获取 pprof 状态
runtime_pprof "runtime/pprof"
profiles := runtime_pprof.Profiles() //获取所有 pprof
runtime_pprof.Lookup(string(name)) //直接查询指定 pprof
读取 CPU 状态
//fd 是一个 满足 io.Writer 协议的对象
if err = runtime_pprof.StartCPUProfile(fd); err != nil {
return err
sec, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Request.FormValue("seconds"), 10, 64)
if sec == 0 {
sec = 30
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sec) * time.Second)
ms := &runtime.MemStats{} // 这两句话获取内存状态
bufwrite := func(name string, value interface{}, remark string) {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s:\t%v\t\t%s\n", name, value, remark))
mb := uint64(1024 * 1024)
bufwrite("Alloc", ms.Alloc/mb, "Mbytes allocated and still in use")
bufwrite("Sys ", ms.Sys/mb, "Mbytes obtained from system (sum of XxxSys below)")
bufwrite("Lookups", ms.Lookups/mb, "number of pointer lookups")
bufwrite("Mallocs", ms.Mallocs/mb, "number of mallocs")
bufwrite("Frees", ms.Frees/mb, "number of frees")
bufwrite("Total", ms.TotalAlloc/mb, "Mbytes allocated (even if freed)")
bufwrite("HeapAlloc", ms.HeapAlloc/mb, "Mbytes allocated and still in use")
bufwrite("HeapSys", ms.HeapSys/mb, "Mbytes obtained from system")
bufwrite("HeapIdle", ms.HeapIdle/mb, "Mbytes in idle spans")
bufwrite("HeapInuse", ms.HeapInuse/mb, "Mbytes in non-idle span")
bufwrite("HeapReleased", ms.HeapReleased/mb, "Mbytes released to the OS")
bufwrite("HeapObjects", ms.HeapObjects, "total number of allocated objects")
GC 状态
count := 5
st := new(debug.GCStats) //读取 GC 状态
st.Pause = make([]time.Duration, count, count)
st.PauseQuantiles = make([]time.Duration, count, count)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %10v: \t%v\n", "Last GC", time.Now().Sub(st.LastGC).String()))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %10v: \t(%v) %v\n", "Total", st.NumGC, st.PauseTotal.String()))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %10v:", "Recent"))