1. install
stp1: download JDK、 SDK 、 AndroidStudio
JDK= java development kit ( AS base on java environment)
SDK=xxxx kit ( use for android program kit)
stp2: first install JDK
second install AS
Third with AS , SDK manager , choose SDK with option
stp3: run!!
2. learn
2.1. create project : ( android system construction the same as iOS , present layer, application layer, resource layer ( with media, pics, content), basic layer ( with driver and sth.)
2.2. activity : every thing you view in android program is a activity.
2.3. create and use view/ editText / step: create layout file, inside create main_activity.xml ( all the
position and character can be put into here ) => create activity.java ( you can edit your java program to give some fuction or method to make the unit in xml to be “ fun!” => register all your add, especially the
activity in your manifest.xml with “<xx> </> “ ( some thing like that ) , after that you can running your program in simulator.
intent is a kind of method help you to transfer, shift between 2 or several activity.
For example: If you want to make a register page.
U entered the username and the password. U push the button, and shift to the 2nd page.
you want to keep the username & password from 1st page to 2nd page. you use intent.
4. About Java & class.
Java alway use “.xxx” (class) to act an action to an object.
for example. button.onClickListener() => we give button object on action, to listen it if it is clicked.