风吹过 wind blows
蒹葭荡荡 reed sways
悠长的牧笛声 long, long fluting
携来远方的归来的孩童 brings children home
斜阳的挽歌 singing at their voice
放学归来的孩子啊 oh, Children backing home
过去模样浮现在心头 recurs the past
灯火点点,炊烟袅袅 and lights twinkle, curling up misty
铭刻的记忆重现了 engraved memory once more
在青色的年华不胜记忆 young ages don't bear memory
知多少梦里的花落 as flowers falling
梁灯闪烁 stars glittering
未见尽头 no ends of the road