This document is an abridged transcript of Elon Musk's presentation at the 68th International Astronautical Congress on September 28th, 2017 in Adelaide, Australia.
You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great, and that's what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It's about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can't think of anything else more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.
—— Elon Musk, CEO & Lead Designer, SpaceX
—— 伊隆·马斯克,首席执行官 & 总设计师,SpaceX
Become a multi-planet species | 成为一个多星球聚居种族
This presentation will cover the updated design for what we are currently calling BFR. The most important thing I want to convey in this presentation is that I think we have figured out how to pay for it. This is very important.
这次演讲将会提到我们称为BFR的航天器的最新(updated)设计。我想在演讲中传达(convey)的最重要的讯息就是我想我们找到了资金(figure out how to pay for it)。这真是非常重大的突破。
In last year's presentation, we were really searching for the right way to pay for this thing. We went through various ideas -- Kickstarter, collecting underpants, etc. These didn't pan out, but now we think we have got a way to achieve this.
去年的演讲中我说到,我们当时仍在苦苦搜集资金(searching for the right way to pay for this thing)。我们使出浑身解数(went thru various ideas)但都无功而返(didn't pan out)。直到今天我想我们终于找到了路子筹足款项(achieve this)。
Our updated design leverages a smaller vehicle, still pretty big but a single vehicle that can do everything needed for greater earth orbit activity. Essentially we want to make our current vehicles redundant. We want to have one system -- one booster and one ship -- that replaces Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon. If we can do that, then all the resources that are used for the Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon can be applied to this system. That's really fundamental.
我们最新的设计使用(leverage)了一个小型飞船。虽然它依然很大,但以后只需要这一个飞船就可以完成高地球轨道任务(greater earth orbit activity)。其实(essentially)我们想多建几艘飞船(make our current vehicles redundant)。我们想建造一个统一的系统,配备一个推进器和一艘飞船,这样就能顶替猎鹰9、重型猎鹰和龙飞船。如果咱能达成这个小目标,那么猎鹰9、重型猎鹰和龙飞船的装备将都能用在这套系统上(applied to this system)。