To Go Again to Hyde Park
Public Space, Rights, and Social Justice
Public space engenders fears, fears that derive from the sense of public space as uncontrolled space, as a space in which civilization is exceptionally fragile.
The panic over “wilding” in New York City’s Central Park in the late 1980s (rampaging young men violently terrorizing joggers and other park users for the sheer joy of it), the fright made palpable by the explosions in Atlanta’s Olympic Park in 1996, and the new found fear of public space spurred by the sense of vulnerability attendant upon the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, no less than the everyday gnawing uneasiness we feel when we step around a passed-out homeless person on a sidewalk, often convince us that public space is the space of anarchy.
十九世纪八十年代末发生在纽约中央公园的恐怖事件(横冲直撞的年轻人暴力恐吓公园里的慢跑者和其他公园使用者)1996年在Atlanta’s Olympic Park里发生的冲突事件更加明显,“911”带来的脆弱感引发了公众对于公共空间新的恐惧感,其程度不亚于我们每天在人行道路上看到无家可归的流浪汉时,认为公共空间是属于无政府状态的担惊受怕的感受。
Such an association of public space with anarchy is, of course, not new; it is not just a feature of the contemporary city, of the current media-encouraged, overweaning concern about crime, homelessness, and random terrorism that makes public space seem such an undesirable attribute of the contemporary American city.
Raymond Williams(1997[1980], 3-5) reminds us, for example, that Matthew Arnold’s(1993) famous declaration in Culture and Anarchy –that culture represents (or ought to represent) “the best knowledge and thought of the time”(1993,79)-was made in response to working people forcing their way into Hyde Park in 1866 to hold an assembly in support of the right to vote.
For Arnold, the Hyde Park demonstrators were “a symptom of the general anarchy”(Williams 1997[1980],6) rather than people struggling for their rights-their right to assemble, their right to speak, their right to vote.
A Hyde Park “rioter,” according to Arnold, “is just asserting his personal liberty a little, going where he likes, assembling where he likes, bawling where he likes, hustling as he likes” (Arnold 1993, 88, quoted in Williams 1997[1980],6).
Even more-and even more shrilly-Arnold objected to a working person’s “right to march where he likes, meet where he likes, enter where he likes, hoot as he likes, threaten as he likes, smash as he likes. All this, I say, tends to anarchy”(Arnold 1993, 85, quoted in Williams 1997[1980],6).