29/3/2021 shisha
Today,I'd like to talk about shisha.If you don't understand it ,I'm happy to explain it.If you would like to ask a question,please leave a message in the comments area.
Now,I'll show you what the shisha is. Please look at the pics.
Many years ago,I have seen so many shisha when I traveled around Eygpt and UAE.I didn't know the name and culture untill my Iran friend intraduce shisha to me this morning.
Smoking shisha is a phenomenon that has spread throughout East for centuries and has eventually reaching other parts of the world,have a special attraction for a number of western countries.The pics I attached below comes from Sydney.
Normally,Shisha is composed of bowl,wind cover,hose,purge value,water base plate,grommets,diffuser and HMD.Charcoal on the top and tobacco in the bowl.I ask Revel wheather it maybe weed .He said no.I don't think so .Because I watched Jesse smoked weed with shisha in the drama named "Breaking Bad".I don't think it's healthy Even if the smoke is filtered by water.The health risks of smoking through a hookah include exposure to toxic chemicals that are not filtered out by the water and risk of infectious disease when hookahs are shared.
In Middle East,when the smoker ends his set,or leave the hose on the table indicating that it is free,or administering it to another smoker with the nozzle facing himself,never toward another person.The person who receives it gives him a slight tap on the back of his hand beforetaking the hose.
In USA,the shisha is becoming increasingly popular among university.Especially among those who do not drink.
The shisha is also popular in Europe and Asia.