noun: a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain
I didn't have the slightest inkling that she was unhappy.
He must have had some inkling of what was happening.
Retrieved from: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/inkling
noun: a substance used to adulterate another
Crack is a combination of cocaine hydrochloride, baking soda, and other adulterants which gives rise to a rock-like substance.
adjective: used in adulterating something
They argued that because the bacteria is naturally occurring, it is not an " adulterant " substance subject to regulation by the government
Retrieved from: https://translate.google.cn/#en/zh-CN/adulterant
noun: disagreements or fighting between different groups of people
It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.
Retrieved from: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/unrest
noun 1: a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure
wartime blackouts
Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours.
noun 2: the action taken to make certain that information about something is not reported to the public
a news blackout
Retrieved from: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/blackout
adjective: able to think clearly
He says that his work keeps him alert and clearheaded.
Retrieved from: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/clearheaded
1.lure back 作者的用得真是生动又准确,lure作为名词是诱饵的意思,作动词就是引诱的意思,文中(p. 16)原句是
He may get away with it for a paragraph or two, but soon the reader will be lost, and there's no sin or grave for the reader will not easily be lured back.
虽然对最后小半句还有疑问,感觉 there be 句型后面for somebody to do/doing something不应该有will,但不妨碍觉得lure back在这里用得好,要是我写的话只能想到 not attracted或者not attractive
2. keep pace with the train of thought 与(作者)思想同步。在原文(p. 17)
It won't do to say that the reader is too dumb or too lazy to keep pace with the train of thought.
3.ponderous euphemism 这两个词比较适合用于我所学social work的reflective essay里,对于描述clients和我自己的表现,简练、精准。在原文(p. 21)
Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collector into wast-disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.
1. Such preparations shall be made as will completely obscure all federal buildings and……被动语态做段首句,as开始我理解成made as了,后来理解为“将导致”表结果
2. It won't do to say that the reader is too dumb or too lazy to keep pace with the train of thought.
这句话的意思能理解,但是won't后面的do to不是很理解,希望老师能解释一下,谢谢!
虽然只读了chapter 1和2,但已经能感受到作者的功力了。作者给出了很多具体的例子来解释说明他要表达的核心思想(如他和Dr. Brook的对比来说明每个人表达的不同),此其一;其二,作者在论述的时候逻辑非常清晰,无论是段落之间的层次感,比如Clutter部分作者分prepositions,personal feelings,laborious phrase,ponderous euphemism,official language,jargon和verbal camouflage等几个方面来说明。The most impressive point是作者提出的此书核心humanity和warmth,值得我思考和探索一生。
在postmodern理论的课上,我们老师强调了多次interpret是关键,结合书中的内容,我觉得就是写作要写出你个人的理解而非单纯阐述某个概念或现象,更重要的是要写出你对于人类和社会的人文关怀。这么说可能太大太虚了,举个我们专业上的例子,比如我们遇到一个这样的案子,由于失业而患抑郁症的母亲长期neglect自己年幼的孩子。当遇到这种情况的时候,我们就不能仅仅是抛出psychotherapy或者联系心理咨询师让母亲接受治疗那么简单,而是全面的以儿童为中心的评估整个状况,确保小孩子的safety和development,然后和这位母亲深入交流,通过语言、行为获得更多信息从而挖掘所有现状身后的原因,在和这位母亲一起面对和处理。而在这个过程中,每个人对这位母亲给出的信息的理解与诠释一定是不一样的,最后就会有不同的处理方式;写作也是一样的, 面对写不好的问题,不同的学者有不同的探索与理解,最后给出的“方法”就不同,这就是我们学的discloses。再有,在了解问题的过程中,我们一定会有我们自己的感受,而这些是要加入到总结出的“方法”里的。
一点critical thinking
书中,作者指出避免用复杂的词比如用individual代替(man or woman),也是看到individual这里才想到的,我觉得用词这个问题不能仅就作者说的Simplicity principle来,要结合context。在我们专业里,这个措辞有时候就显得至关重要,我们的language不可以有任何judgement,不如聋子、瞎子、瘸子这些在英语中也存在的单词都不可以用,都要换成sb has disabilities on walking等,再有,parents,father,mother有时要换成caregiver,看上去有“装洋”之嫌,但确实必要,因为对于同性婚姻father,mother就不准确了而且会让这一群体感觉unfair,再有parents一般是指biological bonds的,但对于领养家庭,这个词有点小孩就不接受,所以我们就都用caregiver。