0x02 主动信息收集


search portscan

Matching Modules

   Name                                              Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
   ----                                              ---------------  ----    -----------
   auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_pingback_access                   normal  Wordpress Pingback Locator
   auxiliary/scanner/natpmp/natpmp_portscan                           normal  NAT-PMP External Port Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/portscan/ack                                     normal  TCP ACK Firewall Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/portscan/ftpbounce                               normal  FTP Bounce Port Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn                                     normal  TCP SYN Port Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp                                     normal  TCP Port Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/portscan/xmas                                    normal  TCP "XMas" Port Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/sap/sap_router_portscanner                       normal  SAPRouter Port Scanner


use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp                             
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/tcp) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp):

   Name         Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----         ---------------  --------  -----------
   CONCURRENCY  10               yes       The number of concurrent ports to check per host
   DELAY        0                yes       The delay between connections, per thread, in milliseconds
   JITTER       0                yes       The delay jitter factor (maximum value by which to +/- DELAY) in milliseconds.
   PORTS        1-10000          yes       Ports to scan (e.g. 22-25,80,110-900)
   RHOSTS                        yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   THREADS      1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   TIMEOUT      1000             yes       The socket connect timeout in milliseconds

msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/tcp) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/tcp) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/tcp) > run


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn 
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/syn) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   BATCHSIZE  256              yes       The number of hosts to scan per set
   DELAY      0                yes       The delay between connections, per thread, in milliseconds
   INTERFACE                   no        The name of the interface
   JITTER     0                yes       The delay jitter factor (maximum value by which to +/- DELAY) in milliseconds.
   PORTS      1-10000          yes       Ports to scan (e.g. 22-25,80,110-900)
   RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   SNAPLEN    65535            yes       The number of bytes to capture
   THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   TIMEOUT    500              yes       The reply read timeout in milliseconds

msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/syn) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/syn) > set threads 10
threads => 10
msf auxiliary(scanner/portscan/syn) > run


arp sweep

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep 
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/arp_sweep) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/discovery/arp_sweep):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   INTERFACE                   no        The name of the interface
   RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   SHOST                       no        Source IP Address
   SMAC                        no        Source MAC Address
   THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   TIMEOUT    5                yes       The number of seconds to wait for new data

msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/arp_sweep) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/arp_sweep) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/arp_sweep) > run

udp sweeper

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep 
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/udp_sweep) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   BATCHSIZE  256              yes       The number of hosts to probe in each set
   RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   THREADS    10               yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/udp_sweep) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/udp_sweep) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/discovery/udp_sweep) > run


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares 
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumshares) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumshares):

   Name            Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----            ---------------  --------  -----------
   LogSpider       3                no        0 = disabled, 1 = CSV, 2 = table (txt), 3 = one liner (txt) (Accepted: 0, 1, 2, 3)
   MaxDepth        999              yes       Max number of subdirectories to spider
   RHOSTS                           yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   SMBDomain       .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                          no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                          no        The username to authenticate as
   ShowFiles       false            yes       Show detailed information when spidering
   SpiderProfiles  true             no        Spider only user profiles when share = C$
   SpiderShares    false            no        Spider shares recursively
   THREADS         1                yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumshares) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumshares) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumshares) > run

# 结果
[*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[-]    - Login Failed: Unable to Negotiate with remote host
[-]    - Login Failed: Unable to Negotiate with remote host
[*] Scanned 105 of 256 hosts (41% complete)
[*]    - Windows 2003  (Unknown)
[+]    - IPC$ - (I) Remote IPC
[+]    - ADMIN$ - (DS) Remote Admin
[+]    - C$ - (DS) Default share
[*] Scanned 108 of 256 hosts (42% complete)
[*] Scanned 199 of 256 hosts (77% complete)
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version 
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   SMBDomain  .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                     no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                     no        The username to authenticate as
   THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > run

# 结果

[*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[*] Scanned 104 of 256 hosts (40% complete)
[+]    - Host is running Windows 2003 (build:3790) (name:ROOT-TVI862UBEH) (workgroup:WORKGROUP )
[+]    - Host is running Windows XP SP3 (language:English) (name:DH-CA8822AB9589) (workgroup:WORKGROUP )
[*] Scanned 204 of 256 hosts (79% complete)
[*]    - Host could not be identified: Unix (Samba 3.0.20-Debian)
[*] Scanned 247 of 256 hosts (96% complete)
[*] Scanned 248 of 256 hosts (96% complete)
[*] Scanned 254 of 256 hosts (99% complete)
[*] Scanned 255 of 256 hosts (99% complete)
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumusers) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers):

   Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   SMBDomain  .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                     no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                     no        The username to authenticate as
   THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumusers) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumusers) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_enumusers) > run

# 结果
[*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[*] Scanned 104 of 256 hosts (40% complete)
[*] Scanned 203 of 256 hosts (79% complete)
[*] Scanned 204 of 256 hosts (79% complete)
[+]    - METASPLOITABLE [ games, nobody, bind, proxy, syslog, user, www-data, root, news, postgres, bin, mail, distccd, proftpd, dhcp, daemon, sshd, man, lp, mysql, gnats, libuuid, backup, msfadmin, telnetd, sys, klog, postfix, service, list, irc, ftp, tomcat55, sync, uucp ] ( LockoutTries=0 PasswordMin=5 )
[*] Scanned 229 of 256 hosts (89% complete)
[*] Scanned 246 of 256 hosts (96% complete)
[*] Scanned 248 of 256 hosts (96% complete)
[*] Scanned 249 of 256 hosts (97% complete)
[*] Scanned 250 of 256 hosts (97% complete)
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login 
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_login) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login):

   Name               Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----               ---------------  --------  -----------
   ABORT_ON_LOCKOUT   false            yes       Abort the run when an account lockout is detected
   BLANK_PASSWORDS    false            no        Try blank passwords for all users
   BRUTEFORCE_SPEED   5                yes       How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5
   DB_ALL_CREDS       false            no        Try each user/password couple stored in the current database
   DB_ALL_PASS        false            no        Add all passwords in the current database to the list
   DB_ALL_USERS       false            no        Add all users in the current database to the list
   DETECT_ANY_AUTH    false            no        Enable detection of systems accepting any authentication
   DETECT_ANY_DOMAIN  false            no        Detect if domain is required for the specified user
   PASS_FILE                           no        File containing passwords, one per line
   PRESERVE_DOMAINS   true             no        Respect a username that contains a domain name.
   Proxies                             no        A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...]
   RECORD_GUEST       false            no        Record guest-privileged random logins to the database
   RHOSTS                              yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT              445              yes       The SMB service port (TCP)
   SMBDomain          .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                             no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                             no        The username to authenticate as
   STOP_ON_SUCCESS    false            yes       Stop guessing when a credential works for a host
   THREADS            1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   USERPASS_FILE                       no        File containing users and passwords separated by space, one pair per line
   USER_AS_PASS       false            no        Try the username as the password for all users
   USER_FILE                           no        File containing usernames, one per line
   VERBOSE            true             yes       Whether to print output for all attempts

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_login) > show missing 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login):

   Name    Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----    ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                   yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_login) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_login) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_login) > run

smb漏洞 ms17-010

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010 
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010):

   Name         Current Setting                                                 Required  Description
   ----         ---------------                                                 --------  -----------
   CHECK_ARCH   true                                                            no        Check for architecture on vulnerable hosts
   CHECK_DOPU   true                                                            no        Check for DOUBLEPULSAR on vulnerable hosts
   CHECK_PIPE   false                                                           no        Check for named pipe on vulnerable hosts
   NAMED_PIPES  /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/named_pipes.txt  yes       List of named pipes to check
   RHOSTS                                                                       yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT        445                                                             yes       The SMB service port (TCP)
   SMBDomain    .                                                               no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                                                                      no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                                                                      no        The username to authenticate as
   THREADS      1                                                               yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > show missing 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010):

   Name    Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----    ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                   yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier

msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010) > run

# 结果

[*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[*] Scanned 104 of 256 hosts (40% complete)
[+]    - Host is likely VULNERABLE to MS17-010! - Windows Server 2003 3790 x86 (32-bit)
[+]    - Host is likely VULNERABLE to MS17-010! - Windows 5.1 x86 (32-bit)
[*] Scanned 163 of 256 hosts (63% complete)
[*] Scanned 178 of 256 hosts (69% complete)
[-]    - Host does NOT appear vulnerable.
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version 
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_version) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                    yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT    22               yes       The target port (TCP)
   THREADS  1                yes       The number of concurrent threads
   TIMEOUT  30               yes       Timeout for the SSH probe

msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_version) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_version) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_version) > run

# 结果
*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[+]     - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.8p1 Debian-1 ( service.version=7.8p1 openssh.comment=Debian-1 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH service.cpe23=cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:7.8p1 os.vendor=Debian os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.cpe23=cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux:- service.protocol=ssh fingerprint_db=ssh.banner )
[+]     - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu7 ( service.version=5.3p1 openssh.comment=Debian-3ubuntu7 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH service.cpe23=cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:5.3p1 os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.version=10.04 os.cpe23=cpe:/o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:10.04 service.protocol=ssh fingerprint_db=ssh.banner )
[*] Scanned 102 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[*] Scanned 156 of 256 hosts (60% complete)
[+]     - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1 ( service.version=4.7p1 openssh.comment=Debian-8ubuntu1 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH service.cpe23=cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:4.7p1 os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.version=8.04 os.cpe23=cpe:/o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:8.04 service.protocol=ssh fingerprint_db=ssh.banner )
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login):

   Name              Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----              ---------------  --------  -----------
   BLANK_PASSWORDS   false            no        Try blank passwords for all users
   BRUTEFORCE_SPEED  5                yes       How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5
   DB_ALL_CREDS      false            no        Try each user/password couple stored in the current database
   DB_ALL_PASS       false            no        Add all passwords in the current database to the list
   DB_ALL_USERS      false            no        Add all users in the current database to the list
   PASSWORD                           no        A specific password to authenticate with
   PASS_FILE                          no        File containing passwords, one per line
   RHOSTS    yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT             22               yes       The target port
   STOP_ON_SUCCESS   false            yes       Stop guessing when a credential works for a host
   THREADS           100              yes       The number of concurrent threads
   USERNAME                           no        A specific username to authenticate as
   USERPASS_FILE                      no        File containing users and passwords separated by space, one pair per line
   USER_AS_PASS      false            no        Try the username as the password for all users
   USER_FILE                          no        File containing usernames, one per line
   VERBOSE           false            yes       Whether to print output for all attempts

msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > set user_file /root/user_list.txt
user_file => /root/user_list.txt
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > set pass_file /roor/pass_list.txt
pass_file => /roor/pass_list.txt
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/ssh/ssh_login) > run


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_version 
msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/ftp_version) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_version):

   Name     Current Setting      Required  Description
   ----     ---------------      --------  -----------
   FTPPASS  mozilla@example.com  no        The password for the specified username
   FTPUSER  anonymous            no        The username to authenticate as
   RHOSTS                        yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT    21                   yes       The target port (TCP)
   THREADS  1                    yes       The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/ftp_version) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/ftp_version) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/ftp/ftp_version) > run

# 结果
[*] Scanned 101 of 256 hosts (39% complete)
[+]     - FTP Banner: '220 Microsoft FTP Service\x0d\x0a'
[*] Scanned 105 of 256 hosts (41% complete)
[*] Scanned 135 of 256 hosts (52% complete)
[*] Scanned 140 of 256 hosts (54% complete)
[*] Scanned 184 of 256 hosts (71% complete)
[*] Scanned 255 of 256 hosts (99% complete)
[+]     - FTP Banner: '220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (Debian) [::ffff:]\x0d\x0a'
[*] Scanned 256 of 256 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum 
msf auxiliary(scanner/smtp/smtp_enum) > show options 

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum):

   Name       Current Setting                                                Required  Description
   ----       ---------------                                                --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                                                                    yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT      25                                                             yes       The target port (TCP)
   THREADS    1                                                              yes       The number of concurrent threads
   UNIXONLY   true                                                           yes       Skip Microsoft bannered servers when testing unix users
   USER_FILE  /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt  yes       The file that contains a list of probable users accounts.

msf auxiliary(scanner/smtp/smtp_enum) > set threads 100
threads => 100
msf auxiliary(scanner/smtp/smtp_enum) > set rhosts
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(scanner/smtp/smtp_enum) > run


# snmp默认账号登陆
use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login
use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum

HTTP ssl证书扫描

use auxiliary/scanner/http/cert
set rhost
set rport 8383

http robots.txt文件内容获取

use auxiliary/scanner/http/robots_txt
set path /mutilidae
set rhost


use auxiliary/scanner/http/http_put
set path /uploads
set rhost
set rport 8585


set rhost
set rport 8585
set targeturi /


use auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_auth_methods
set rhost


user auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_cmd
set cmd hostname
set rhosts
set username administrarot
set password 。。。
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 43,490评论 2 348