条件更新:update... set/trim
- if条件
<!-- if条件 -->
<select id = "listID1" resultType = "Product">
select * from Product_
<if test = "id = 1">//满足if语句则加入条件
where id = 1
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("id", 1); params.put("name", "product"); params.put("price","88"); List<Product> p1 = session.selectList("whenTest",params);
for(Product p : p1) {
System.out.println(p.getId() + p.getName());
- where条件
<!-- where条件 -->
<select id = "whereTest" resultType = "Product">
select * from Product_
<if test = "id = 1"> and id = 1</if>
<if test = "name = 'product b'"> and name = "product b"</if>
- 更新语句: update元素,trim元素可以用来替代set元素
<!-- update -->
<update id = "updateTest" parameterType = "Product">
update Product_
<!-- <set>
<if test = "name != null"> name = #{name},</if>
<if test = "price != null"> price = #{price}</if>
</set> -->
<trim prefix = "SET" suffixOverrides = ",">
<if test = "name != null"> name = #{name},</if>
<if test = "price != null"> price = #{price}</if>
where id = #{id}
- where ...choose... when ...otherwise多条件语句:
<!-- when otherwise -->
<select id = "whenTest" resultType = "Product">
select * from Product_
<when test = "name != null">
and name like CONCAT("%",#{name},"%")
<when test = "price != null and price != 0">
and price > #{price}
and id > 1
- 范围查询in,foreach元素
<!-- in 用法 -->
<select id = "inTest" parameterType = "Product">
select * from Product_ where id in
<foreach item = "item" index = "index" collection = "list" open = "(" separator = "," close = ")" >
- bind替换:当模糊查询时,可以用 where name like #{likename},对模糊条件建立一个变量引用
<bind name = "likeName" value = "'%' + name + '%">