以下是DMCplus整定参数的简要说明。若需完整说明,请单击参数链接至DMCplus Entry Dictionary。
参数———— 描述
ROTFAC : 因变量坡度旋转因子。ROTFAC定义了通过旋转校正的错误部分。ROTFAC仅适用于斜坡因变量,若是非斜坡因变量则会被忽略。
MXNIMB : 允许的最大斜坡失衡周期数。MXNIMB定义了稳态求解器允许的因变量最大斜坡失衡周期数。对于斜坡变量若MXNIMB >= 0,稳态求解器每一周期都将尝试平衡斜坡。
RAMPSP : 因变量斜坡设定点。控制器推动斜坡型因变量的目标。
RAMPRT : 因变量斜率。斜率控制了控制器尝试推动一斜坡型因变量至斜坡设定点的“难度”。斜率仅适用于斜坡因变量,若是非斜坡因变量则会被忽略。
RHORIZ : 因变量斜坡域。指定了至稳态的时间部分。RHORIZ用于计算允许的不平衡上下限部分。
RSHEDSUB : 因变量斜率子控制器脱开选项。该选项管理当斜坡变量失衡时是将整个控制器脱开还是仅脱开包含失衡变量的子控制器。启用该选项后,控制器将执行不平衡的解决方案,并在下一个控制周期开始时关闭子控制器。其允许执行最新的解决方案以避免重新求解问题覆盖导致错过周期或组合序列超时问题。
Dependent variable ramp rotation factor.ROTFAC specifies the fraction of the error which is corrected by rotation. ROTFAC is only valid for ramp dependent variables and is ignored for non-ramp dependent variables.
Maximum number of ramp imbalance cycles allowed.MXNIMB specifies the maximum number of cycles for which dependent variable ramp imbalance in the steady-state solver will be permitted. For ramps where MXNIMB >= 0, the steady-state solver attempts to balance the ramp on every cycle.
Dependent variable ramp setpoint. Target to which the controller will attempt to drive a ramp-type dependent variable.
Dependent variable ramp rate. The ramp rate controls how "hard" the controller will attempt to push a ramp-type dependent variable to the ramp setpoint. Ramp rate is only valid for ramp dependent variables and is ignored for non-ramp dependent variables.
Dependent variable ramp horizon. Specified as a fraction of the time to steady state. RHORIZ is used to calculate upper and lower allowed imbalance limits.
Dependent variable ramp subcontroller shed option. This option governs whether the entire controller will shed on a ramp imbalance or if only the subcontrollers that contain the imbalanced ramp will shed. With this option enabled, the controller will implement the imbalanced solution and then shut the subcontrollers off at the beginning of the next control cycle. This allows the latest solution to get implemented while avoiding the overhead of re-solving the problem which could cause missed cycles or a Composite Suite timeout.
Variables Output from Calculation for Ramps
Variables used for different Ramp Types
Implementation details for these ramp types are provided in the following topics.
See Also
Ramps with No Imbalance
Ramps with Imbalance
Imbalance Ramps