- cookie
- Http request( get/ post)
- session, JWT
- cachea
- COMET , web socket
- Cloud models, Cloud owneship
cookies- what is it ?
- small files sent from the server to be stored on client side
- used to track the client's activities and remember stateful information
-1. first visit ?
-2. loggined-in user ? - Updated on every request
cookies - a major problem
- can be edited
- leads to security vulnerabliities
- what do we do now ?
- just don't store any meaningful info in a cookie
- cookie usually just store ids.
Http request
- Get
- puts the query string in the URL
- has length restriction
- post
- puts the query string and other data in the bodys
- no restriction
- Data about the user is stored on server
- A session id is sent to client and stored n client
- Client pass session id to server
- Server uses this id to get data from the database
- presist through user's interaction with the website
- Expample : Google Docs
- what file was being edited
- where the cursor was
JWT (JSON web token)
- no need for database
- stores encrypted data in cookie
- security based on hasing
- lots of libraries available
- idea: store files locally to reduce bandwidth usage and server load
- get file from cache instead of asking the server
- not all content can be cached
- Example: news, twitter
- Has expire time
- Google caches their logo
how to implement a counter
- A counter that increment every 30 second
- problem: server cannot push data to client in HTTP
传统的web应用都是基于请求-响应的模式,ajax的改进只是非全页面更新,无法解决实时性和事件驱动。ajax with polling通过定时请求可以实现伪实时,但频繁的建立和销毁连接又会耗费服务器大量资源,增加带宽使用。
solution 1: COMET
- web browser limit number of connection
- work around : domain streaming
- since limitation is based on domain name, just use multiple domain names to open more connections
- Example : CNN.com
solution 2: Web Socket
- Two way communication between client and server
- provides a persistent connection and both can start sending data
- Example - webSocket handshake
cloud models
SAAS - software as a service
- a piece of software that you can use that is not running on your machine.
- Example : google doc
PAAS - platform as a service
- give you very limit control
Example : Hadoop
- give you very limit control
IAAS - Infrastructure as a service
- gives you access to do whatever you want
- Example: Amazon EC2
why IAAS ?
- why not build your own cloud ?
- cost
- Complexity
- Elasticity 弹性
- why do all these extra work ?
cloud ownship
- private
- corporate
- personal
- public
- managed
- have access to your stuff
- managed