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COMP20003 Algorithms and Data Structures

Second (Spring) Semester 2019

[Assignment 2]

Solving Pac-Man:

online Graph Search

Handed out: Thursday, 10 of October

Due: 00:00, Thursday, 24 of October


The purpose of this assignment is for you to:

• Increase your proficiency in C programming, your dexterity with dynamic memory allocation and

your understanding of data structures, through programming a search algorithm over Graphs.

• Gain experience with applications of graphs and graph algorithms to solving games, one form of

artificial intelligence.

Assignment description

In this programming assignment you’ll be expected to build an AI algorithm to solve Pac-Man. The

game invented in 1980 is one of the classics among arcade games. You can play the game compiling

the code given to you using the keyboard, or using this web implementation.

The code in this assignment was adapted from the open-source terminal version made available by

Mike Billars1 and the original version can be installed as a standard package in Ubuntu2.

The Pac-Man game

As explained in the wikipedia entry, The player navigates Pac-Man through a maze with no dead

ends. The maze is filled with Pac-Dots, and includes four roving multi-colored ghosts: Blinky, Pinky,

Inky, and Clyde.

The objective of the game is to accumulate as many points as possible by eating dots, fruits, and

ghosts. When all of the dots in a stage are eaten, that stage is completed, and the player will advance

to the next. The four ghosts roam the maze and chase Pac-Man. If any of the ghosts touches Pac-Man,

a life is lost. When all lives have been lost, the game is over.

Pac-Man can eat a fruit first and then eat the ghosts for a fixed period of time to earn bonus points.

The enemies turn deep blue, reverse direction and move away from Pac-Man, and usually move more

slowly. When an enemy is eaten, its eyes return to the center ghost box where the ghost is regenerated

in its normal color. The bonus score earned for eating a blue ghost increases exponentially for each

consecutive ghost eaten while a single energizer is active: a score of 200 points is scored for eating one

ghost, 400 for eating a second ghost, 800 for a third, and 1600 for the fourth.

The level id and a scoreboard can be found on the lower part. The information in the last three lines

of the screen reveals information about the algorithm execution.

The game is won when all dots have been eaten. An AI agent or human player can change the direction

of Pac-Man movements.



Figure 1: The UI of the Terminal version. c is pacman, & are ghosts, * are fruits, and . is a regular


The Algorithm

Each possible configuration of the Pac-Man game 29x28 grid and other relevant information such as

the direction of pacman movements, number of lives left, etc. is called a state. The Pac-Man Graph

G = hV; Ei is implicitly defined. The vertex set V is defined as all the possible configurations (states),

and the edges E connecting two vertexes are defined by the legal movements (right, left, up, down).

Your task is to find the path leading to the highest score, i.e. leading to the most rewarding vertex

(state). A path is a sequence of movements. You are going to use a variant of Dijkstra to explore

the most rewarding path first, up to a maximum budget B of expanded/explored nodes (nodes for

which you’ve already generated its children).

Every time the game asks you for a movement (action), you should explore all possible paths until

consuming the budget B if possible. Once you finished generating all the paths, you should return the

first action only of the path leading to the highest score vertex. This action will then be executed

by the game engine.

You might have multiple paths with the same maximum score. If more than one action (left,right,up

or down) begins paths with the same maximum score, you’ll have to break ties randomly.

Make sure you manage the memory well. Everytime you finish running the algorithm, you have to

free all the nodes from the memory, otherwise you are going to run out of memory fairly fast or cause

memory leaks.

GraphSearch(Graph; start; budget)

1 node start

2 explored empty Array

3 frontier priority Queue Containing node Only

4 while frontier 6= empty

5 do

6 node frontier:pop()

7 explored:add(node)

22 return bestAction

Figure 2: Online Graph algorithm variant of Dijkstra

Every time that you consider all the actions that can be applied for a given node, only use the ones

that will face Pac-Man towards a free tile. For example, in Figure 1 you should only consider the

actions Left, and Right.

When you applyAction you have to create a new node, that

1. points to the parent,

2. updates the state with the action chosen,

3. updates the priority (used by the priority queue) of the node to be the negative node’s depth d

(if the node is the dth step of the path, then its priority is -d). This ensures the expansion of

the shortest paths first, as the priority queue provided is a max heap;

4. updates the reward to be r(n) = (h(n) + score(n) - score(nParent)) × γd

(a) the heuristic value h(n) that biases the reward to account for losing lives and eating fruits,


(b) the change in score from the current node and the parent node

(c) times a discount factor of γ = 0:99d, where d is the depth of the node,

5. updates the accumulated reward from the initial node up to the current node, and

6. updates any other auxiliary data in the node.

The heuristic function is h(n) = i - l - g, where i = 10 if Pac-Man has eaten a fruit and becomes

invincible in that state; l = 10 if a life has been lost in that state; and g = 100 if the game is over.

Otherwise i = l = g = 0.

You are going to need some auxiliary data structures to update the scores of the first 4 applicable

actions. The function propagateBackScoreToFirstAction takes the score of the newly generated

node, and propagates back the score to the first action of the path.

This propagation can be either Maximize or Average :

• If you Maximize, you have to make sure that the first action is updated to reflect the maximum

score of any of its children.

• If you Average, you have to make sure that the first action is updated to reflect the average

score taking into account all its children.

Deliverables, evaluation and delivery rules

Deliverable 1 { Solver source code

You are expected to hand in the source code for your solver, written in C. Obviously, your source code

is expected to compile and execute flawlessly using the following makefile command: make generating

an executable called pacman. Remember to compile using the optimization flag gcc -O3 for doing

your experiments, it will run twice faster than compiling with the debugging flag gcc -g. For the

submission, please submit your makefile with gcc -g option, as our scripts need this flag for

testing. Your program must not be compiled under any flags that prevents it from working under gdb

or valgrind

Your implementation should work well over the standard levels, but might fail to perform well in some

of our provided t *.dat levels. The t * levels are specifically designed to test challenging situations.

Try different budgets and explain why your agent works well (or doesn’t) in each of the test cases.

Base Code

You are given a base code. You can compile the code and play with the keyboard. The default solver

chooses an action randomly. You are going to have to program your solver in the file ai.c. Look at the

file pacman.c (MainLoop function) to know which function is called to select an action to execute.

You are given the structure of a node, the state, and also a priority queue implementation. Look into

the utils.* files to know about the functions you can call to apply an action to update a game state.

You are free to change any file.


You can play the game with the keyboard by executing

./pacman <level>

where level 2 f0; : : : ; 9g for standard levels, or the path to a file.dat level

In order to execute your solver use the following command:

./pacman <level> <ai/ai pause> <max/avg> <budget>

Where ai pause calls your algorithm and pauses the game to allow playing one step at a time.

<max=avg> is either max or avg, to select the 2 options for propagating scores, and <budget> is an

integer number indicating the budget of your search.

for example:

./pacman 3 ai max 1000

Will run max updates after expanding a 1000 nodes on Levels/level03.dat file.

./pacman LevelsTest/t buridans ass.dat ai pause avg 1000

Will run average updates after expanding a 1000 nodes on LevelsTest/t buridans ass.dat file,

and pause.


Your solver will print into an output.txt file the following information:

1. Max Depth

2. Number of generated nodes.

3. Number of expanded nodes.

4. Number of expanded nodes per second.

5. Total Search Time, in seconds.

6. Maximum value in the board.

7. Score

For example, the output of your solver ./pacman ai max 1000 could be:



MaxDepth = 8

TotalGenerated = 499,911

TotalExpanded = 253,079

Time = 7.05 seconds

Expanded/Second = 35,897


These numbers are made up. MaxDepth stands for the node with maximum depth generated by

your algorithm across the game. Expanded/Second can be computed by dividing the total number of

expanded nodes by the time it took to play the game. A node is expanded if it was popped out from

the priority queue, and a node is generated if it was created using the applyAction function. You can

print all this information in the function ExitProgram in pacman.c

Deliverable 2 { Experimentation

Besides handing in the solver source code, you’re required to provide a table with the mean score and

deviation (if any), mean expanded/second and deviation, and total execution time for each type of

propagation (max/avg) you implement and each max budget of 10,100,1000,2000.

In order to test your solver, you have to average over multiple runs because pacman has a random

component: the movement of the ghosts. A sample of 3 runs is enough for the purpose of this

assignment. Test at least 3 different Levels.

For each propagation type, plot a figure where the x axis is the budget, and y is the mean score.

Explain your results using your figures and tables. Which max/avg budget works best? Is it better

to propagate max or avg?

If you do any of the optimizations for the extra mark, please report and discuss it in

your experimentation.

Answer concisely. Please include your Username, Student ID and Full Name in your Document.


Assignment marks will be divided into three different components.

1. Solver (11)

2. Code Style (1)

3. Experimentation (3)

Please note that you should be ready to answer any question we might have on the details of your

assignment solution by e{mail, or even attending a brief interview with me, in order to clarify any

doubts we might have.

Code Style

You can improve the base code according to the guidelines given in the first assignments. Feel free

to add comments wherever you find convenient. From your comments it should be very clear exactly

which lines implement each line of the pseudocode. The base code was minimally modified to allow

easy deployment of your AI algorithm and the coding style belongs to the original author.

Delivery rules

You will need to make two submissions for this assignment:

• Your C code files (including your Makefile) will be submitted through the LMS page for this

subject: Assignments ! Assignment 2 ! Assignment 2: Code.

• Your experiments report file will be submitted through the LMS page for this subject: Assignments ! Assignment 2 ! Assignment 2: Experimentation. This file can be of any format, e.g.

.pdf, text or other.

Program files submitted (Code)

Submit the program files for your assignment and your Makefile.

Your programs must compile and run correctly on the JupyterHub server. You may have developed

your program in another environment, but it still must run on the JupyterHub server at submission

time. For this reason, and because there are often small, but significant, differences between compilers,

it is suggested that if you are working in a different environment, you upload and test your code on

the JupyterHub server at reasonably frequent intervals.

valgrind will report a memory leak as still reachable memory. This is a known issue with ncurses

and won’t count as a leak. Make sure you maintain the other sections under Leak summary down

to 0.

A common reason for programs not to compile is that a file has been inadvertently omitted from the

submission. Please check your submission, and resubmit all files if necessary.

To compile in your local machine you need to install the library ncurses. Ncurses is needed for the

terminal UI. If you are using WSL or Ubuntu, type the following command:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev


This is an individual assignment. The work must be your own.

While you may discuss your program development, coding problems and experimentation with your

classmates, you must not share files, as this is considered plagiarism.

If you refer to published work in the discussion of your experiments, be sure to include

a citation to the publication or the web link.

\Borrowing" of someone else’s code without acknowledgement is plagiarism, e.x. taking code from a book without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is considered a serious offense at the

University of Melbourne. You should read the University code on Academic honesty and details on

plagiarism. Make sure you are not plagiarizing, intentionally or unintentionally.

You are also advised that there will be a C programming component (on paper, not on a computer) on

the final examination. Students who do not program their own assignments will be at a disadvantage

for this part of the examination.

Administrative issues

When is late? What do I do if I am late? The due date and time are printed on the front

of this document. The lateness policy is on the handout provided at the first lecture and also available on the subject LMS page. If you decide to make a late submission, you should send an email

directly to the lecturer as soon as possible and he will provide instructions for making a late submission.

What are the marks and the marking criteria Recall that this project is worth 15% of your

final score. There is also a hurdle requirement: you must earn at least 15 marks out of a subtotal of

30 for the projects to pass this subject.

Finally Despite all these stern words, we are here to help! There is information about getting help

in this subject on the LMS pages. Frequently asked questions about the project will be answered in

the LMS discussion group.

Have Fun!

COMP20003 team.  

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