Yesterday I bumped into a cat on my way home. She was orange and thin. She looked like a homeless cat. No one seemed like her owner. When I was approaching her a little, she didn't step bak and made a sad sound. Like said "I am hungry, I am hungry!" I felt so sorry for her. But I didn't have anything to eat by myself. So I rushed to a convenient shop and bought some sausages. Then I returned, and she was there waiting. I peeled off one. I put it in front of her. She came close happily and sniffed at it. Then she took off proudly. Just like that. Without a Meow and vanished. What a rude cat!
1. 文章是否容易读懂:刘畅通顺
2. 是否make sense:中心明确
3. 用词准确性:准确、地道、精准
4. 语法正确度
5. 逻辑性:是否符合逻辑,把事情说得清楚
6. 冗余度:是否简洁,没有太多废话
7. 文章平衡度:整篇文章,是有理有据有说服力,还是说了太多没用的废话。
1. 你的语言基础:用词,逻辑等。到那时“某些类型”的基础并不一定有用。
2. 你的表述习惯:我想说的我就都能说出来?
3. 写文章的水平:认知,技巧,看书多少
1. 老师的修改
2. 自己的成长:多写,多改,多读
1. 我们把这篇文章的用词,从“清楚”的程度,提升到“准确”的程度。
2. 修改一些语法问题
1⃣️ She looked like a homeless cat. No one seemed like her owner. ➡️ She looked like a stray cat. She didn't seem to have an owner.
2⃣️ When I was approaching her a little, she didn't step bak and made a sad sound. Like said "I am hungry, I am hungry!" ➡️ When I approached her, she didn't run away. She started meowing and seemed hungry.
问题1: When I was doing something, something happened. 表示一个比较长的事情中间,发生了另一件事。
问题2: step back 用在这里不合适,改成run away
问题3: 地道表达:
meow v. 喵喵叫
That cat is meowing. 那只猫在叫
问题4: 逻辑关系
问题5: 不经思考的句子
最终修改: She started meowing and seemed hungry.
3⃣️ I felt so sorry for her. But I didn't have anything to eat by myself. So I rushed to a convenient shop and bought some sausages. ➡️ I felt sorry for her, but I didn't have any food with me. So I rushed to a convenience store and bought some sausages.
衔接: 很明显有衔接关系的内容,需要衔接在一起。
I don't have anything to eat. 我(自己)没有东西吃。
by myself 自己(做某事)
with me 身上没带(某物)
4⃣️ Then I returned, and she was there waiting. I peeled off one. I put it in front of her. ➡️ When I came back, she was still there waiting. I peeled off the skin of a sausage and put it in front of her.
I peeled off one. ❌ 不经思考的用词
peel 的正确用法:
👉 peel 及物动词+剥皮的对象
I peeled an orange.
Can you peel these potatoes fro me?
👉 peel off + 剥掉的东西
He peel off his wet shirt.
5⃣️ She came close happily and sniffed at it. Then she took off proudly. Just like that. Without a Meow and vanished. What a rude cat! ➡️ She went up to it and sniffed it. Then she just took off. She left without a meow and vanished. What a rude cat!
go up to…… 靠近,接近,去
sniff 的用法:
👉 sniff something 闻(离东西近)
He sniffed the milk and put it back.
👉 sniff at something 闻(离东西远)
The dog sniffed at the carpet.
Yesterday I bumped into a cat on my way home. She was orange and thin. She looked like a stray cat. She didn't seem to have an owner. When I approached her, she didn't run away. She started meowing and seemed hungry. I felt sorry for her, but I didn't have any food with me. So I rushed to a convenience store and bought some sausages. When I came back, she was still there waiting. I peeled off the skin of a sausage and put it in front of her. She went up to it and sniffed it. Then she just took off. She left without a meow and vanished. What a rude cat!
1. 去掉冗余部分
2. 前后衔接
3. 逻辑
1⃣️ Yesterday I bumped into a cat on my way home. She was orange and thin. She looked like a stray cat. She didn't seem to have an owner. ➡️ Yesterday, I ran into a stray cat on my way home. It was a cute orange cat, but it was very skinny.
注意动物用it, 除非确定性别
2⃣️ When I approached her, she didn't run away. She started meowing and seemed hungry. ➡️ It kept meowing like it was really hungry.
3⃣️ I felt sorry for her, but I didn't have any food with me. So I rushed to a convenience store and bought some sausages. When I came back, she was still there waiting. ➡️ I felt bad for the cat so I rushed to a nearby convenience store and got some sausages for it. The cat was still there when I came back.
4⃣️ I peeled off the skin of a sausage and put it in front of her. She went up to it and sniffed it. Then she just took off. She left without a meow and vanished. What a rude cat! ➡️ I put a sausage in front of it. The cat went up to it and sniffed it. Then it just took off. It left without even touching the sausage. What a rude cat!
Yesterday, I ran into a stray cat on my way home. It was a cute orange cat, but it was very skinny. It kept meowing like it was really hungry. I felt bad for the cat so I rushed to a nearby convenience store and got some sausages for it. The cat was still there when I came back. I put a sausage in front of it. The cat went up to it and sniffed it. Then it just took off. It left without even touching the sausage. What a rude cat!