【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 3(V)对话 Seeking Advice
男 Mark
女 Sharon
Hi, Mark, you look stressed out recently, how's life?
Hi, Sharon. Uh... I'm finding it hard to balance work and life. 【跟读】
I feel like I'm always working late with no time for anything but the job.
But you always seem to have time for your personal life. 【填空】
What's your secret?
【选择】-What is he finding hard to do? -Balancing work and life
【选择】-What does she always have time for? -Her personal life
【选择】-How does he feel about his job? -He only has time for his job.
【选择】-How has he looked recently? -stressed out
There's no secret, really.
It's about knowing what you need to do, and arranging it around what you'd like to do. 【填空】【朗读】
For example, if I have dinner plans one night, I'll get into work earlier to meet my deadlines ahead of schedule.
【选择】-How does she balance work with her personal life? -She arranges work around her personal plans.
【选择】-If she has dinner plans, how does she meet her deadlines? -She will get into work early.
【选择】-What does she arrange her work around? -Her personal life
【跟读】She arranges what she needs to do around what she wants to do. 她围绕着自己想做的事情安排自己需要做的事情。
But I think that is hard.
Even if I've done all my work for the day, I'll probably be hit with a new assignment at 5 o'clock. 【填空】
Well, sometimes working late is unavoidable, but you also need to set boundaries. 【朗读】
Working so late every day isn't healthy. 【跟读】
Haven't you heard of "the power of no"? 你没听说过“不的力量”吗?
【选择】-Why does she think he needs to set boundaries? -Working all the time isn't healthy.
【选择】-Why does he think is hard? -Arranging work around his personal plans.
【选择】-Why does he think it is hard to balance his schedule? -he often gets new work at the end of the day.
Well… No. What does it mean?
It means that you shouldn't be afraid to turn down something when you have too much work. 【填空】
You're allowed to say, "I can't finish this by today. Can I get it to you tomorrow?"
But if I do that, won't people be upset?
As long as you're reliable, they'll be fine.
【选择】-What shouldn't he be afraid to do when he is busy? -turn down new assignments
【选择】-Why does he needs to set boundaries? -he has no work-life balance
【选择】【跟读】-If someone is reliable... they are trusted by others
【朗读】As long as his work is reliable, people won't mind giving him more time on the assignments.
In my experience, doing a good job is better than doing a rushed job.
But people won't give you more time to do your job unless you ask for it. 【填空】
That's really good to know!
I guess because I'm still new here I didn't know I could do that.
【选择】-What does she think is better than doing a rushed job? -doing a good job
【选择】Unless he askes for it, what won't people give him? -more time to complete work
【跟读】She thinks doing a good job is better than a rushed job.
Yeah. Do your work well, but also try to have fun a few times a week.
It's good for your productivity.
If you work all the time but don't make time for yourself, you'll burn out. 【填空】【朗读】
Thanks for the advice, I'll try it out.
Good luck!
【选择】-What advice does she give him? -He should make time for himself.
【选择】-What will happen if he doesn't make time for himself? -he will burn out
【选择】-Why should he try to have fun every week? -it is good for his productivity.
【跟读】Having fun a few times a week is good for his productivity.