Aside from(除了) the industrial and transport revolutions, how else did railways affect Britain?
①They affected(影响) the country in virtually(实际上) every way imaginable(可想象的). What I find fascinating(迷人的,惊奇的) is simply the scale of (,,,的规模)it. This was one of the biggest building projects in history, more significant(重要的) than the Great Wall of China, the Roman road system or the pyramids(金字塔). One of the reasons it was so amazing was that unlike those previous projects it was built with private investors’(投资者) money. It was the first democratic (民主的)infrastructure (基础设施)boom(繁荣) and that is crucially(非常) important.
翻译: 这些铁路实际上用能够想象到的所有方式影响着这个国家。然而我感到惊奇的是它的规模仅其规模就让我感到惊讶。这是历史上最大的建筑工程之一,比中国的长城和罗马的道路系统以及埃及的金字塔还要重要。让它这么出人意料的原因是,不同于那些古代建筑,这些铁路是由私人投资者出资建筑的。这是民主基础设施第一次热潮,并且十分重要。
infrastructure (基础设施)
the scale of (,,,的规模)
Not a penny of the funding for the early railways came from the public purse. It all came from private individuals, from the very rich right down to(一直到) people giving a tiny part of their meagre paycheck because they wanted to become investors.
From ,,,right down to =from to
There was virtually no part of public life that remained unaltered(未改变的). Railways changed the way people lived and worked, what they ate and even what they read. Penguin Books famously originated on (起源于)a railway platform and WHSmith developed through railways. They give birth to the consumer revolution(消费者革命). Thomas Cook was born on the railways. His first expedition(探险) was a temperance excursion(禁酒游览) and he went on to make vast amounts of money taking people to the seaside on trains.
翻译:实际上公众生活没有哪一处保持不变。铁路改变了人们生活和工作的方式,包括人们的饮食和阅读。众所周知企鹅出版社起源于一个铁路平台,WHSmith起家于铁路。这带来了消费者革命。 Thomas Cook诞生于铁路,他的第一次探险是禁酒游览,并且后来又用火车带人们去海边来赚了一大笔钱。
However, the railways were also the infant terrible of the 19th century because no one really knew where it would end. The railway mania(狂躁) eventually brought about the legendary financial collapse (金融崩溃,经济危机)of 1866. It brought the British banking system to its knees. Not even Napoleon managed that.
financial collapse (金融崩溃,经济危机)
⑤As someone who has studied the navy(海军) and maritime(海上) history I am also conscious of the way railways inverted(改变,倒置) our understanding of how the world works. Before the 19th century, human beings were largely a littoral (沿海地区)species. We lived along coastlines (海岸线)and rivers. The great cities of the world like London, Paris, Beijing and New York were dependent on(依赖于) waterborne(水载) transport for their trade. The sea was a bridge linking one place to another and it was actually the land that was hostile. The Pennies were virtually impassable(无法通过), but if you were in Newcastle you could sail to London no problem.
Yet within a generation the railways carved(创造;雕刻) links to the landscape that forever changed the way we thought about our place in the world. Suddenly we saw the sea as slow and hostile and the land became the bridge. Entire countries and empires were carved out of (从。。。中产生)this. It’s not an exaggeration to say that modern Russia, the USA and Germany were created by railways. Without them, they wouldn’t have been able to bind these vast, sprawling(扩张) places into one state.
In the end the railways actually undermined the legitimacy(合法性) of the British empire. There was a new focus on land communication and so it became illegitimate(非法) for Britain to own these territorial(领土)possessions on the other side of the world, linked by water. America is just as much an empire as the British empire was but because it’s joined and you can travel over it by land there are far fewer questions about its legitimacy. These huge continental-sized nation states were developed –and Britain, in the end, simply could not compete.