Spring Mvc的异步处理




{@code DeferredResult} provides an alternative to using a {@link Callable} for asynchronous request processing. While a {@code Callable} is executed concurrently on behalf of the application, with a {@code DeferredResult} the application can produce the result from a thread of its choice.




package com.bdqn.lyrk.ssm.study.web.controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.DeferredResult;

import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

 * 异步任务的控制器
 * @author chen.nie
 * @date 2018/8/2
public class AsyncController {

    private BlockingQueue<DeferredResult<String>> blockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(1024);

     * 返回值是DeferredResult类型,如果没有结果请求阻塞
     * @return
    public DeferredResult<String> quotes() {
        DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult(3000L,"error");
        return result;

     * 另外一个请求(新的线程)设置值
     * @throws InterruptedException

    public void take() throws InterruptedException {
        DeferredResult<String> result = blockingQueue.take();

    public Callable<String> callable() {
        return () -> "callable";


此时我们启动tomcat,先访问地址http://localhost:8080/quotes ,此时我们会看到发送的请求由于等待响应遭到了阻塞:

当在规定时间内访问http://localhost:8080/take 时,则能成功显示结果:



DeferredResult processing:

  • Controller returns a DeferredResult and saves it in some in-memory queue or list where it can be accessed.

  • Spring MVC calls request.startAsync().

  • Meanwhile the DispatcherServlet and all configured Filter’s exit the request processing thread but the response remains open.

  • The application sets the DeferredResult from some thread and Spring MVC dispatches the request back to the Servlet container.

  • The DispatcherServlet is invoked again and processing resumes with the asynchronously produced return value.



  • 当一个请求被DispatcherServlet处理时,会试着获取一个WebAsyncManager对象

protected void doDispatch(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        HttpServletRequest processedRequest = request;
        HandlerExecutionChain mappedHandler = null;
        boolean multipartRequestParsed = false;

        WebAsyncManager asyncManager = WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(request);
        try {
          // ......省略部分代码
          // 执行子控制器的方法
          mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());
          if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
        catch (Exception ex) {
            triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler, ex);
        catch (Throwable err) {
            triggerAfterCompletion(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler,
                new NestedServletException("Handler processing failed", err));
        finally {
            if (asyncManager.isConcurrentHandlingStarted()) {
                // Instead of postHandle and afterCompletion
                if (mappedHandler != null) {
                    mappedHandler.applyAfterConcurrentHandlingStarted(processedRequest, response);
            else {
                // Clean up any resources used by a multipart request.
                if (multipartRequestParsed) {
  • 对于每一个子控制器的方法返回值,都是HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler接口处理的,其中有一个实现类是DeferredResultMethodReturnValueHandler,关键代码如下:
package org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter;
import org.springframework.lang.UsesJava8;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import org.springframework.util.concurrent.ListenableFutureCallback;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.DeferredResult;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncUtils;
import org.springframework.web.method.support.AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler;
import org.springframework.web.method.support.ModelAndViewContainer;

 * Handler for return values of type {@link DeferredResult}, {@link ListenableFuture},
 * {@link CompletionStage} and any other async type with a {@link #getAdapterMap()
 * registered adapter}.
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @since 3.2
public class DeferredResultMethodReturnValueHandler implements AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler {

    private final Map<Class<?>, DeferredResultAdapter> adapterMap;

    public DeferredResultMethodReturnValueHandler() {
        this.adapterMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, DeferredResultAdapter>(5);
        this.adapterMap.put(DeferredResult.class, new SimpleDeferredResultAdapter());
        this.adapterMap.put(ListenableFuture.class, new ListenableFutureAdapter());
        if (ClassUtils.isPresent("java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage", getClass().getClassLoader())) {
            this.adapterMap.put(CompletionStage.class, new CompletionStageAdapter());

     * Return the map with {@code DeferredResult} adapters.
     * <p>By default the map contains adapters for {@code DeferredResult}, which
     * simply downcasts, {@link ListenableFuture}, and {@link CompletionStage}.
     * @return the map of adapters
     * @deprecated in 4.3.8, see comments on {@link DeferredResultAdapter}
    public Map<Class<?>, DeferredResultAdapter> getAdapterMap() {
        return this.adapterMap;

    private DeferredResultAdapter getAdapterFor(Class<?> type) {
        for (Class<?> adapteeType : getAdapterMap().keySet()) {
            if (adapteeType.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                return getAdapterMap().get(adapteeType);
        return null;

    public boolean supportsReturnType(MethodParameter returnType) {
        return (getAdapterFor(returnType.getParameterType()) != null);

    public boolean isAsyncReturnValue(Object returnValue, MethodParameter returnType) {
        return (returnValue != null && (getAdapterFor(returnValue.getClass()) != null));

    public void handleReturnValue(Object returnValue, MethodParameter returnType,
            ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception {

        if (returnValue == null) {
        DeferredResultAdapter adapter = getAdapterFor(returnValue.getClass());
        if (adapter == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Could not find DeferredResultAdapter for return value type: " + returnValue.getClass());
        DeferredResult<?> result = adapter.adaptToDeferredResult(returnValue);
        WebAsyncUtils.getAsyncManager(webRequest).startDeferredResultProcessing(result, mavContainer);



  • 紧接着我们关注一下WebAsyncManagerstartDeferredResultProcessing方法
     * Start concurrent request processing and initialize the given
     * {@link DeferredResult} with a {@link DeferredResultHandler} that saves
     * the result and dispatches the request to resume processing of that
     * result. The {@code AsyncWebRequest} is also updated with a completion
     * handler that expires the {@code DeferredResult} and a timeout handler
     * assuming the {@code DeferredResult} has a default timeout result.
     * @param deferredResult the DeferredResult instance to initialize
     * @param processingContext additional context to save that can be accessed
     * via {@link #getConcurrentResultContext()}
     * @throws Exception if concurrent processing failed to start
     * @see #getConcurrentResult()
     * @see #getConcurrentResultContext()
    public void startDeferredResultProcessing(
            final DeferredResult<?> deferredResult, Object... processingContext) throws Exception {

        Assert.notNull(deferredResult, "DeferredResult must not be null");
        Assert.state(this.asyncWebRequest != null, "AsyncWebRequest must not be null");
        Long timeout = deferredResult.getTimeoutValue();
        if (timeout != null) {

        List<DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor>();

        final DeferredResultInterceptorChain interceptorChain = new DeferredResultInterceptorChain(interceptors);
        this.asyncWebRequest.addTimeoutHandler(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    interceptorChain.triggerAfterTimeout(asyncWebRequest, deferredResult);
                catch (Throwable ex) {

        this.asyncWebRequest.addCompletionHandler(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                interceptorChain.triggerAfterCompletion(asyncWebRequest, deferredResult);

        interceptorChain.applyBeforeConcurrentHandling(this.asyncWebRequest, deferredResult);

        try {
            interceptorChain.applyPreProcess(this.asyncWebRequest, deferredResult);
            deferredResult.setResultHandler(new DeferredResultHandler() {
                public void handleResult(Object result) {
                    result = interceptorChain.applyPostProcess(asyncWebRequest, deferredResult, result);
        catch (Throwable ex) {

    private void startAsyncProcessing(Object[] processingContext) {
        this.concurrentResultContext = processingContext;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            HttpServletRequest request = this.asyncWebRequest.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
            String requestUri = urlPathHelper.getRequestUri(request);
            logger.debug("Concurrent handling starting for " + request.getMethod() + " [" + requestUri + "]");


 deferredResult.setResultHandler(new DeferredResultHandler() {
                public void handleResult(Object result) {
                    result = interceptorChain.applyPostProcess(asyncWebRequest, deferredResult, result);


     * Dispatch the request to the container in order to resume processing after
     * concurrent execution in an application thread.
    void dispatch();



    private final HttpServletRequest request;
     * Exposes the native {@link HttpServletRequest} that we're wrapping.
    public final HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
        return this.request;


    private AsyncContext asyncContext;
    public void startAsync() {
                "Async support must be enabled on a servlet and for all filters involved " +
                "in async request processing. This is done in Java code using the Servlet API " +
                "or by adding \"<async-supported>true</async-supported>\" to servlet and " +
                "filter declarations in web.xml.");
        Assert.state(!isAsyncComplete(), "Async processing has already completed");

        if (isAsyncStarted()) {
        this.asyncContext = getRequest().startAsync(getRequest(), getResponse());
        if (this.timeout != null) {

    public void dispatch() {
        Assert.notNull(this.asyncContext, "Cannot dispatch without an AsyncContext");



Callable processing:

  • Controller returns a Callable.

  • Spring MVC calls request.startAsync() and submits the Callable to a TaskExecutor for processing in a separate thread.

  • Meanwhile the DispatcherServlet and all Filter’s exit the Servlet container thread but the response remains open.

  • Eventually the Callable produces a result and Spring MVC dispatches the request back to the Servlet container to complete processing.

  • The DispatcherServlet is invoked again and processing resumes with the asynchronously produced return value from the Callable.


     * Use the given {@link WebAsyncTask} to configure the task executor as well as
     * the timeout value of the {@code AsyncWebRequest} before delegating to
     * {@link #startCallableProcessing(Callable, Object...)}.
     * @param webAsyncTask a WebAsyncTask containing the target {@code Callable}
     * @param processingContext additional context to save that can be accessed
     * via {@link #getConcurrentResultContext()}
     * @throws Exception if concurrent processing failed to start
    public void startCallableProcessing(final WebAsyncTask<?> webAsyncTask, Object... processingContext) throws Exception {
        Assert.notNull(webAsyncTask, "WebAsyncTask must not be null");
        Assert.state(this.asyncWebRequest != null, "AsyncWebRequest must not be null");

        Long timeout = webAsyncTask.getTimeout();
        if (timeout != null) {

        AsyncTaskExecutor executor = webAsyncTask.getExecutor();
        if (executor != null) {
            this.taskExecutor = executor;

        List<CallableProcessingInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<CallableProcessingInterceptor>();

        final Callable<?> callable = webAsyncTask.getCallable();
        final CallableInterceptorChain interceptorChain = new CallableInterceptorChain(interceptors);

        this.asyncWebRequest.addTimeoutHandler(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                logger.debug("Processing timeout");
                Object result = interceptorChain.triggerAfterTimeout(asyncWebRequest, callable);
                if (result != CallableProcessingInterceptor.RESULT_NONE) {

        this.asyncWebRequest.addCompletionHandler(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                interceptorChain.triggerAfterCompletion(asyncWebRequest, callable);

        interceptorChain.applyBeforeConcurrentHandling(this.asyncWebRequest, callable);
        try {
            this.taskExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Object result = null;
                    try {
                        interceptorChain.applyPreProcess(asyncWebRequest, callable);
                        result = callable.call();
                    catch (Throwable ex) {
                        result = ex;
                    finally {
                        result = interceptorChain.applyPostProcess(asyncWebRequest, callable, result);
        catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) {
            Object result = interceptorChain.applyPostProcess(this.asyncWebRequest, callable, ex);
            throw ex;


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