Chapter 5
I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine. ——Jane Austen
Mr.Bennet are particulartly intimate with Sir William Lucas, and his daughter Charlotte is Elizabeth's intimate friend.
The moring after the assembly Charlotte brought the former to Longbourn to hear and to communicate with Elizabeth, they still pay main attention to Mr.Darcy.
Word study:
1. intimate adj.亲密的,精通的(个人记忆:anti是反对的意思,那假装inti是支持的意思,+mate 朋友 自然就比较亲密,是知己)
2. knighthood n.爵士(knight骑士+hood外套帽子=爵士)
3. mayoralty n.市长职位,任期(mayoral adj.市长的 个人记忆:市长嘛,可能may口头上oral比较会讲ty)
4. elate v.使兴奋,使精神振奋
5. supercilious adj.目空一切的,自大的(个人记忆:supper是超级的,icily冷淡的,去掉I我再改y为i=对除了自己之外的人都超级冷=自大的,ous一般是形容词后缀)
6. pique v.激怒,激发
7. self–complacency n.自命不凡,沾沾自喜(self加什么都是自××,如self–command 自控,self–confidence 自信,不过要注意都是名词)
8. foxhound n.猎狐犬,狐
有人跟我说觉得我word study 括号里写的东西太多了,但是真的因为都是个人记忆的方法,不一定能通用,所以就写了很多,见谅。
阿毛,你可以匆忙,但不要慌张 ❤
希望能一直坚持到chapter 61,加油!❤