

EPOLL(7)            Linux Programmer's Manual             


epoll - I/O event notification facility

epoll - I/O 事件通知机制翻译:6700662@qq.com, 转载请注明出处。


The  epoll  API  performs  a similar task to poll(2): monitoring multiple file descriptors to see if I/O is possible on any of them.  The epoll API can be used either as anedge-triggered or a level-triggered interface and scales well to large numbers of watched file descriptors.  The following system calls are provided to create and manage anepoll instance:

Epoll API执行类似于poll的任务:监控多个文件描述符,看它们其中任何一个是否有可能I/O。Epoll API既可以用作边缘触发(ET)或水平触发(LT),并良好的适用大量被监控的文件描述符。提供下面这些系统调用去创建和管理一个epoll实例:

*  epoll_create(2)  creates  an  epoll  instance  and  returns a file descriptor referring to that instance.  (The more recent epoll_create1(2) extends the functionality ofepoll_create(2).)

* epoll_create(2)  创建一个epoll实例,并返回关联到该实例的文件描述符。(较新的epoll_create1(2)扩展了这个API的功能。)

*  Interest in particular file descriptors is then registered via epoll_ctl(2).  The set of file descriptors currently registered on an epoll instance is  sometimes  calledan epoll set.

*    通过 epoll_ctl(2)来注册,以关注特定的文件描述符。当前已在epoll实例注册的文件描述符集合,有时候称作epoll set。

*  epoll_wait(2) waits for I/O events, blocking the calling thread if no events are currently available.

*  epoll_wait(2)等待I/O事件,如果当前没有可用的事件则阻塞调用线程。

Level-triggered and edge-triggered


The  epoll  event  distribution  interface  is  able  to  behave  both as edge-triggered (ET) and as level-triggered (LT).  The difference between the two mechanisms can bedescribed as follows.  Suppose that this scenario happens:

Epoll事件分派接口可以表现为边沿前触发 (ET)和 水平触发(LT).这两个机制之间的区别可以描述如下。假设这个发生了这个场景:

1. The file descriptor that represents the read side of a pipe (rfd) is registered on the epoll instance.

2. A pipe writer writes 2 kB of data on the write side of the pipe.

3. A call to epoll_wait(2) is done that will return rfd as a ready file descriptor.

4. The pipe reader reads 1 kB of data from rfd.

5. A call to epoll_wait(2) is done.

1. 表示管道读端的文件描述符(rfd)已在epoll实例注册。

2. 管道写入程序,写了2kB的数据在管道写入端

3. 对epoll_wait(2)的调用已完成,将返回rfd作为已就绪的文件描述符。

4. 管道读取程序,从rfd读入1kB的数据。


If the rfd file descriptor has been added to the epoll interface using the EPOLLET (edge-triggered) flag, the call to epoll_wait(2)  done  in  step  5  will  probably  hangdespite  the  available  data still present in the file input buffer; meanwhile the remote peer might be expecting a response based on the data it already sent.  The reasonfor this is that edge-triggered mode delivers events only when changes occur on the monitored file descriptor.  So, in step 5 the caller might end up waiting for some  datathat  is  already  present  inside the input buffer.  In the above example, an event on rfd will be generated because of the write done in 2 and the event is consumed in 3.Since the read operation done in 4 does not consume the whole buffer data, the call to epoll_wait(2) done in step 5 might block indefinitely.

如果rfd文件描述符是用EPOLLET (边沿触发) 标志被加入到epoll接口,在第5步中调用的epoll_wait(2)可能阻塞,尽管可用的数据任然还存在于文件输入缓存中;此时远程对端可能期待它已发送数据的响应。原因是ET模式只有在被监控文件描述符发生变化时才递交事件。所以,第5步的调用者可能终止于等待一些已经存在于输入缓存中的数据(没有触发事件,还在等待接收).在上述例子中,一次rfd上的事件被产生是因为第2步写入完成,并在第3步中消耗。第4步的读操作没有消耗整个缓存数据,在第5步中调用的 epoll_wait(2),可能立即阻塞。

An application that employs the EPOLLET flag should use nonblocking file descriptors to avoid having a blocking read or write starve a task that is handling  multiple  filedescriptors.  The suggested way to use epoll as an edge-triggered (EPOLLET) interface is as follows:


i   with nonblocking file descriptors; and

i  使用非阻塞文件描述符;并且

ii  by waiting for an event only after read(2) or write(2) return EAGAIN.

ii 只有在read(2)或 write(2)返回EAGAIN之后才等待事件。

By contrast, when used as a level-triggered interface (the default, when EPOLLET is not specified), epoll is simply a faster poll(2), and can be used wherever the latter isused since it shares the same semantics.


Since even with edge-triggered epoll, multiple events can be generated upon receipt of multiple chunks of data, the caller has the option to specify the EPOLLONESHOT  flag,to  tell  epoll  to  disable  the  associated file descriptor after the receipt of an event with epoll_wait(2).  When the EPOLLONESHOT flag is specified, it is the caller'sresponsibility to rearm the file descriptor using epoll_ctl(2) with EPOLL_CTL_MOD.

因为即使在边沿触发epoll,在收到多个数据块之后会产生多个事件,调用者还有指定EPOLLONESHOT标志的选项,来告知epoll在epoll_wait(2)收到一个事件之后禁止关联的文件描述符。当EPOLLONESHOT被指明,由调用者负责使用epoll_ctl(2) 和 EPOLL_CTL_MOD来重新授权文件描述符。

Interaction with autosleep


If the system is in autosleep mode via /sys/power/autosleep and an event happens which wakes the device from sleep, the device driver will keep the device awake only  untilthat event is queued.  To keep the device awake until the event has been processed, it is necessary to use the epoll(7) EPOLLWAKEUP flag.

如果系统通过/sys/power/autosleep进入autosleep模式,并且发生事件把设备从睡眠中唤醒,设备驱动仅仅保持设备唤醒到那个事件进入队列。要保持设备唤醒到事件被处理,必须使用epoll(7) EPOLLWAKEUP标志。

When  the EPOLLWAKEUP flag is set in the events field for a struct epoll_event, the system will be kept awake from the moment the event is queued, through the epoll_wait(2)call which returns the event until the subsequent epoll_wait(2) call.  If the event should keep the system awake beyond that time, then a separate wake_lock should be takenbefore the second epoll_wait(2) call.


/proc interfaces

The following interfaces can be used to limit the amount of kernel memory consumed by epoll:


/proc/sys/fs/epoll/max_user_watches (since Linux 2.6.28)

This  specifies  a  limit  on the total number of file descriptors that a user can register across all epoll instances on the system.  The limit is per real user ID.Each registered file descriptor costs roughly 90 bytes on a  32-bit  kernel,  and  roughly  160  bytes  on  a  64-bit  kernel.   Currently,  the  default  value  formax_user_watches is 1/25 (4%) of the available low memory, divided by the registration cost in bytes.


Example for suggested usage


While the usage of epoll when employed as a level-triggered interface does have the same semantics as poll(2), the edge-triggered usage requires more clarification to avoidstalls in the application event loop.  In this example, listener is a nonblocking socket on which listen(2) has been called.  The function do_use_fd() uses  the  new  readyfile  descriptor until EAGAIN is returned by either read(2) or write(2).  An event-driven state machine application should, after having received EAGAIN, record its currentstate so that at the next call to do_use_fd() it will continue to read(2) or write(2) from where it stopped before.

当epoll采用水平触发接口时具有poll相同的语义,边沿触发用法要求更清楚说明以防止应用程序事件循环停转。在这个示例中,调用了lister(2)的listener是非阻塞socket.do_use_fd()函数使用新的就绪文件描述符直到read(2)或write(2)返回EAGAIN。事件驱动状态机应用程序应当,在接收到EAGAIN之后,记录它当前的状态所以在下次调用do_use_fd()将从之前停止的地方继续read(2)或 write(2)。

#define MAX_EVENTS 10

struct epoll_event ev, events[MAX_EVENTS];

int listen_sock, conn_sock, nfds, epollfd;

/* Code to set up listening socket, 'listen_sock',

(socket(), bind(), listen()) omitted */

epollfd = epoll_create1(0);

if (epollfd == -1) {




ev.events = EPOLLIN;

ev.data.fd = listen_sock;

if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listen_sock, &ev) == -1) {

perror("epoll_ctl: listen_sock");



for (;;) {

nfds = epoll_wait(epollfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, -1);

if (nfds == -1) {




for (n = 0; n < nfds; ++n) {

if (events[n].data.fd == listen_sock) {

conn_sock = accept(listen_sock,

(struct sockaddr *) &local, &addrlen);

if (conn_sock == -1) {





ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;

ev.data.fd = conn_sock;

if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, conn_sock,

&ev) == -1) {

perror("epoll_ctl: conn_sock");



} else {





When used as an edge-triggered interface, for performance reasons, it is possible to add the file descriptor inside the epoll interface (EPOLL_CTL_ADD) once  by  specifying(EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT).  This allows you to avoid continuously switching between EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT calling epoll_ctl(2) with EPOLL_CTL_MOD.


Questions and answers

Q0  What is the key used to distinguish the file descriptors registered in an epoll set?

用于区分在epoll set中已注册文件描述符的key是什么?

A0  The  key is the combination of the file descriptor number and the open file description (also known as an "open file handle", the kernel's internal representation of anopen file).

key是文件描述符数字和”打开文件描述符”的组合(也就是已知的"open file handle",打开文件句柄,内核的一个打开文件的内部表示)。

Q1  What happens if you register the same file descriptor on an epoll instance twice?


A1  You will probably get EEXIST.  However, it is possible to add a duplicate (dup(2), dup2(2), fcntl(2) F_DUPFD) descriptor to the same epoll instance.  This can be a useful technique for filtering events, if the duplicate file descriptors are registered with different events masks.

你将可能收到EEXIST。然而, 有可能添加副本描述符到相同的epoll实例.这可以是一个过滤事件的有用技巧,如果副本文件描述符用不同的事件掩码去注册。

Q2  Can two epoll instances wait for the same file descriptor?  If so, are events reported to both epoll file descriptors?


A2  Yes, and events would be reported to both.  However, careful programming may be needed to do this correctly.


Q3  Is the epoll file descriptor itself poll/epoll/selectable?


A3  Yes.  If an epoll file descriptor has events waiting, then it will indicate as being readable.


Q4  What happens if one attempts to put an epoll file descriptor into its own file descriptor set?


A4  The epoll_ctl(2) call will fail (EINVAL).  However, you can add an epoll file descriptor inside another epoll file descriptor set.

epoll_ctl(2)调用将以(EINVAL)失败. 然而,你可以添加epoll文件描述符到另一个epoll文件描述符集合内。

Q5  Can I send an epoll file descriptor over a UNIX domain socket to another process?


A5  Yes, but it does not make sense to do this, since the receiving process would not have copies of the file descriptors in the epoll set.

是的,但这样做没有任何意义,因为接收进程不会有epoll set中的文件描述符副本。

Q6  Will closing a file descriptor cause it to be removed from all epoll sets automatically?

关闭一个文件描述符,会导致它自动从所有epoll set中被移除吗?

A6  Yes,  but be aware of the following point.  A file descriptor is a reference to an open file description (see open(2)).  Whenever a descriptor is duplicated via dup(2),dup2(2), fcntl(2) F_DUPFD, or fork(2), a new file descriptor referring to the same open file description is created.  An open file description continues to exist  untilall  file  descriptors referring to it have been closed.  A file descriptor is removed from an epoll set only after all the file descriptors referring to the underlying

open file description have been closed (or before if the descriptor is explicitly removed using epoll_ctl(2) EPOLL_CTL_DEL).  This means that even after a file descriptor  that  is  part  of  an  epoll  set has been closed, events may be reported for that file descriptor if other file descriptors referring to the same underlying file

description remain open.

是的,但需要清楚以下几点。文件描述符是一个”打开文件描述符”的引用(见 open(2))。每当描述符是副本,通过dup(2),dup2(2), fcntl(2) F_DUPFD, or fork(2),一个指向同一“打开文件描述符”的引用的文件描述符被创建。一个“打开文件描述符”持续存在直达所有到它的文件描述符引用被关闭。只有在指向下层“打开文件描述符”的所有文件描述符引用被关闭时,文件描述符才从epoll set中被移除(或者之前如果描述符是使用epoll_ctl(2) EPOLL_CTL_DEL被明确的移除)。这意味着即使epoll set部分的文件描述符被关闭之后,那个文件描述符的事件可能被报告,如果其他文件描述符引用指向的相同下层文件描述符保持打开.

Q7  If more than one event occurs between epoll_wait(2) calls, are they combined or reported separately?


A7  They will be combined.


Q8  Does an operation on a file descriptor affect the already collected but not yet reported events?


A8  You can do two operations on an existing file descriptor.  Remove would be meaningless for this case.  Modify will reread available I/O.


Q9  Do I need to continuously read/write a file descriptor until EAGAIN when using the EPOLLET flag (edge-triggered behavior) ?

当使用EPOLLET标志时(边沿触发行为),需要持续的在文件描述符连续的read/write,直到EAGAIN ?

A9  Receiving an event from epoll_wait(2) should suggest to you that such file descriptor is ready for the requested I/O operation.  You must consider it  ready  until  thenext (nonblocking) read/write yields EAGAIN.  When and how you will use the file descriptor is entirely up to you.

从epoll_wait(2)收到事件,应当指示你如此的文件描述是已就绪于请求I/O操作。你必须认为它是就绪的,直到下一个(非阻塞)read/write产生EAGIN. 何时、如何使用这个文件描述符完全取决于你。

For  packet/token-oriented  files  (e.g.,  datagram  socket,  terminal  in canonical mode), the only way to detect the end of the read/write I/O space is to continue toread/write until EAGAIN.

对于包/符号导向的文件(比如 UDP socket,标准模式的终端), 唯一检测read/write I/O空间结束的方法,是连续read/write直到EAGIN.

For stream-oriented files (e.g., pipe, FIFO, stream socket), the condition that the read/write I/O space is exhausted can also be detected by  checking  the  amount  ofdata  read from / written to the target file descriptor.  For example, if you call read(2) by asking to read a certain amount of data and read(2) returns a lower numberof bytes, you can be sure of having exhausted the read I/O space for the file descriptor.  The same is true when writing using write(2).  (Avoid this  latter  techniqueif you cannot guarantee that the monitored file descriptor always refers to a stream-oriented file.)

对于流导向的文件(例如 pipe, FIFO, TCP socket),read/write I/O空间耗尽的条件也能通过 读取于/写入到 目标文件描述符的数据总数来检测。例如,如果你调用read(2)要求读取确定的数据总数,并且read(2)返回更低的字节数,你能确认该文件描述符的 read I/O 空间已经耗尽。使用write(2)来写入时也一样。(如果你不能保证被监控的文件描述符一直指向流式文件,避免使用后面的字节数技巧)。

Possible pitfalls and ways to avoid them


o Starvation (edge-triggered)


If there is a large amount of I/O space, it is possible that by trying to drain it the other files will not get processed causing starvation.  (This problem is not specificto epoll.)


The solution is to maintain a ready list and mark the file descriptor as ready in its associated data structure, thereby allowing the application to  remember  which  filesneed  to  be  processed  but still round robin amongst all the ready files.  This also supports ignoring subsequent events you receive for file descriptors that are alreadyready.


o If using an event cache...


If you use an event cache or store all the file descriptors returned from epoll_wait(2), then make sure to provide a way to mark its closure dynamically (i.e., caused by  aprevious  event's  processing).  Suppose you receive 100 events from epoll_wait(2), and in event #47 a condition causes event #13 to be closed.  If you remove the structureand close(2) the file descriptor for event #13, then your event cache might still say there are events waiting for that file descriptor causing confusion.

如果你使用一个事件缓存或存储所有从epoll_wait(2)返回的文件描述符, 那么要确信提供一个方法去标记它的动态关闭(例如,在前一个事件处理中导致的)。假设你从epoll_wait(2)收到100个事件,并且在#47事件中一个条件导致#13事件关闭。如果你移除数据结构并关闭事件#13的文件描述符,那么你的事件缓存可能任然说还有事件在等待那个文件描述符,导致混乱。

One solution for this is to call, during the processing of event 47, epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_DEL) to delete file descriptor 13 and  close(2),  then  mark  its  associated  datastructure  as  removed  and link it to a cleanup list.  If you find another event for file descriptor 13 in your batch processing, you will discover the file descriptor hadbeen previously removed and there will be no confusion.

这个问题的一个解决方案是,在#47事件的处理过程中,调用epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_DEL)去删除文件描述符13并close(2),然后标记它的关联数据结构为已移除,并链接到一个cleanup list.如果在你的批量处理中发现#13文件描述符的事件,你将发现文件描述符在之前已经移除,就不会混乱。

翻译:6700662@qq.com, 转载请注明出处。


The epoll API was introduced in Linux kernel 2.5.44.  Support was added to glibc in version 2.3.2.


The epoll API is Linux-specific.  Some other systems provide similar mechanisms, for example, FreeBSD has kqueue, and Solaris has /dev/poll.


epoll_create(2), epoll_create1(2), epoll_ctl(2), epoll_wait(2), poll(2), select(2)


This page is part of release 4.04 of the Linux man-pages project.  A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page,  can

be found at http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.

Linux                                                                                2015-04-19                                                                            EPOLL(7)

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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • epoll Its function is to monitor multiple file descriptor...
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  • epoll概述 epoll是linux中IO多路复用的一种机制,I/O多路复用就是通过一种机制,一个进程可以监视多...
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  • 名称 libev - 一个 C 编写的功能全面的高性能事件循环。 概要 示例程序 关于 libev Libev 是...
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  • 概念 首先要说明几个概念: 用户空间和内核空间 进程切换 进程的阻塞 文件描述符 缓存 I/O 用户空间与内核空间...
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  • 今天是你拿到中环录取通知的日子,真是挺为你开心的,功不唐捐 我真的相信这一点,向你学习的东西还有很多,勇气实力,证...
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