学了这么多年英语,有很多看起来很简单,你以为烂熟于心的单词,却总是能在某一瞬间冒出莫名其妙的各种意思,如果是关键信息的话还会在一定程度上影响对原文的理解。从今天开始,咱们就来一起学学那些看似简单,实则有大学问的英语单词吧!传说中神奇的“一词多义”现象,每期一到两个,一点点get起来吧!Sounds more than exciting, isn’t it?
Speaking of this word, the first definition that popped up into my mind is similar to the meaning of the adjective “good”. I’m sure a lot of you thought about the same.
According to some dictionaries, the word “fine” has a bunch of meanings. Let’s take a look. To tell you the truth, I was stunned.
1. You use fine to describe something that you admire and think is very good. 你欣赏的,认为好的
There is a fine view of the countryside. 景色很美
同义词Synonyms: well, fit, healthy, in good health
2. If you say that you are fine, you mean that you are in good health or reasonably happy. 身体状况好
Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes. 身体状况好
同义词Synonyms: satisfactory, good, all right, suitable
3. If you say that something is fine, you mean that it is satisfactory or acceptable. 令人满意的;可接受的
The skiing is fine. 同意去滑雪
4. You say 'fine' or 'that's fine' to show that you do not object to an arrangement, action, or situation that has been suggested.
It'll take me a couple of days.'—'That's fine with me.'我认为没问题。
5. Something that is fine is very delicate, narrow, or small. 很精致的;狭小的;小巧的
The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms. 纤细的
6. Fine objects or clothing are of good quality, delicate, and expensive. 质量上乘的;昂贵的
We waited in our fine clothes.
7. A fine detail or distinction is very delicate, small, or exact. 细节;差别
The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.
8. A fine person is someone you consider good, moral, and worth admiring. 人品好
9. When the weather is fine, the sun is shining and it is not raining. 天气好
10. 形容词语、话语 sounding important and impressive but unlikely to have any effect 漂亮的;虚饰的;辞藻华丽的
His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing. 华而不实
11. 形容金属 containing only a particular metal and no other substances that reduce the quality 纯的;无杂质的
fine gold 纯金
12. 形容小颗粒 made of very small grains 小颗粒制成的;颗粒细微的
fine sand 细沙
比较级 finer 最高级 finest
finely 举例如下:
a) finely chopped herbs 剁得很细的草药
b) a finely furnished room 陈设雅致的房间
c) a finely tuned engine 精确调整的发动机
名词Synonyms: penalty, damages, punishment, forfeit 罚金
动词Synonyms: penalize, charge, punish 处罚;罚款
1. get sth. down to a fine art 把…学到家;学得非常在行
I spent so much time travelling that I’ve got packing down to a fine art. 我常常旅行,这就把打点行李学到家了。
2. not to put too fine a point on it 直截了当地说;不客气地说(尤指批评)
Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you are lying.
3. (非正式)cut it/things fine 把时间扣得很紧;时间上不留余地
If we don't leave till after lunch we’ll be cutting it very fine.
4. fine art 美术(尤指绘画和雕塑)