Kinda of Recap in Week c/o March 6
周一WL回来,pick我们给Certifier的PPT,可能是合作以来接收到的最有效也是最有价值的一个Point,perhaps it's due to the fact that, back then she was in the middle of the slides preparation for her boss, who's at least 10 yrs younger than her.
The point is always remember who the audiences are and what key message in each slide you would like to send to them.
一页要有一个key message and conclude it.
周二开了个英语认证师的会,I did not manage to host it and keep the focus/attention on me but that's actually fine.
周二通知周三述职也刚好遇到PPT preparation, the frame is not difficult to conclude but the content filling process is so frustrating for me.
周四填写绩效like whole day, and modification. 周四和亚历山大业务方聊功能。周四圈人通知下周二三认证like getting no response.
周五writing Valuation A Example and come home like sleeping to the morning
周六感到social networking压力,决定今后的电影绝不将就保持一个人看电影的习惯。也不会再参加周末社交活动了。太累了,心力交瘁,毫无价值。
It feels like a highly fragmentation week and my performance in multi-task handling and time arrangement is like C-.
女主无悬念拿了奥斯卡最佳,发言的最后一句话是两个单词:Inclusion Rider.
Its interpretation from TheGuardian is like following:
Inclusion Rider
The biggest lexical thrill in the Oscars came when Frances McDormanddropped the phrase “inclusion rider”, something that would ensure better representation of minorities in a film’s cast and crew. But why does it mean that?
Most familiarly, a rider lists a rock band’s backstage demands – crates of booze, bowls of M&M’s with no brown ones, and so on. (Van Halen insisted on the latter to check the venue paid attention to detail.) It derives from the sense of “rider” as anything that goes atop something else: so a rider, from the 17th century, was an addition to a legislative bill or a contract.
The political sense of “inclusion”, meanwhile, dates from the 1950s in the US, when the American Nurses’ Association, for example, promoted the “inclusion and participation of minority groups”. Thereafter, “inclusion” broke free from the obligation to specify who exactly should be included.
As an ideal it is often interchangeable with “diversity”, yet semantically it points in the opposite direction: diversity is a spreading out; inclusion is a gathering in. No one wants to be excluded. So, happily, “inclusion” is the more inclusive word.
Happy Survival!