





 * 循环依赖A
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class A {

    public B getB() {
        return b;

    public void setB(B b) {
        this.b = b;

    private B b;
 * 循环依赖B
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class B {

    public A getA() {
        return a;

    public void setA(A a) {
        this.a = a;

    private A a;







    /** Cache of singleton objects: bean name to bean instance. */
    private final Map<String, Object> singletonObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

    /** Cache of singleton factories: bean name to ObjectFactory. */
    private final Map<String, ObjectFactory<?>> singletonFactories = new HashMap<>(16);

    /** Cache of early singleton objects: bean name to bean instance. */
    private final Map<String, Object> earlySingletonObjects = new HashMap<>(16);




import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;

 * main
 * @date: 2020/12/23
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class TestSpring {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext
                = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-beans.xml");


 * 循环依赖A
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class A {

    public B getB() {
        return b;

    public void setB(B b) {
        this.b = b;

    private B b;
 * 循环依赖B
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class B {

    public A getA() {
        return a;

    public void setA(A a) {
        this.a = a;

    private A a;


        <bean id="a" class="com.demo.A">
            <property name="b" ref="b"></property>
        <bean id="b" class="com.demo.B">
            <property name="a" ref="a"></property>




 * 循环依赖A
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class A {

    private B b;

    public A(B b) {
        this.b = b;
 * 循环依赖B
 * @date: 2020/12/24
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class B {

    private A a;

    public B(A a) {
        this.a = a;


<bean id="a" class="com.demo.A">
        <constructor-arg ref="b"></constructor-arg>
    <bean id="b" class="com.demo.B">
        <constructor-arg ref="a"></constructor-arg>


十二月 25, 2020 9:38:00 上午 org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext refresh
警告: Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a' defined in class path resource [spring-beans.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'b' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'b' defined in class path resource [spring-beans.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'a' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a' defined in class path resource [spring-beans.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'b' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'b' defined in class path resource [spring-beans.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'a' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:342)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:113)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveConstructorArguments(ConstructorResolver.java:704)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:196)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireConstructor(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1356)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1203)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:556)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:516)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:324)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:322)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:202)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:897)
    at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.finishBeanFactoryInitialization(AbstractApplicationContext.java:879)
    at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:551)
    at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.java:144)
    at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.java:85)
    at com.demo.TestSpring.main(TestSpring.java:14)
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'b' defined in class path resource [spring-beans.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'a' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:342)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:113)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.resolveConstructorArguments(ConstructorResolver.java:704)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:196)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireConstructor(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1356)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBeanInstance(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1203)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:556)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:516)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.lambda$doGetBean$0(AbstractBeanFactory.java:324)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:234)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:322)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:202)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:330)
    ... 17 more
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'a': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.beforeSingletonCreation(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:355)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.getSingleton(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.java:227)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.doGetBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:322)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(AbstractBeanFactory.java:202)
    at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(BeanDefinitionValueResolver.java:330)
    ... 29 more
Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'

Process finished with exit code 1









 * main
 * @date: 2020/12/23
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class TestSpring {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext
                = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-beans.xml");


public void preInstantiateSingletons() throws BeansException {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Pre-instantiating singletons in " + this);

        // 获取bean名称
        List<String> beanNames = new ArrayList<>(this.beanDefinitionNames);

        // 遍历实例化所有非延时bean
        for (String beanName : beanNames) {
            RootBeanDefinition bd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
            if (!bd.isAbstract() && bd.isSingleton() && !bd.isLazyInit()) {
                if (isFactoryBean(beanName)) {
                    Object bean = getBean(FACTORY_BEAN_PREFIX + beanName);
                    if (bean instanceof FactoryBean) {
                        FactoryBean<?> factory = (FactoryBean<?>) bean;
                        boolean isEagerInit;
                        if (System.getSecurityManager() != null && factory instanceof SmartFactoryBean) {
                            isEagerInit = AccessController.doPrivileged(
                                    (PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) ((SmartFactoryBean<?>) factory)::isEagerInit,
                        else {
                            isEagerInit = (factory instanceof SmartFactoryBean &&
                                    ((SmartFactoryBean<?>) factory).isEagerInit());
                        if (isEagerInit) {
                else {

        // Trigger post-initialization callback for all applicable beans...
        for (String beanName : beanNames) {
            Object singletonInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
            if (singletonInstance instanceof SmartInitializingSingleton) {
                SmartInitializingSingleton smartSingleton = (SmartInitializingSingleton) singletonInstance;
                if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
                    AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> {
                        return null;
                    }, getAccessControlContext());
                else {


public Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException {
        return doGetBean(name, null, null, false);


    protected <T> T doGetBean(
            String name, @Nullable Class<T> requiredType, @Nullable Object[] args, boolean typeCheckOnly)
            throws BeansException {

        String beanName = transformedBeanName(name);
        Object bean;

        // 检查已经注册的缓存
        Object sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
        if (sharedInstance != null && args == null) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                if (isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
                    logger.trace("Returning eagerly cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanName +
                            "' that is not fully initialized yet - a consequence of a circular reference");
                else {
                    logger.trace("Returning cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanName + "'");
            bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, null);

        else {
            // Fail if we're already creating this bean instance:
            // We're assumably within a circular reference.
            if (isPrototypeCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
                throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName);

            // Check if bean definition exists in this factory.
            BeanFactory parentBeanFactory = getParentBeanFactory();
            if (parentBeanFactory != null && !containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
                // Not found -> check parent.
                String nameToLookup = originalBeanName(name);
                if (parentBeanFactory instanceof AbstractBeanFactory) {
                    return ((AbstractBeanFactory) parentBeanFactory).doGetBean(
                            nameToLookup, requiredType, args, typeCheckOnly);
                else if (args != null) {
                    // Delegation to parent with explicit args.
                    return (T) parentBeanFactory.getBean(nameToLookup, args);
                else if (requiredType != null) {
                    // No args -> delegate to standard getBean method.
                    return parentBeanFactory.getBean(nameToLookup, requiredType);
                else {
                    return (T) parentBeanFactory.getBean(nameToLookup);

            if (!typeCheckOnly) {

            try {
                RootBeanDefinition mbd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
                checkMergedBeanDefinition(mbd, beanName, args);

                // Guarantee initialization of beans that the current bean depends on.
                String[] dependsOn = mbd.getDependsOn();
                if (dependsOn != null) {
                    for (String dep : dependsOn) {
                        if (isDependent(beanName, dep)) {
                            throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                                    "Circular depends-on relationship between '" + beanName + "' and '" + dep + "'");
                        registerDependentBean(dep, beanName);
                        try {
                        catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
                            throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                                    "'" + beanName + "' depends on missing bean '" + dep + "'", ex);

                // 创建bean实例
                if (mbd.isSingleton()) {
                    sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, () -> {
                        try {
                            return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                        catch (BeansException ex) {
                            // Explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: It might have been put there
                            // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution.
                            // Also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean.
                            throw ex;
                    bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);

                else if (mbd.isPrototype()) {
                    // It's a prototype -> create a new instance.
                    Object prototypeInstance = null;
                    try {
                        prototypeInstance = createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                    finally {
                    bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(prototypeInstance, name, beanName, mbd);

                else {
                    String scopeName = mbd.getScope();
                    if (!StringUtils.hasLength(scopeName)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No scope name defined for bean ´" + beanName + "'");
                    Scope scope = this.scopes.get(scopeName);
                    if (scope == null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No Scope registered for scope name '" + scopeName + "'");
                    try {
                        Object scopedInstance = scope.get(beanName, () -> {
                            try {
                                return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                            finally {
                        bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(scopedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);
                    catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                        throw new ScopeNotActiveException(beanName, scopeName, ex);
            catch (BeansException ex) {
                throw ex;

        // Check if required type matches the type of the actual bean instance.
        if (requiredType != null && !requiredType.isInstance(bean)) {
            try {
                T convertedBean = getTypeConverter().convertIfNecessary(bean, requiredType);
                if (convertedBean == null) {
                    throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(name, requiredType, bean.getClass());
                return convertedBean;
            catch (TypeMismatchException ex) {
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Failed to convert bean '" + name + "' to required type '" +
                            ClassUtils.getQualifiedName(requiredType) + "'", ex);
                throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(name, requiredType, bean.getClass());
        return (T) bean;


    protected Object getSingleton(String beanName, boolean allowEarlyReference) {
        Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
        if (singletonObject == null && isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
            synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
                singletonObject = this.earlySingletonObjects.get(beanName);
                if (singletonObject == null && allowEarlyReference) {
                    ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory = this.singletonFactories.get(beanName);
                    if (singletonFactory != null) {
                        singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
                        this.earlySingletonObjects.put(beanName, singletonObject);
        return singletonObject;


                // 创建bean实例
                if (mbd.isSingleton()) {
                    sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, () -> {
                        try {
                            return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                        catch (BeansException ex) {
                            // Explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: It might have been put there
                            // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution.
                            // Also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean.
                            throw ex;
                    bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);


    public Object getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) {
        Assert.notNull(beanName, "Bean name must not be null");
        synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
            Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
            if (singletonObject == null) {
                if (this.singletonsCurrentlyInDestruction) {
                    throw new BeanCreationNotAllowedException(beanName,
                            "Singleton bean creation not allowed while singletons of this factory are in destruction " +
                            "(Do not request a bean from a BeanFactory in a destroy method implementation!)");
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Creating shared instance of singleton bean '" + beanName + "'");
                boolean newSingleton = false;
                boolean recordSuppressedExceptions = (this.suppressedExceptions == null);
                if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                    this.suppressedExceptions = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                try {
                    singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
                    newSingleton = true;
                catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                    // Has the singleton object implicitly appeared in the meantime ->
                    // if yes, proceed with it since the exception indicates that state.
                    singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
                    if (singletonObject == null) {
                        throw ex;
                catch (BeanCreationException ex) {
                    if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                        for (Exception suppressedException : this.suppressedExceptions) {
                    throw ex;
                finally {
                    if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                        this.suppressedExceptions = null;
                if (newSingleton) {
                    addSingleton(beanName, singletonObject);
            return singletonObject;


    protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args)
            throws BeanCreationException {

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Creating instance of bean '" + beanName + "'");
        RootBeanDefinition mbdToUse = mbd;

        // Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point, and
        // clone the bean definition in case of a dynamically resolved Class
        // which cannot be stored in the shared merged bean definition.
        Class<?> resolvedClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName);
        if (resolvedClass != null && !mbd.hasBeanClass() && mbd.getBeanClassName() != null) {
            mbdToUse = new RootBeanDefinition(mbd);

        // Prepare method overrides.
        try {
        catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {
            throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(),
                    beanName, "Validation of method overrides failed", ex);

        try {
            Object bean = resolveBeforeInstantiation(beanName, mbdToUse);
            if (bean != null) {
                return bean;
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                    "BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed", ex);

        try {
            Object beanInstance = doCreateBean(beanName, mbdToUse, args);
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("Finished creating instance of bean '" + beanName + "'");
            return beanInstance;
        catch (BeanCreationException | ImplicitlyAppearedSingletonException ex) {
            // A previously detected exception with proper bean creation context already,
            // or illegal singleton state to be communicated up to DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.
            throw ex;
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Unexpected exception during bean creation", ex);


    protected Object doCreateBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args)
            throws BeanCreationException {

        // Instantiate the bean.
        BeanWrapper instanceWrapper = null;
        if (mbd.isSingleton()) {
            instanceWrapper = this.factoryBeanInstanceCache.remove(beanName);
        if (instanceWrapper == null) {
            instanceWrapper = createBeanInstance(beanName, mbd, args);
        Object bean = instanceWrapper.getWrappedInstance();
        Class<?> beanType = instanceWrapper.getWrappedClass();
        if (beanType != NullBean.class) {
            mbd.resolvedTargetType = beanType;

        // Allow post-processors to modify the merged bean definition.
        synchronized (mbd.postProcessingLock) {
            if (!mbd.postProcessed) {
                try {
                    applyMergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessors(mbd, beanType, beanName);
                catch (Throwable ex) {
                    throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                            "Post-processing of merged bean definition failed", ex);
                mbd.postProcessed = true;

        // Eagerly cache singletons to be able to resolve circular references
        // even when triggered by lifecycle interfaces like BeanFactoryAware.
        boolean earlySingletonExposure = (mbd.isSingleton() && this.allowCircularReferences &&
        if (earlySingletonExposure) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("Eagerly caching bean '" + beanName +
                        "' to allow for resolving potential circular references");
            addSingletonFactory(beanName, () -> getEarlyBeanReference(beanName, mbd, bean));

        // 初始化bean实例.
        Object exposedObject = bean;
        try {
            populateBean(beanName, mbd, instanceWrapper);
            exposedObject = initializeBean(beanName, exposedObject, mbd);
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            if (ex instanceof BeanCreationException && beanName.equals(((BeanCreationException) ex).getBeanName())) {
                throw (BeanCreationException) ex;
            else {
                throw new BeanCreationException(
                        mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Initialization of bean failed", ex);

        if (earlySingletonExposure) {
            Object earlySingletonReference = getSingleton(beanName, false);
            if (earlySingletonReference != null) {
                if (exposedObject == bean) {
                    exposedObject = earlySingletonReference;
                else if (!this.allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping && hasDependentBean(beanName)) {
                    String[] dependentBeans = getDependentBeans(beanName);
                    Set<String> actualDependentBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(dependentBeans.length);
                    for (String dependentBean : dependentBeans) {
                        if (!removeSingletonIfCreatedForTypeCheckOnly(dependentBean)) {
                    if (!actualDependentBeans.isEmpty()) {
                        throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName,
                                "Bean with name '" + beanName + "' has been injected into other beans [" +
                                StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(actualDependentBeans) +
                                "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " +
                                "wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " +
                                "bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " +
                                "'getBeanNamesForType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example.");

        // Register bean as disposable.
        try {
            registerDisposableBeanIfNecessary(beanName, bean, mbd);
        catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Invalid destruction signature", ex);

        return exposedObject;


    protected void addSingletonFactory(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) {
        Assert.notNull(singletonFactory, "Singleton factory must not be null");
        synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
            if (!this.singletonObjects.containsKey(beanName)) {
                this.singletonFactories.put(beanName, singletonFactory);


    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")  // for postProcessPropertyValues
    protected void populateBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable BeanWrapper bw) {
        if (bw == null) {
            if (mbd.hasPropertyValues()) {
                throw new BeanCreationException(
                        mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Cannot apply property values to null instance");
            else {
                // Skip property population phase for null instance.

        // Give any InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors the opportunity to modify the
        // state of the bean before properties are set. This can be used, for example,
        // to support styles of field injection.
        if (!mbd.isSynthetic() && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {
            for (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().instantiationAware) {
                if (!bp.postProcessAfterInstantiation(bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName)) {
        PropertyValues pvs = (mbd.hasPropertyValues() ? mbd.getPropertyValues() : null);

        int resolvedAutowireMode = mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode();
        if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME || resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {
            MutablePropertyValues newPvs = new MutablePropertyValues(pvs);
            // Add property values based on autowire by name if applicable.
            if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME) {
                autowireByName(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);
            // Add property values based on autowire by type if applicable.
            if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {
                autowireByType(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);
            pvs = newPvs;

        boolean hasInstAwareBpps = hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors();
        boolean needsDepCheck = (mbd.getDependencyCheck() != AbstractBeanDefinition.DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE);

        PropertyDescriptor[] filteredPds = null;
        if (hasInstAwareBpps) {
            if (pvs == null) {
                pvs = mbd.getPropertyValues();
            for (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().instantiationAware) {
                PropertyValues pvsToUse = bp.postProcessProperties(pvs, bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName);
                if (pvsToUse == null) {
                    if (filteredPds == null) {
                        filteredPds = filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(bw, mbd.allowCaching);
                    pvsToUse = bp.postProcessPropertyValues(pvs, filteredPds, bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName);
                    if (pvsToUse == null) {
                pvs = pvsToUse;
        if (needsDepCheck) {
            if (filteredPds == null) {
                filteredPds = filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(bw, mbd.allowCaching);
            checkDependencies(beanName, mbd, filteredPds, pvs);

        if (pvs != null) {
            applyPropertyValues(beanName, mbd, bw, pvs);

进入applyPropertyValues方法,这里面主要是对bean进行赋值的,我们重点关注resolveValueIfNecessary(pv, originalValue)方法,这是获取属性值得关键方法:

    protected void applyPropertyValues(String beanName, BeanDefinition mbd, BeanWrapper bw, PropertyValues pvs) {
        if (pvs.isEmpty()) {

        if (System.getSecurityManager() != null && bw instanceof BeanWrapperImpl) {
            ((BeanWrapperImpl) bw).setSecurityContext(getAccessControlContext());

        MutablePropertyValues mpvs = null;
        List<PropertyValue> original;

        if (pvs instanceof MutablePropertyValues) {
            mpvs = (MutablePropertyValues) pvs;
            if (mpvs.isConverted()) {
                // Shortcut: use the pre-converted values as-is.
                try {
                catch (BeansException ex) {
                    throw new BeanCreationException(
                            mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Error setting property values", ex);
            original = mpvs.getPropertyValueList();
        else {
            original = Arrays.asList(pvs.getPropertyValues());

        TypeConverter converter = getCustomTypeConverter();
        if (converter == null) {
            converter = bw;
        BeanDefinitionValueResolver valueResolver = new BeanDefinitionValueResolver(this, beanName, mbd, converter);

        List<PropertyValue> deepCopy = new ArrayList<>(original.size());
        boolean resolveNecessary = false;
        for (PropertyValue pv : original) {
            if (pv.isConverted()) {
            else {
                String propertyName = pv.getName();
                Object originalValue = pv.getValue();
                if (originalValue == AutowiredPropertyMarker.INSTANCE) {
                    Method writeMethod = bw.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName).getWriteMethod();
                    if (writeMethod == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Autowire marker for property without write method: " + pv);
                    originalValue = new DependencyDescriptor(new MethodParameter(writeMethod, 0), true);
                Object resolvedValue = valueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(pv, originalValue);
                Object convertedValue = resolvedValue;
                boolean convertible = bw.isWritableProperty(propertyName) &&
                if (convertible) {
                    convertedValue = convertForProperty(resolvedValue, propertyName, bw, converter);
                // Possibly store converted value in merged bean definition,
                // in order to avoid re-conversion for every created bean instance.
                if (resolvedValue == originalValue) {
                    if (convertible) {
                else if (convertible && originalValue instanceof TypedStringValue &&
                        !((TypedStringValue) originalValue).isDynamic() &&
                        !(convertedValue instanceof Collection || ObjectUtils.isArray(convertedValue))) {
                else {
                    resolveNecessary = true;
                    deepCopy.add(new PropertyValue(pv, convertedValue));
        if (mpvs != null && !resolveNecessary) {

        // Set our (possibly massaged) deep copy.
        try {
            bw.setPropertyValues(new MutablePropertyValues(deepCopy));
        catch (BeansException ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Error setting property values", ex);

进入resolveValueIfNecessary(pv, originalValue)方法,因为我们是bean里面引用bean,所以bean属性的值是RunTimeBeanPreference,即运行时bean引用,我们只需要关注这个方法的前几行代码:

    public Object resolveValueIfNecessary(Object argName, @Nullable Object value) {
        // We must check each value to see whether it requires a runtime reference
        // to another bean to be resolved.
        if (value instanceof RuntimeBeanReference) {
            RuntimeBeanReference ref = (RuntimeBeanReference) value;
            return resolveReference(argName, ref);

bean = this.beanFactory.getBean(resolvedName)

    private Object resolveReference(Object argName, RuntimeBeanReference ref) {
        try {
            Object bean;
            Class<?> beanType = ref.getBeanType();
            if (ref.isToParent()) {
                BeanFactory parent = this.beanFactory.getParentBeanFactory();
                if (parent == null) {
                    throw new BeanCreationException(
                            this.beanDefinition.getResourceDescription(), this.beanName,
                            "Cannot resolve reference to bean " + ref +
                                    " in parent factory: no parent factory available");
                if (beanType != null) {
                    bean = parent.getBean(beanType);
                else {
                    bean = parent.getBean(String.valueOf(doEvaluate(ref.getBeanName())));
            else {
                String resolvedName;
                if (beanType != null) {
                    NamedBeanHolder<?> namedBean = this.beanFactory.resolveNamedBean(beanType);
                    bean = namedBean.getBeanInstance();
                    resolvedName = namedBean.getBeanName();
                else {
                    resolvedName = String.valueOf(doEvaluate(ref.getBeanName()));
                    bean = this.beanFactory.getBean(resolvedName);
                this.beanFactory.registerDependentBean(resolvedName, this.beanName);
            if (bean instanceof NullBean) {
                bean = null;
            return bean;
        catch (BeansException ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    this.beanDefinition.getResourceDescription(), this.beanName,
                    "Cannot resolve reference to bean '" + ref.getBeanName() + "' while setting " + argName, ex);


    protected Object getSingleton(String beanName, boolean allowEarlyReference) {
        Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
        if (singletonObject == null && isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
            synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
                singletonObject = this.earlySingletonObjects.get(beanName);
                if (singletonObject == null && allowEarlyReference) {
                    ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory = this.singletonFactories.get(beanName);
                    if (singletonFactory != null) {
                        singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
                        this.earlySingletonObjects.put(beanName, singletonObject);
        return singletonObject;


    protected void addSingleton(String beanName, Object singletonObject) {
        synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
            this.singletonObjects.put(beanName, singletonObject);













    protected Object getEarlyBeanReference(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Object bean) {
        Object exposedObject = bean;
        if (!mbd.isSynthetic() && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {
            for (SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().smartInstantiationAware) {
                exposedObject = bp.getEarlyBeanReference(exposedObject, beanName);
        return exposedObject;

跟踪getEarlyBeanReference(exposedObject, beanName)方法:

    public Object getEarlyBeanReference(Object bean, String beanName) {
        Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(bean.getClass(), beanName);
        this.earlyProxyReferences.put(cacheKey, bean);
        return wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey);

跟踪wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey),发现了createProxy方法,这里豁然开朗,原来是代理:

    protected Object wrapIfNecessary(Object bean, String beanName, Object cacheKey) {
        if (StringUtils.hasLength(beanName) && this.targetSourcedBeans.contains(beanName)) {
            return bean;
        if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(this.advisedBeans.get(cacheKey))) {
            return bean;
        if (isInfrastructureClass(bean.getClass()) || shouldSkip(bean.getClass(), beanName)) {
            this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.FALSE);
            return bean;

        // 如果有通知的话,创建一个代理
        Object[] specificInterceptors = getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(bean.getClass(), beanName, null);
        if (specificInterceptors != DO_NOT_PROXY) {
            this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.TRUE);
            Object proxy = createProxy(
                    bean.getClass(), beanName, specificInterceptors, new SingletonTargetSource(bean));
            this.proxyTypes.put(cacheKey, proxy.getClass());
            return proxy;

        this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.FALSE);
        return bean;


    protected Object createProxy(Class<?> beanClass, @Nullable String beanName,
            @Nullable Object[] specificInterceptors, TargetSource targetSource) {

        if (this.beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) {
            AutoProxyUtils.exposeTargetClass((ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory, beanName, beanClass);

        ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory();

        if (!proxyFactory.isProxyTargetClass()) {
            if (shouldProxyTargetClass(beanClass, beanName)) {
            else {
                evaluateProxyInterfaces(beanClass, proxyFactory);

        Advisor[] advisors = buildAdvisors(beanName, specificInterceptors);

        if (advisorsPreFiltered()) {
        return proxyFactory.getProxy(getProxyClassLoader());


public Object getProxy(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
        return createAopProxy().getProxy(classLoader);





    <bean id="a" class="com.demo.A">
        <property name="b" ref="b"></property>
    <bean id="b" class="com.demo.B">
        <property name="a" ref="a"></property>

    <bean id="c" class="com.demo.C"></bean>
        <aop:aspect id="c" ref="c">
            <aop:pointcut id="method" expression="execution(* com.demo.*.*(..))" />
            <aop:before pointcut-ref="method" method="before" />
            <aop:after pointcut-ref="method" method="after" />


 * C
 * @date: 2020/12/25
 * @author weirx
 * @version 3.0
public class C {

    private A a;

    private B b;

    public A getA() {
        return a;

    public void setA(A a) {
        this.a = a;

    public B getB() {
        return b;

    public void setB(B b) {
        this.b = b;

    private void before(){
        System.out.println("this is before");

    private void after(){
        System.out.println("this is after");






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