之前在一个学习编程的网站花费一万多元,没多久就坚持不下去了,感觉自己虎头蛇尾(确切的说是虎头无尾)的性格一时间也无法改变。从此,对学习新东西彻底失去信心。上个月在微博上看吴主任转了一条微博,是关于某编程网站的推广视频,两位google开发者在2分钟左右时间里生动而清晰的介绍了编程里面“对象”这一概念,完全颠覆了我对视频教学的认知,原来编程课可以这样讲。二话不说,立马报了前端开发入门课程(web development)。半个多月下来,学习兴趣只增不减,鉴于已经进入状态,正好趁热打铁做一些复盘和总结。准备用3个月时间把学习日志写成一个系列。一来巩固已学成果,二来给想学习前端开发的同学一个参考。哦,忘了说,这个网站中文名叫优达学城(Udacity)。
HTML CSS & Javascript
超文本标记语言(markup language)只用于描述其他文件,描述内容和结构 - CSS
样式标记语言,描述一个网站的样子 - Javascript
处理所有的交互方式,是一个编程语言(programming language),允许开发人员改变网页内容和即时改变网站的风格。
Develper's way of thinking
In reality the sign of a good developer isn't someone who's very smart. it's someone who's going to solving problems and persever. You're going to run into problems, you're going to get frustrated. There will be times you are confused. And you're going to program yourself into a corner that seems inescapable. Whenever you run into these situations, it's important that you keep going. And I don't mean keep going in the sense that you just bang your head against the wall, and get more and more frustrated. I mean going in the sense that, day after day, little by little, you just make some progress. That's how you can get through any problem.
Problem-solving strategies:
Sleeping on it
Using google and stack overflow to ask for help
Rethink what you're doing, get your ideas on paper and stop juggling them in your head. You'll be able to make better decisions if you can see the whole picture
Look at your mistakes and missteps as learning opportunities
You're never really wrong, you just aren't right, yet