to the real offsets \Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij} in the same way as in deformable RoI pooling described above.

在可变形PS RoI池化中,方程(6)中唯一的变化是\mathbf{x}也被修改为\mathbf{x}\{i,j}。但是,偏移学习是不同的。它遵循[7]中的“全卷积”精神,如图4所示。在顶部分支中,一个卷积层生成完整空间分辨率的偏移量字段。对于每个RoI(也对于每个类),在这些字段上应用PS RoI池化以获得归一化偏移量\Delta \widehat{\mathbf{p}}\{ij},然后以上面可变形RoI池化中描述的相同方式将其转换为实数偏移量\Delta \mathbf{p}\{ij}

2.3. Deformable ConvNets

Both deformable convolution and RoI pooling modules have the same input and output as their plain versions. Hence, they can readily replace their plain counterparts in existing CNNs. In the training, these added conv and fc layers for offset learning are initialized with zero weights. Their learning rates are set to \beta times (\beta = 1 by default, and \beta = 0.01 for the fc layer in Faster R-CNN) of the learning rate for the existing layers. They are trained via back propagation through the bilinear interpolation operations in Eq.(3) and Eq.(4). The resulting CNNs are called deformable ConvNets.

2.3. 可变形卷积网络

可变形卷积和RoI池化模块都具有与普通版本相同的输入和输出。因此,它们可以很容易地取代现有CNN中的普通版本。在训练中,这些添加的用于偏移学习的conv和fc层的权重被初始化为零。它们的学习率设置为现有层学习速率的\beta倍(默认\beta=1,Faster R-CNN中的fc层为\beta=0.01)。它们通过方程(3)和方程(4)中双线性插值运算的反向传播进行训练。由此产生的CNN称为可变形ConvNets

To integrate deformable ConvNets with the state-of-the-art CNN architectures, we note that these architectures consist of two stages. First, a deep fully convolutional network generates feature maps over the whole input image. Second, a shallow task specific network generates results from the feature maps. We elaborate the two steps below.


Deformable Convolution for Feature Extraction We adopt two state-of-the-art architectures for feature extraction: ResNet-101 [22] and a modifed version of Inception-ResNet [51]. Both are pre-trained on ImageNet [8] classification dataset.


The original Inception-ResNet is designed for image recognition. It has a feature misalignment issue and problematic for dense prediction tasks. It is modified to fix the alignment problem [20]. The modified version is dubbed as “Aligned-Inception-ResNet” and is detailed in appendix B.


Both models consist of several convolutional blocks, an average pooling and a 1000-way fc layer for ImageNet classification. The average pooling and the fc layers are removed. A randomly initialized 1 × 1 convolution is added at last to reduce the channel dimension to 1024. As in common practice [4, 7], the effective stride in the last convolutional block is reduced from 32 pixels to 16 pixels to increase the feature map resolution. Specifically, at the beginning of the last block, stride is changed from 2 to 1 (“conv5” for both ResNet-101 and Aligned-Inception-ResNet). To compensate, the dilation of all the convolution filters in this block (with kernel size > 1) is changed from 1 to 2.


Optionally, deformable convolution is applied to the last few convolutional layers (with kernel size > 1). We experimented with different numbers of such layers and found 3 as a good trade-off for different tasks, as reported in Table 1.

Table 1

Table 1: Results of using deformable convolution in the last 1, 2, 3, and 6 convolutional layers (of 3 × 3 filter) in ResNet-101 feature extraction network. For class-aware RPN, Faster R-CNN, and R-FCN, we report result on VOC 2007 test.


Table 1

表1:在ResNet-101特征提取网络中的最后1个,2个,3个和6个卷积层上(3×3滤波器)应用可变形卷积的结果。对于class-aware RPN,Faster R-CNN和R-FCN,我们报告了在VOC 2007测试集上的结果。

Segmentation and Detection Networks A task specific network is built upon the output feature maps from the feature extraction network mentioned above.


In the below, C denotes the number of object classes.


DeepLab [5] is a state-of-the-art method for semantic segmentation. It adds a 1 × 1 convolutional layer over the feature maps to generates (C + 1) maps that represent the per-pixel classification scores. A following softmax layer then outputs the per-pixel probabilities.


Category-Aware RPN is almost the same as the region proposal network in [47], except that the 2-class (object or not) convolutional classifier is replaced by a (C + 1)-class convolutional classifier. It can be considered as a simplified version of SSD [40].

除了用(C+1)类卷积分类器代替2类(目标或非目标)卷积分类器外,Category-Aware RPN与[47]中的区域提出网络几乎是相同的。它可以被认为是SSD的简化版本[40]。

Faster R-CNN [47] is the state-of-the-art detector. In our implementation, the RPN branch is added on the top of the conv4 block, following [47]. In the previous practice [22, 24], the RoI pooling layer is inserted between the conv4 and the conv5 blocks in ResNet-101, leaving 10 layers for each RoI. This design achieves good accuracy but has high per-RoI computation. Instead, we adopt a simplified design as in [38]. The RoI pooling layer is added at last. On top of the pooled RoI features, two fc layers of dimension 1024 are added, followed by the bounding box regression and the classification branches. Although such simplification (from 10 layer conv5 block to 2 fc layers) would slightly decrease the accuracy, it still makes a strong enough baseline and is not a concern in this work.

Faster R-CNN[47]是最先进的检测器。在我们的实现中,RPN分支被添加在conv4块的顶部,遵循[47]。在以前的实践中[22,24],在ResNet-101的conv4和conv5块之间插入了RoI池化层,每个RoI留下了10层。这个设计实现了很好的精确度,但是具有很高的每个RoI计算。相反,我们采用[38]中的简化设计。RoI池化层在最后添加。在池化的RoI特征之上,添加了两个1024维的全连接层,接着是边界框回归和分类分支。虽然这样的简化(从10层conv5块到2个全连接层)会稍微降低精确度,但它仍然具有足够强的基准,在这项工作中不再关心。

Optionally, the RoI pooling layer can be changed to deformable RoI pooling.


R-FCN [7] is another state-of-the-art detector. It has negligible per-RoI computation cost. We follow the original implementation. Optionally, its RoI pooling layer can be changed to deformable position-sensitive RoI pooling.


3. Understanding Deformable ConvNets

This work is built on the idea of augmenting the spatial sampling locations in convolution and RoI pooling with additional offsets and learning the offsets from target tasks.

3. 理解可变形卷积网络


When the deformable convolution are stacked, the effect of composited deformation is profound. This is exemplified in Figure 5. The receptive field and the sampling locations in the standard convolution are fixed all over the top feature map (left). They are adaptively adjusted according to the objects’ scale and shape in deformable convolution (right). More examples are shown in Figure 6. Table 2 provides quantitative evidence of such adaptive deformation.

Figure 5

Figure 5: Illustration of the fixed receptive field in standard convolution (a) and the adaptive receptive field in deformable convolution (b), using two layers. Top: two activation units on the top feature map, on two objects of different scales and shapes. The activation is from a 3 × 3 filter. Middle: the sampling locations of the 3 × 3 filter on the preceding feature map. Another two activation units are highlighted. Bottom: the sampling locations of two levels of 3 × 3 filters on the preceding feature map. Two sets of locations are highlighted, corresponding to the highlighted units above.

Figure 6

Figure 6: Each image triplet shows the sampling locations (9^3 = 729 red points in each image) in three levels of 3 × 3 deformable filters (see Figure 5 as a reference) for three activation units (green points) on the background (left), a small object (middle), and a large object (right), respectively.

Table 2

Table 2: Statistics of effective dilation values of deformable convolutional filters on three layers and four categories. Similar as in COCO [39], we divide the objects into three categories equally according to the bounding box area. Small: area < 96^2 pixels; medium: 96^2 < area < 224^2; large: area > 224^2 pixels.


Figure 5


Figure 6

图6:每个图像三元组在三级3×3可变形滤波器(参见图5作为参考)中显示了三个激活单元(绿色点)分别在背景(左)、小目标(中)和大目标(右)上的采样位置(每张图像中的9^3 = 729个红色点)。

Table 2

表2:可变形卷积滤波器在三个卷积层和四个类别上的有效扩张值的统计。与在COCO[39]中类似,我们根据边界框区域将目标平均分为三类。小:面积<96^2个像素;中等:96^2<面积<224^2; 大:面积>224^2

The effect of deformable RoI pooling is similar, as illustrated in Figure 7. The regularity of the grid structure in standard RoI pooling no longer holds. Instead, parts deviate from the RoI bins and move onto the nearby object foreground regions. The localization capability is enhanced, especially for non-rigid objects.

Figure 7

Figure 7: Illustration of offset parts in deformable (positive sensitive) RoI pooling in R-FCN [7] and 3 × 3 bins (red) for an input RoI (yellow). Note how the parts are offset to cover the non-rigid objects.


Figure 7


3.1. In Context of Related Works

Our work is related to previous works in different aspects. We discuss the relations and differences in details.

3.1. 相关工作的背景


Spatial Transform Networks (STN) [26] It is the first work to learn spatial transformation from data in a deep learning framework. It warps the feature map via a global parametric transformation such as affine transformation. Such warping is expensive and learning the transformation parameters is known difficult. STN has shown successes in small scale image classification problems. The inverse STN method [37] replaces the expensive feature warping by efficient transformation parameter propagation.


The offset learning in deformable convolution can be considered as an extremely light-weight spatial transformer in STN [26]. However, deformable convolution does not adopt a global parametric transformation and feature warping. Instead, it samples the feature map in a local and dense manner. To generate new feature maps, it has a weighted summation step, which is absent in STN.


Deformable convolution is easy to integrate into any CNN architectures. Its training is easy. It is shown effective for complex vision tasks that require dense (e.g., semantic segmentation) or semi-dense (e.g., object detection) predictions. These tasks are difficult (if not infeasible) for STN [26, 37].


Active Convolution [27] This work is contemporary. It also augments the sampling locations in the convolution with offsets and learns the offsets via back-propagation end-to-end. It is shown effective on image classification tasks.


Two crucial differences from deformable convolution make this work less general and adaptive. First, it shares the offsets all over the different spatial locations. Second, the offsets are static model parameters that are learnt per task or per training. In contrast, the offsets in deformable convolution are dynamic model outputs that vary per image location. They model the dense spatial transformations in the images and are effective for (semi-)dense prediction tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation.


Effective Receptive Field [43] It finds that not all pixels in a receptive field contribute equally to an output response. The pixels near the center have much larger impact. The effective receptive field only occupies a small fraction of the theoretical receptive field and has a Gaussian distribution. Although the theoretical receptive field size increases linearly with the number of convolutional layers, a surprising result is that, the effective receptive field size increases linearly with the square root of the number, therefore, at a much slower rate than what we would expect.


This finding indicates that even the top layer’s unit in deep CNNs may not have large enough receptive field. This partially explains why atrous convolution [23] is widely used in vision tasks (see below). It indicates the needs of adaptive receptive field learning.


Deformable convolution is capable of learning receptive fields adaptively, as shown in Figure 5, 6 and Table 2.


Atrous convolution [23] It increases a normal filter’s stride to be larger than 1 and keeps the original weights at sparsified sampling locations. This increases the receptive field size and retains the same complexity in parameters and computation. It has been widely used for semantic segmentation [41, 5, 54] (also called dilated convolution in [54]), object detection [7], and image classification [55].


Deformable convolution is a generalization of atrous convolution, as easily seen in Figure 1 (c). Extensive comparison to atrous convolution is presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Table 3: Evaluation of our deformable modules and atrous convolution, using ResNet-101.


Table 3


Deformable Part Models (DPM) [11] Deformable RoI pooling is similar to DPM because both methods learn the spatial deformation of object parts to maximize the classification score. Deformable RoI pooling is simpler since no spatial relations between the parts are considered.


DPM is a shallow model and has limited capability of modeling deformation. While its inference algorithm can be converted to CNNs [17] by treating the distance transform as a special pooling operation, its training is not end-to-end and involves heuristic choices such as selection of components and part sizes. In contrast, deformable ConvNets are deep and perform end-to-end training. When multiple deformable modules are stacked, the capability of modeling deformation becomes stronger.


DeepID-Net [44] It introduces a deformation constrained pooling layer which also considers part deformation for object detection. It therefore shares a similar spirit with deformable RoI pooling, but is much more complex. This work is highly engineered and based on RCNN [16]. It is unclear how to adapt it to the recent state-of-the-art object detection methods [47, 7] in an end-to-end manner.


Spatial manipulation in RoI pooling Spatial pyramid pooling [34] uses hand crafted pooling regions over scales. It is the predominant approach in computer vision and also used in deep learning based object detection [21, 15].


Learning the spatial layout of pooling regions has received little study. The work in [28] learns a sparse subset of pooling regions from a large over-complete set. The large set is hand engineered and the learning is not end-to-end.


Deformable RoI pooling is the first to learn pooling regions end-to-end in CNNs. While the regions are of the same size currently, extension to multiple sizes as in spatial pyramid pooling [34] is straightforward.


Transformation invariant features and their learning There have been tremendous efforts on designing transformation invariant features. Notable examples include scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) [42] and ORB [49] (O for orientation). There is a large body of such works in the context of CNNs. The invariance and equivalence of CNN representations to image transformations are studied in [36]. Some works learn invariant CNN representations with respect to different types of transformations such as [50], scattering networks [3], convolutional jungles [32], and TI-pooling [33]. Some works are devoted for specific transformations such as symmetry [13, 9], scale [29], and rotation [53].


As analyzed in Section 1, in these works the transformations are known a priori. The knowledge (such as parameterization) is used to hand craft the structure of feature extraction algorithm, either fixed in such as SIFT, or with learnable parameters such as those based on CNNs. They cannot handle unknown transformations in the new tasks.


In contrast, our deformable modules generalize various transformations (see Figure 1). The transformation invariance is learned from the target task.


Dynamic Filter [2] Similar to deformable convolution, the dynamic filters are also conditioned on the input features and change over samples. Differently, only the filter weights are learned, not the sampling locations like ours. This work is applied for video and stereo prediction.


Combination of low level filters Gaussian filters and its smooth derivatives [30] are widely used to extract low level image structures such as corners, edges, T-junctions, etc. Under certain conditions, such filters form a set of basis and their linear combination forms new filters within the same group of geometric transformations, such as multiple orientations in Steerable Filters [12] and multiple scales in [45]. We note that although the term deformable kernels is used in [45], its meaning is different from ours in this work.

低级滤波器的组合。高斯滤波器及其平滑导数[30]被广泛用于提取低级图像结构,如角点,边缘,T形接点等。在某些条件下,这些滤波器形成一组基,并且它们的线性组合在同一组几何变换中形成新的滤波器,例如Steerable Filters[12]中的多个方向和[45]中多尺度。我们注意到尽管[45]中使用了可变形内核这个术语,但它的含义与我们在本文中的含义不同。

Most CNNs learn all their convolution filters from scratch. The recent work [25] shows that it could be unnecessary. It replaces the free form filters by weighted combination of low level filters (Gaussian derivatives up to 4-th order) and learns the weight coefficients. The regularization over the filter function space is shown to improve the generalization ability when training data are small.


Above works are related to ours in that, when multiple filters, especially with different scales, are combined, the resulting filter could have complex weights and resemble our deformable convolution filter. However, deformable convolution learns sampling locations instead of filter weights.


4. Experiments

4.1. Experiment Setup and Implementation

Semantic Segmentation We use PASCAL VOC [10] and CityScapes [6]. For PASCAL VOC, there are 20 semantic categories. Following the protocols in [19, 41, 4], we use VOC 2012 dataset and the additional mask annotations in [18]. The training set includes 10, 582 images. Evaluation is performed on 1, 449 images in the validation set. For CityScapes, following the protocols in [5], training and evaluation are performed on 2, 975 images in the train set and 500 images in the validation set, respectively. There are 19 semantic categories plus a background category.

4. 实验

4.1. 实验设置和实现

语义分割。我们使用PASCAL VOC[10]和CityScapes[6]。对于PASCAL VOC,有20个语义类别。遵循[19,41,4]中的协议,我们使用VOC 2012数据集和[18]中的附加掩模注释。训练集包含10,582张图像。评估在验证集中的1,449张图像上进行。对于CityScapes,按照[5]中的协议,对训练数据集中的2,975张图像和验证集中的500张图像分别进行训练和评估。有19个语义类别加上一个背景类别。

For evaluation, we use the mean intersection-over-union (mIoU) metric defined over image pixels, following the standard protocols [10, 6]. We use mIoU@V and mIoU@C for PASCAl VOC and Cityscapes, respectively.

为了评估,我们使用在图像像素上定义的平均交集(mIoU)度量,遵循标准协议[10,6]。我们在PASCAl VOC和Cityscapes上分别使用mIoU@V和mIoU@C。

In training and inference, the images are resized to have a shorter side of 360 pixels for PASCAL VOC and 1,024 pixels for Cityscapes. In SGD training, one image is randomly sampled in each mini-batch. A total of 30k and 45k iterations are performed for PASCAL VOC and Cityscapes, respectively, with 8 GPUs and one mini-batch on each. The learning rates are 10^{-3} and 10^{-4} in the first \frac{2}{3} and the last \frac{1}{3} iterations, respectively.

在训练和推断中,PASCAL VOC中图像的大小调整为较短边有360个像素,Cityscapes较短边有1,024个像素。在SGD训练中,每个小批次数据中随机抽取一张图像。分别对PASCAL VOC和Cityscapes进行30k和45k迭代,有8个GPU每个GPU上处理一个小批次数据。前\frac {2} {3}次迭代和后\frac{1}{3}次迭代的学习率分别设为10^{-3}10^{-4}

Object Detection We use PASCAL VOC and COCO [39] datasets. For PASCAL VOC, following the protocol in [15], training is performed on the union of VOC 2007 trainval and VOC 2012 trainval. Evaluation is on VOC 2007 test. For COCO, following the standard protocol [39], training and evaluation are performed on the 120k images in the trainval and the 20k images in the test-dev, respectively.

目标检测。我们使用PASCAL VOC和COCO[39]数据集。对于PASCAL VOC,按照[15]中的协议,对VOC 2007 trainval和VOC 2012 trainval的并集进行培训。评估是在VOC 2007测试集上。对于COCO,遵循标准协议[39],分别对trainval中的120k张图像和test-dev中的20k张图像进行训练和评估。

For evaluation, we use the standard mean average precision (mAP) scores [10, 39]. For PASCAL VOC, we report mAP scores using IoU thresholds at 0.5 and 0.7. For COCO, we use the standard COCO metric of mAP@[0.5:0.95], as well as mAP@0.5.

为了评估,我们使用标准的平均精度均值(MAP)得分[10,39]。对于PASCAL VOC,我们使用0.5和0.7的IoU阈值报告mAP分数。对于COCO,我们使用mAP@[0.5:0.95]的标准COCO度量,以及mAP@0.5。

In training and inference, the images are resized to have a shorter side of 600 pixels. In SGD training, one image is randomly sampled in each mini-batch. For class-aware RPN, 256 RoIs are sampled from the image. For Faster R-CNN and R-FCN, 256 and 128 RoIs are sampled for the region proposal and the object detection networks, respectively. 7\times 7 bins are adopted in RoI pooling. To facilitate the ablation experiments on VOC, we follow [38] and utilize pre-trained and fixed RPN proposals for the training of Faster R-CNN and R-FCN, without feature sharing between the region proposal and the object detection networks. The RPN network is trained separately as in the first stage of the procedure in [47]. For COCO, joint training as in [48] is performed and feature sharing is enabled for training. A total of 30k and 240k iterations are performed for PASCAL VOC and COCO, respectively, on 8 GPUs. The learning rates are set as 10^{-3} and 10^{-4} in the first \frac{2}{3} and the last \frac{1}{3} iterations, respectively.

在训练和推断中,图像被调整为较短边具有600像素。在SGD训练中,每个小批次中随机抽取一张图片。对于class-aware RPN,从图像中采样256个RoI。对于Faster R-CNNR-FCN,对区域提出和目标检测网络分别采样256个和128个RoI。在ROI池化中采用7\times 7的组块。为了促进VOC的消融实验,我们遵循[38],并且利用预训练的和固定的RPN提出来训练Faster R-CNN和R-FCN,而区域提出和目标检测网络之间没有特征共享。RPN网络是在[47]中过程的第一阶段单独训练的。对于COCO,执行[48]中的联合训练,并且训练可以进行特征共享。在8个GPU上分别对PASCAL VOC和COCO执行30k次和240k次迭代。前\frac {2} {3}次迭代和后\frac{1}{3}次迭代的学习率分别设为10^{-3}10^{-4}

4.2. Ablation Study

Extensive ablation studies are performed to validate the efficacy and efficiency of our approach.

4.2. 消融研究


Deformable Convolution Table 1 evaluates the effect of deformable convolution using ResNet-101 feature extraction network. Accuracy steadily improves when more deformable convolution layers are used, especially for DeepLab and class-aware RPN. The improvement saturates when using 3 deformable layers for DeepLab, and 6 for others. In the remaining experiments, we use 3 in the feature extraction networks.

可变形卷积。表1使用ResNet-101特征提取网络评估可变形卷积的影响。当使用更多可变形卷积层时,精度稳步提高,特别是DeepLabclass-aware RPN。当DeepLab使用3个可变形层时,改进饱和,其它的使用6个。在其余的实验中,我们在特征提取网络中使用3个。

We empirically observed that the learned offsets in the deformable convolution layers are highly adaptive to the image content, as illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. To better understand the mechanism of deformable convolution, we define a metric called effective dilation for a deformable convolution filter. It is the mean of the distances between all adjacent pairs of sampling locations in the filter. It is a rough measure of the receptive field size of the filter.


We apply the R-FCN network with 3 deformable layers (as in Table 1) on VOC 2007 test images. We categorize the deformable convolution filters into four classes: small, medium, large, and background, according to the ground truth bounding box annotation and where the filter center is. Table 2 reports the statistics (mean and std) of the effective dilation values. It clearly shows that: 1) the receptive field sizes of deformable filters are correlated with object sizes, indicating that the deformation is effectively learned from image content; 2) the filter sizes on the background region are between those on medium and large objects, indicating that a relatively large receptive field is necessary for recognizing the background regions. These observations are consistent in different layers.

我们在VOC 2007测试图像上应用R-FCN网络,具有3个可变形层(如表1所示)。根据真实边界框标注和滤波器中心的位置,我们将可变形卷积滤波器分为四类:小,中,大和背景。表2报告了有效扩张值的统计(平均值和标准差)。它清楚地表明:1)可变形滤波器的感受野大小与目标大小相关,表明变形是从图像内容中有效学习到的; 2)背景区域上的滤波器大小介于中,大目标的滤波器之间,表明一个相对较大的感受野是识别背景区域所必需的。这些观察结果在不同层上是一致的。

The default ResNet-101 model uses atrous convolution with dilation 2 for the last three 3 × 3 convolutional layers (see Section 2.3). We further tried dilation values 4, 6, and 8 and reported the results in Table 3. It shows that: 1) accuracy increases for all tasks when using larger dilation values, indicating that the default networks have too small receptive fields; 2) the optimal dilation values vary for different tasks, e.g., 6 for DeepLab but 4 for Faster R-CNN; 3) deformable convolution has the best accuracy. These observations verify that adaptive learning of filter deformation is effective and necessary.

默认的ResNet-101模型在最后的3个3×3卷积层使用扩张为的2空洞卷积(见2.3节)。我们进一步尝试了扩张值4,6和8,并在表3中报告了结果。它表明:1)当使用较大的扩张值时,所有任务的准确度都会增加,表明默认网络的感受野太小;* 2)对于不同的任务,最佳扩张值是不同的,例如,6用于DeepLab,4用于Faster R-CNN; 3)可变形卷积具有最好的精度。这些观察结果证明了滤波器变形的自适应学习是有效和必要的。

Deformable RoI Pooling It is applicable to Faster R-CNN and R-FCN. As shown in Table 3, using it alone already produces noticeable performance gains, especially at the strict mAP@0.7 metric. When both deformable convolution and RoI Pooling are used, significant accuracy improvements are obtained.

可变形RoI池化。它适用于Faster R-CNN和R-FCN。如表3所示,单独使用它已经产生了显著的性能收益,特别是在严格的mAP@0.7度量标准下。当同时使用可变形卷积和RoI池化时,会获得显著准确性改进。

Model Complexity and Runtime Table 4 reports the model complexity and runtime of the proposed deformable ConvNets and their plain versions. Deformable ConvNets only add small overhead over model parameters and computation. This indicates that the significant performance improvement is from the capability of modeling geometric transformations, other than increasing model parameters.

Table 4

Table 4: Model complexity and runtime comparison of deformable ConvNets and the plain counterparts, using ResNet-101. The overall runtime in the last column includes image resizing, network forward, and post-processing (e.g., NMS for object detection). Runtime is counted on a workstation with Intel E5-2650 v2 CPU and Nvidia K40 GPU.


Table 4

表4:使用ResNet-101的可变形ConvNets和对应普通版本的模型复杂性和运行时比较。最后一列中的整体运行时间包括图像大小调整,网络前馈传播和后处理(例如,用于目标检测的NMS)。运行时间计算是在一台配备了Intel E5-2650 v2 CPU和Nvidia K40 GPU的工作站上。

4.3. Object Detection on COCO

In Table 5, we perform extensive comparison between the deformable ConvNets and the plain ConvNets for object detection on COCO test-dev set. We first experiment using ResNet-101 model. The deformable versions of class-aware RPN, Faster R-CNN and R-FCN achieve mAP@[0.5:0.95] scores of 25.8\%, 33.1\%, and 34.5\% respectively, which are 11\%, 13\%, and 12\% relatively higher than their plain-ConvNets counterparts respectively. By replacing ResNet-101 by Aligned-Inception-ResNet in Faster R-CNN and R-FCN, their plain-ConvNet baselines both improve thanks to the more powerful feature representations. And the effective performance gains brought by deformable ConvNets also hold. By further testing on multiple image scales (the image shorter side is in [480, 576, 688, 864, 1200, 1400]) and performing iterative bounding box average [14], the mAP@[0.5:0.95] scores are increased to 37.5% for the deformable version of R-FCN. Note that the performance gain of deformable ConvNets is complementary to these bells and whistles.

Table 5

Table 5: Object detection results of deformable ConvNets v.s. plain ConvNets on COCO test-dev set. M denotes multi-scale testing, and B denotes iterative bounding box average in the table.

4.3. COCO的目标检测

在表5中,我们在COCO test-dev数据集上对用于目标检测的可变形ConvNets和普通ConvNets进行了广泛的比较。我们首先使用ResNet-101模型进行实验。class-aware RPN,Faster CNN和R-FCN的可变形版本分别获得了25.8\%33.1\%34.5\%的mAP@[0.5:0.95]分数,分别比它们对应的普通ConvNets相对高了11\%13\%12\%。通过在Faster R-CNN和R-FCN中用Aligned-Inception-ResNet取代ResNet-101,由于更强大的特征表示,它们的普通ConvNet基线都得到了提高。而可变形ConvNets带来的有效性能收益也是成立的。通过在多个图像尺度上(图像较短边在[480,576,688,864,1200,1400]内)的进一步测试,并执行迭代边界框平均[14],对于R-FCN的可变形版本,mAP@[0.5:0.95]分数增加到了37.5%。请注意,可变形ConvNets的性能增益是对这些附加功能的补充。

Table 5

表5:可变形ConvNets和普通ConvNets在COCO test-dev数据集上的目标检测结果。在表中M表示多尺度测试,B表示迭代边界框平均值。

5. Conclusion

This paper presents deformable ConvNets, which is a simple, efficient, deep, and end-to-end solution to model dense spatial transformations. For the first time, we show that it is feasible and effective to learn dense spatial transformation in CNNs for sophisticated vision tasks, such as object detection and semantic segmentation.

5. 结论



The Aligned-Inception-ResNet model was trained and investigated by Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun in unpublished work.


Aligned-Inception-ResNet模型由Kaiming He,Xiangyu Zhang,Shaoqing Ren和Jian Sun在未发表的工作中进行了研究和训练。


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