Swift提供了assert,precondition, fatalError三种断言方法。编程时可使用的API主要有以下5种
具体这5个函数在那种情况下会使应用程序强制崩溃,以下这位大佬给制作了一份方便易懂的参照表,提供了以上函数在不同编译器优化等级(Optimization Level)下是否崩溃的cheat sheet。
function |
debug -Onone |
release -O |
release -Ounchecked |
assert() | YES | NO | NO |
assertionFailure() | YES | NO | NO** |
precondition() | YES | YES | NO |
preconditionFailure() | YES | YES | YES** |
fatalError()* | YES | YES | YES |
* not really assertion, it is designed to terminate code execution always, no matter what.
** the optimizer may assume that this function will never be called.
具体在什么情况下应采用哪个函数则有喵神的《关于 Swift Error 的分类》这篇文章可以参考,这里不再赘述。
SIL is an SSA-form IR with high-level semantic information designed to implement the Swift programming language.
- A set of guaranteed high-level optimizations that provide a predictable baseline for runtime and diagnostic behavior.
- Diagnostic dataflow analysis passes that enforce Swift language requirements, such as definitive initialization of variables and constructors, code reachability, switch coverage.
- High-level optimization passes, including retain/release optimization, dynamic method devirtualization, closure inlining, promoting heap allocations to stack allocations, promoting stack allocations to SSA registers, scalar replacement of aggregates (splitting aggregate allocations into multiple smaller allocations), and generic function instantiation.
- A stable distribution format that can be used to distribute "fragile" inlineable or generic code with Swift library modules, to be optimized into client binaries.
// TODO: 以下尚未完成
// assert.swift
// assertionFailure.swift
// precondition.swift
// preconditionFailure.swift
// fatalError.swift
compile -Onone
$ swiftc -emit-sil *.swift > *.sil
compile -O
$ swiftc -emit-sil -O *.swift > *_O.sil
compile -Ounchecked
$ swiftc -emit-sil -Ounchecked *.swift > *_Ounchecked.sil
assert.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "assert.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 12 // user: %8
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
br bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
br bb2 // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%8 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %10
%10 = struct $UInt (%9 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %26
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of assert(_:_:file:line:)
%11 = function_ref @$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %12
%12 = thin_to_thick_function %11 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // users: %13, %14
strong_retain %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %13
%14 = convert_escape_to_noescape %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %22
br bb3 // id: %15
bb3: // Preds: bb2
br bb4 // id: %16
bb4: // Preds: bb3
%17 = string_literal utf8 "Assertion failed" // user: %19
%18 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 16 // user: %21
%19 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%17 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %21
%20 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %21
%21 = struct $StaticString (%19 : $Builtin.Word, %18 : $Builtin.Word, %20 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%22 = apply %14() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %26
%23 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %24
%24 = struct $UInt32 (%23 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %26
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%25 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %26
%26 = apply %25(%21, %22, %8, %10, %24) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %27
} // end sil function 'main'
// Bool.init(_builtinBooleanLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSb22_builtinBooleanLiteralSbBi1__tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.Int1, @thin Bool.Type) -> Bool {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1, %1 : $@thin Bool.Type):
%2 = struct $Bool (%0 : $Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
return %2 : $Bool // id: %3
} // end sil function '$sSb22_builtinBooleanLiteralSbBi1__tcfC'
// StaticString.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] [readonly] @$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin StaticString.Type) -> StaticString {
// %0 // user: %4
// %1 // user: %11
// %2 // user: %5
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $Builtin.Int1, %3 : $@thin StaticString.Type):
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %11
cond_br %2, bb2, bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0 // user: %7
br bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %9
br bb3(%8 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %9
// %10 // user: %11
bb3(%10 : $Builtin.Int8): // Preds: bb2 bb1
%11 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %12
return %11 : $StaticString // id: %12
} // end sil function '$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC'
// UInt.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin UInt.Type) -> UInt {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral, %1 : $@thin UInt.Type):
%2 = builtin "s_to_u_checked_trunc_IntLiteral_Int64"(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
%3 = tuple_extract %2 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // user: %4
%4 = struct $UInt (%3 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %5
return %4 : $UInt // id: %5
} // end sil function '$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC'
// default argument 1 of assert(_:_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String {
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of assert(_:_:file:line:)
%0 = function_ref @$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %1
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %2
return %1 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %2
} // end sil function '$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_'
// assert(_:_:file:line:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool, @noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> () {
// %0 // user: %5
// %1 // user: %15
// %2 // user: %19
// %3 // user: %19
bb0(%0 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool, %1 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, %2 : $StaticString, %3 : $UInt):
br bb1 // id: %4
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%5 = apply %0() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool // user: %7
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1 // user: %8
%7 = struct_extract %5 : $Bool, #Bool._value // user: %8
%8 = builtin "int_expect_Int1"(%7 : $Builtin.Int1, %6 : $Builtin.Int1) : $Builtin.Int1 // user: %9
cond_br %8, bb3, bb2 // id: %9
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%10 = string_literal utf8 "Assertion failed" // user: %12
%11 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 16 // user: %14
%12 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%10 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %14
%13 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %14
%14 = struct $StaticString (%12 : $Builtin.Word, %11 : $Builtin.Word, %13 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %19
%15 = apply %1() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %19
%16 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %17
%17 = struct $UInt32 (%16 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %19
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%18 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %19
%19 = apply %18(%14, %15, %2, %3, %17) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %20
bb3: // Preds: bb1
%21 = tuple () // user: %22
return %21 : $() // id: %22
} // end sil function '$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutF'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
// implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of assert(_:_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %1
%1 = struct $UInt64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %4
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %3
%3 = value_to_bridge_object %2 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %4
%4 = struct $_StringObject (%1 : $UInt64, %3 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %5
%5 = struct $_StringGuts (%4 : $_StringObject) // user: %6
%6 = struct $String (%5 : $_StringGuts) // user: %7
return %6 : $String // id: %7
} // end sil function '$ss6assert__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_'
assert_O.sil (-O)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %3
%3 = struct $Int32 (%2 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %4
return %3 : $Int32 // id: %4
} // end sil function 'main'
assert_Ounchecked.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %3
%3 = struct $Int32 (%2 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %4
return %3 : $Int32 // id: %4
} // end sil function 'main'
assertionFailure.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "assertionFailure.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 22 // user: %8
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
br bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
br bb2 // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%8 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %16
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %10
%10 = struct $UInt (%9 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %16
// function_ref default argument 0 of assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
%11 = function_ref @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %12
%12 = apply %11() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // users: %18, %17, %13, %14
strong_retain %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %13
%14 = convert_escape_to_noescape %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %16
// function_ref assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
%15 = function_ref @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> () // user: %16
%16 = apply %15(%14, %8, %10) : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> ()
strong_release %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %17
strong_release %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %18
%19 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %20
%20 = struct $Int32 (%19 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %21
return %20 : $Int32 // id: %21
} // end sil function 'main'
// StaticString.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] [readonly] @$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin StaticString.Type) -> StaticString {
// %0 // user: %4
// %1 // user: %11
// %2 // user: %5
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $Builtin.Int1, %3 : $@thin StaticString.Type):
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %11
cond_br %2, bb2, bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0 // user: %7
br bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %9
br bb3(%8 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %9
// %10 // user: %11
bb3(%10 : $Builtin.Int8): // Preds: bb2 bb1
%11 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %12
return %11 : $StaticString // id: %12
} // end sil function '$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC'
// UInt.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin UInt.Type) -> UInt {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral, %1 : $@thin UInt.Type):
%2 = builtin "s_to_u_checked_trunc_IntLiteral_Int64"(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
%3 = tuple_extract %2 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // user: %4
%4 = struct $UInt (%3 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %5
return %4 : $UInt // id: %5
} // end sil function '$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC'
// default argument 0 of assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [serialized] [always_inline] @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String {
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
%0 = function_ref @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %1
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %2
return %1 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %2
} // end sil function '$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_'
// assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil [serialized] [always_inline] @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> ()
// implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of assertionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %1
%1 = struct $UInt64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %4
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %3
%3 = value_to_bridge_object %2 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %4
%4 = struct $_StringObject (%1 : $UInt64, %3 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %5
%5 = struct $_StringGuts (%4 : $_StringObject) // user: %6
%6 = struct $String (%5 : $_StringGuts) // user: %7
return %6 : $String // id: %7
} // end sil function '$ss16assertionFailure_4file4lineySSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_'
assertionFailure_O.sil (-O)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %3
%3 = struct $Int32 (%2 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %4
return %3 : $Int32 // id: %4
} // end sil function 'main'
assertionFailure_Ounchecked.sil (-Ounchecked)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
unreachable // id: %2
} // end sil function 'main'
precondition.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "precondition.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 18 // user: %8
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
br bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
br bb2 // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%8 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %10
%10 = struct $UInt (%9 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %26
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of precondition(_:_:file:line:)
%11 = function_ref @$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %12
%12 = thin_to_thick_function %11 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // users: %13, %14
strong_retain %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %13
%14 = convert_escape_to_noescape %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %22
br bb3 // id: %15
bb3: // Preds: bb2
br bb4 // id: %16
bb4: // Preds: bb3
%17 = string_literal utf8 "Precondition failed" // user: %19
%18 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 19 // user: %21
%19 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%17 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %21
%20 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %21
%21 = struct $StaticString (%19 : $Builtin.Word, %18 : $Builtin.Word, %20 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%22 = apply %14() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %26
%23 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %24
%24 = struct $UInt32 (%23 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %26
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%25 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %26
%26 = apply %25(%21, %22, %8, %10, %24) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %27
} // end sil function 'main'
// Bool.init(_builtinBooleanLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSb22_builtinBooleanLiteralSbBi1__tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.Int1, @thin Bool.Type) -> Bool {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1, %1 : $@thin Bool.Type):
%2 = struct $Bool (%0 : $Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
return %2 : $Bool // id: %3
} // end sil function '$sSb22_builtinBooleanLiteralSbBi1__tcfC'
// StaticString.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] [readonly] @$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin StaticString.Type) -> StaticString {
// %0 // user: %4
// %1 // user: %11
// %2 // user: %5
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $Builtin.Int1, %3 : $@thin StaticString.Type):
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %11
cond_br %2, bb2, bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0 // user: %7
br bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %9
br bb3(%8 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %9
// %10 // user: %11
bb3(%10 : $Builtin.Int8): // Preds: bb2 bb1
%11 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %12
return %11 : $StaticString // id: %12
} // end sil function '$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC'
// UInt.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin UInt.Type) -> UInt {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral, %1 : $@thin UInt.Type):
%2 = builtin "s_to_u_checked_trunc_IntLiteral_Int64"(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
%3 = tuple_extract %2 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // user: %4
%4 = struct $UInt (%3 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %5
return %4 : $UInt // id: %5
} // end sil function '$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC'
// default argument 1 of precondition(_:_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String {
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of precondition(_:_:file:line:)
%0 = function_ref @$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %1
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %2
return %1 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %2
} // end sil function '$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_'
// precondition(_:_:file:line:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool, @noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> () {
// %0 // user: %5
// %1 // user: %15
// %2 // user: %19
// %3 // user: %19
bb0(%0 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool, %1 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, %2 : $StaticString, %3 : $UInt):
br bb1 // id: %4
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%5 = apply %0() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> Bool // user: %7
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1 // user: %8
%7 = struct_extract %5 : $Bool, #Bool._value // user: %8
%8 = builtin "int_expect_Int1"(%7 : $Builtin.Int1, %6 : $Builtin.Int1) : $Builtin.Int1 // user: %9
cond_br %8, bb3, bb2 // id: %9
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%10 = string_literal utf8 "Precondition failed" // user: %12
%11 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 19 // user: %14
%12 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%10 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %14
%13 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %14
%14 = struct $StaticString (%12 : $Builtin.Word, %11 : $Builtin.Word, %13 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %19
%15 = apply %1() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %19
%16 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %17
%17 = struct $UInt32 (%16 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %19
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%18 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %19
%19 = apply %18(%14, %15, %2, %3, %17) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %20
bb3: // Preds: bb1
%21 = tuple () // user: %22
return %21 : $() // id: %22
} // end sil function '$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutF'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
// implicit closure #1 in default argument 1 of precondition(_:_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %1
%1 = struct $UInt64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %4
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %3
%3 = value_to_bridge_object %2 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %4
%4 = struct $_StringObject (%1 : $UInt64, %3 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %5
%5 = struct $_StringGuts (%4 : $_StringObject) // user: %6
%6 = struct $String (%5 : $_StringGuts) // user: %7
return %6 : $String // id: %7
} // end sil function '$ss12precondition__4file4lineySbyXK_SSyXKs12StaticStringVSutFfA0_SSycfu_'
precondition_O.sil (-O)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1 // user: %3
cond_fail %2 : $Builtin.Int1 // id: %3
unreachable // id: %4
} // end sil function 'main'
precondition_Ounchecked.sil (-Ounchecked)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %3
%3 = struct $Int32 (%2 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %4
return %3 : $Int32 // id: %4
} // end sil function 'main'
preconditionFailure.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "preconditionFailure.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 25 // user: %8
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
br bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
br bb2 // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%8 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %25
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %10
%10 = struct $UInt (%9 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %25
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
%11 = function_ref @$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %12
%12 = thin_to_thick_function %11 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // users: %13, %14
strong_retain %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %13
%14 = convert_escape_to_noescape %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %21
br bb3 // id: %15
bb3: // Preds: bb2
%16 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %18
%17 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %20
%18 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%16 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %20
%19 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %20
%20 = struct $StaticString (%18 : $Builtin.Word, %17 : $Builtin.Word, %19 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %25
%21 = apply %14() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %25
%22 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %23
%23 = struct $UInt32 (%22 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %25
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%24 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %25
%25 = apply %24(%20, %21, %8, %10, %23) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %26
} // end sil function 'main'
// StaticString.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] [readonly] @$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin StaticString.Type) -> StaticString {
// %0 // user: %4
// %1 // user: %11
// %2 // user: %5
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $Builtin.Int1, %3 : $@thin StaticString.Type):
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %11
cond_br %2, bb2, bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0 // user: %7
br bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %9
br bb3(%8 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %9
// %10 // user: %11
bb3(%10 : $Builtin.Int8): // Preds: bb2 bb1
%11 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %12
return %11 : $StaticString // id: %12
} // end sil function '$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC'
// UInt.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin UInt.Type) -> UInt {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral, %1 : $@thin UInt.Type):
%2 = builtin "s_to_u_checked_trunc_IntLiteral_Int64"(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
%3 = tuple_extract %2 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // user: %4
%4 = struct $UInt (%3 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %5
return %4 : $UInt // id: %5
} // end sil function '$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC'
// default argument 0 of preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String {
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
%0 = function_ref @$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %1
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %2
return %1 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %2
} // end sil function '$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_'
// preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> Never {
// %0 // user: %9
// %1 // user: %13
// %2 // user: %13
bb0(%0 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, %1 : $StaticString, %2 : $UInt):
br bb1 // id: %3
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%4 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %6
%5 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %8
%6 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%4 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
%7 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
%8 = struct $StaticString (%6 : $Builtin.Word, %5 : $Builtin.Word, %7 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %13
%9 = apply %0() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %13
%10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %11
%11 = struct $UInt32 (%10 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %13
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%12 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %13
%13 = apply %12(%8, %9, %1, %2, %11) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %14
} // end sil function '$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
// implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %1
%1 = struct $UInt64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %4
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %3
%3 = value_to_bridge_object %2 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %4
%4 = struct $_StringObject (%1 : $UInt64, %3 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %5
%5 = struct $_StringGuts (%4 : $_StringObject) // user: %6
%6 = struct $String (%5 : $_StringGuts) // user: %7
return %6 : $String // id: %7
} // end sil function '$ss19preconditionFailure_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_'
preconditionFailure_O.sil (-O)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = builtin "int_trap"() : $Never
unreachable // id: %3
} // end sil function 'main'
preconditionFailure_Ounchecked.sil (-Ounchecked)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
unreachable // id: %2
} // end sil function 'main'
fatalError.sil (-Onone)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "fatalError.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 16 // user: %8
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %8
br bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %8
br bb2 // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%8 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %10
%10 = struct $UInt (%9 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %26
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of fatalError(_:file:line:)
%11 = function_ref @$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %12
%12 = thin_to_thick_function %11 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // users: %13, %14
strong_retain %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %13
%14 = convert_escape_to_noescape %12 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %20
%15 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %17
%16 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %19
%17 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%15 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %19
%18 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %19
%19 = struct $StaticString (%17 : $Builtin.Word, %16 : $Builtin.Word, %18 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %26
%20 = apply %14() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %26
br bb3 // id: %21
bb3: // Preds: bb2
%22 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %24
br bb4 // id: %23
bb4: // Preds: bb3
%24 = struct $UInt32 (%22 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %26
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%25 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %26
%26 = apply %25(%19, %20, %8, %10, %24) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %27
} // end sil function 'main'
// StaticString.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] [readonly] @$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin StaticString.Type) -> StaticString {
// %0 // user: %4
// %1 // user: %11
// %2 // user: %5
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $Builtin.Int1, %3 : $@thin StaticString.Type):
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %11
cond_br %2, bb2, bb1 // id: %5
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 0 // user: %7
br bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %7
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %9
br bb3(%8 : $Builtin.Int8) // id: %9
// %10 // user: %11
bb3(%10 : $Builtin.Int8): // Preds: bb2 bb1
%11 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %12
return %11 : $StaticString // id: %12
} // end sil function '$ss12StaticStringV08_builtinB7Literal17utf8CodeUnitCount7isASCIIABBp_BwBi1_tcfC'
// UInt.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin UInt.Type) -> UInt {
// %0 // user: %2
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral, %1 : $@thin UInt.Type):
%2 = builtin "s_to_u_checked_trunc_IntLiteral_Int64"(%0 : $Builtin.IntLiteral) : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1) // user: %3
%3 = tuple_extract %2 : $(Builtin.Int64, Builtin.Int1), 0 // user: %4
%4 = struct $UInt (%3 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %5
return %4 : $UInt // id: %5
} // end sil function '$sSu22_builtinIntegerLiteralSuBI_tcfC'
// default argument 0 of fatalError(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String {
// function_ref implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of fatalError(_:file:line:)
%0 = function_ref @$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %1
%1 = thin_to_thick_function %0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String to $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %2
return %1 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // id: %2
} // end sil function '$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_'
// fatalError(_:file:line:)
sil public_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF : $@convention(thin) (@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, StaticString, UInt) -> Never {
// %0 // user: %8
// %1 // user: %14
// %2 // user: %14
bb0(%0 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String, %1 : $StaticString, %2 : $UInt):
%3 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %5
%4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %7
%5 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%3 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %7
%6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // user: %7
%7 = struct $StaticString (%5 : $Builtin.Word, %4 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %14
%8 = apply %0() : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @owned String // user: %14
br bb1 // id: %9
bb1: // Preds: bb0
%10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1 // user: %12
br bb2 // id: %11
bb2: // Preds: bb1
%12 = struct $UInt32 (%10 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %14
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%13 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %14
%14 = apply %13(%7, %8, %1, %2, %12) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %15
} // end sil function '$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutF'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
// implicit closure #1 in default argument 0 of fatalError(_:file:line:)
sil shared_external [transparent] [serialized] @$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_ : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %1
%1 = struct $UInt64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %4
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %3
%3 = value_to_bridge_object %2 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %4
%4 = struct $_StringObject (%1 : $UInt64, %3 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %5
%5 = struct $_StringGuts (%4 : $_StringObject) // user: %6
%6 = struct $String (%5 : $_StringGuts) // user: %7
return %6 : $String // id: %7
} // end sil function '$ss10fatalError_4file4lines5NeverOSSyXK_s12StaticStringVSutFfA_SSycfu_'
fatalError_O.sil (-O)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "fatalError.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 16 // user: %6
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %6
%5 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // users: %12, %6
%6 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %5 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %23
%7 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %8
%8 = struct $UInt (%7 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %23
%9 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %11
%10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %12
%11 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%9 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %12
%12 = struct $StaticString (%11 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Word, %5 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %23
%13 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %14
%14 = struct $UInt64 (%13 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %17
%15 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %16
%16 = value_to_bridge_object %15 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %17
%17 = struct $_StringObject (%14 : $UInt64, %16 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %18
%18 = struct $_StringGuts (%17 : $_StringObject) // user: %19
%19 = struct $String (%18 : $_StringGuts) // user: %23
%20 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %21
%21 = struct $UInt32 (%20 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %23
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%22 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %23
%23 = apply %22(%12, %19, %6, %8, %21) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %24
} // end sil function 'main'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
fatalError_Ounchecked.sil (-Ounchecked)
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// main
sil @main : $@convention(c) (Int32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>):
%2 = string_literal utf8 "fatalError.swift" // user: %4
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 16 // user: %6
%4 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %6
%5 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int8, 2 // users: %12, %6
%6 = struct $StaticString (%4 : $Builtin.Word, %3 : $Builtin.Word, %5 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %23
%7 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1 // user: %8
%8 = struct $UInt (%7 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %23
%9 = string_literal utf8 "Fatal error" // user: %11
%10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 11 // user: %12
%11 = builtin "ptrtoint_Word"(%9 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $Builtin.Word // user: %12
%12 = struct $StaticString (%11 : $Builtin.Word, %10 : $Builtin.Word, %5 : $Builtin.Int8) // user: %23
%13 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0 // user: %14
%14 = struct $UInt64 (%13 : $Builtin.Int64) // user: %17
%15 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, -2305843009213693952 // user: %16
%16 = value_to_bridge_object %15 : $Builtin.Int64 // user: %17
%17 = struct $_StringObject (%14 : $UInt64, %16 : $Builtin.BridgeObject) // user: %18
%18 = struct $_StringGuts (%17 : $_StringObject) // user: %19
%19 = struct $String (%18 : $_StringGuts) // user: %23
%20 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %21
%21 = struct $UInt32 (%20 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %23
// function_ref _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
%22 = function_ref @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never // user: %23
%23 = apply %22(%12, %19, %6, %8, %21) : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never
unreachable // id: %24
} // end sil function 'main'
// _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:)
sil [noinline] [_semantics "programtermination_point"] @$ss17_assertionFailure__4file4line5flagss5NeverOs12StaticStringV_SSAHSus6UInt32VtF : $@convention(thin) (StaticString, @guaranteed String, StaticString, UInt, UInt32) -> Never