一 将下列句子改写为夸张句:
1 她流泪了。 ( )
2 桂花真香。( )
3 广场上人非常多。( )
4 我用极快的速度写完了作业。( )
二 Rewrite each sentence using an appropriate hyperbole:
1 I'm very hungry. ( )
2 Zachary was very frightened, when he got on the airplane. ( )
3 Sandra was so happy. ( )
4 Mark said the homework was difficult. ( )
5 Our class is a noisy place. ( )
6 This is a tricky puzzle. ( )
三 Explain the hyperboles:
1 Matt walked slower than a snail. ( )
2 The music was so loud that you could hear it on another planet. ( )
何为扩大夸张:比如:“ 一滴太白酒,十里草木香”,比如 “气喘如牛”。更高,更强,更快,更多的效果,都为扩大夸张;
英文之 Hyperbole
中文的夸张修辞在英文修辞中也有与之对应的概念 - Hyperbole, 但英文在定义上没有扩大、缩小和时间夸张的分类,不坚持实际情况的就是hyperbole, Cano Mora (2004) 将其定义为:“a form of extremity, an exaggeration that either magnifies or minimises some real state of affairs ”。罗马修教育家修辞学家昆蒂利安(Quintilian) 认为,运用 Hyperbole 是人的天性使然(不用学就会的意思吧):
In the first century, Roman rhetorician Quintilian observed, "all people are by nature inclined to magnify or to minimize things and nobody is content to stick to what is really the case" (translated by Claudia Claridge in "Hyperbole in English," 2011).
译文:在公元一世纪,罗马修辞学家昆蒂利安(Quintilian) 发现,“所有人天生就倾向于放大或缩小事物,没有人愿意坚持实际情况”(克劳迪娅·克拉里奇(Claudia Claridge)译于《Hyperbole in English》,2011年)。
因此,可想而知,该修辞在生活中之常见。日常对话,脱口秀,广告,文学作品,无处不在,但是但是但是,要记得正式的问题中,hyperbole 可不用哦,例如,商务便函和学术论文。
日常对话中的 Hyperbole:
I've told you to clean your room a million times!
It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing hats and jackets.
She's so dumb, she thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company.
I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
I have a million things to do today.
When I was young, I had to walk 15 miles to school, uphill, in the snow.
I had a ton of homework.
If I can't buy that perfect prom dress, I'll die!
He's as skinny as a toothpick.
The car went faster than the speed of light.
His new car cost a bazillion dollars.
We're so poor we don't have two cents to rub together.
That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding a dinosaur.
They ran like greased lightning.
He's got tons of money.
You could have knocked me over with a feather.
Her brain is the size of a pea.
My geography teacher is older than the hills.
"Your mama" jokes:
"Your mama's hair is so short she could stand on her head and her hair wouldn't touch the ground" or "Your father is so low he has to look up to tie his shoes," quoted in author Onwuchekwa Jemie's book "Yo Mama! New Raps, Toasts, Dozens, Jokes, and Children's Rhymes From Urban Black America" (Temple Univ. Press, 2003).
在马克•吐温的作品里,常见 Hyperbole, 例如:
在《密西西比河的往事》中,他曾这么描述 "I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far."
广告中的Hyperbole,形式更为多样化,有视觉上的夸张(Visual Hyperbole),音频上的夸张(Audio Hyperbole),言语上的夸张(Verbal Hyperbole)和消极夸张(Negative Hyperbole)等类别。(若有兴趣,可见https://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-hyperbole-advertising-66083.html)。广告上的修辞应用,可作专题研究,如有兴趣,可继续关注公众号。
比喻(Simile), 隐喻(Metaphor)和夸张(Hyperbole)对比
比喻(Simile): The lake is like glass.
隐喻(Metaphor): The lake is pure peace.
夸张(Hyperbole): The lake was so still and clear that you could see through it down to the center of the Earth.
She is the prettiest girl in the world.
Six years have passed by in a twinkle since I came to the capital city from the countryside.
一 将下列句子改写为夸张句:
1 她流泪了。 ( 她泪如雨下。 )
2 桂花真香。( 桂花香飘十里。)
3 广场上人非常多。( 广场上人山人海。)
4 我用极快的速度写完了作业。( 我用迅雷不及掩耳的速度写完了作业。)
二 Rewrite each sentence using an appropriate hyperbole:
1 I'm very hungry. ( I'm so hungry that I would gulp five full pizzas all at a time. )
2 Zachary was very frightened, when he got on the airplane. (Zachary was quaking from head to toe, when he got on the airplane.)
3 Sandra was so happy. ( Sandra was so happy that she was bouncing off the walls. )
4 Mark said the homework was difficult. ( Mark said the homework was killing him.)
5 Our class is a noisy place. (I don't think a herd of elephants would be more noisy than our class. )
6 This is a tricky puzzle. (It's impossible to solve this puzzle. )
三 Explain the hyperboles:
7 Matt walked slower than a snail. (Matt walked very slowly. )
8 The music was so loud that you could hear it on another planet. (The music was excessively loud.)