论文中的实现见 http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fingertree
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Monoid
class Monoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a->a->a
A type with an associative operation and an identity forms a monoid.
(A `mappend` B) `mappend` C = A `mappend` (B `mappend` C)
A `mappend` mempty = A
mempty `mappend` A = A
2.2 Right and left reductions
A reduction with a monoid yields the same result
however we nest the applications of mappend, but for a reduction with an arbitrary
constant and binary operation we must specify a particular nesting.
对monoid做reduction,无论运算顺序如何,总会得到相同的结果 (因为monoid满足结合律)
class Reduce f where
reducer :: (a -> b -> b) -> (f a -> b -> b)
reducel :: (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> f a -> b)
这个reducer就是说,输入一个 (a->b->b)的二元运算,就能输出一个(f a->b->b)的函数 (柯里化了,变成这种形式)
可以把这里的f理解成某种泛型的容器,比如list。f a->b->b就是说,给个a类型的容器,比如a的列表,a类型的树等等。
toList :: (Reduce f) => f a -> [a]
toList s = consbar s [] where
consbar = reducer (:)
toList的签名是说,只要f是实现了Reduce的容器,就能从f a类型得到a类型的列表
(:)是 a->[a]->[a]类型,所以 reducer (:)是 f a->[a]->[a]类型。
3 Simple sequences
As a starting point, consider ordinary 2-3 trees, like the one
Operations on such trees typically take time logarithmic in the size of the tree,
but for a sequence implementation we would like to add and remove elements from
either end in constant time.
3.1 Finger Tree
A structure providing efficient access to nodes of a tree near a distinguished location
is called a finger.To provide efficient access to the ends of a sequence, we wish to place fingers at
the left and right ends of this tree. Imagine taking hold of the end nodes of the
example tree above and lifting them up together.
而且finger tree每向下一层,节点就变得更大。
data FingerTree a = Empty
| Single a
| Deep (Digit a) (FingerTree (Node a)) (Digit a)
type Digit a = [a]
data Node a = Node2 a a | Node3 a a a
Before moving on, we instantiate the generic definition of reduction to these
types. Reduction of nodes is trivial:
instance Reduce Node where
reducer (-<) (Node2 a b) z = a -< (b -< z)
reducer (-<) (Node3 a b c) z = a -< (b -< (c -< z))
reducel (>-) z (Node2 b a) = (z >- b) >- a
reducel (>-) z (Node3 c b a) = ((z >- c) >- b) >- a
Reduction of finger trees uses single and double liftings of the binary operation:
instance Reduce FingerTree where
reducer _ Empty z = z
reducer (-<) (Single x) z = x -< z
reducer (-<) (Deep pr m sf ) z = pr -<< (m -<<< (sf -<< z))
where (-<<) = reducer (-<)
(-<<<) = reducer (reducer (-<))
reducel _ z Empty = z
reducel (>-) z (Single x) = z >- x
reducel (>-) z (Deep pr m sf ) = ((z >>- pr) >>>- m) >>- sf
where (>>-) = reducel (>-)
(>>>-) = reducel (reducel (>-))
在这段里头,-<<是 [a]->b->b类型, -<<<是(FingerTree (Node a))->b->b类型
-< :: a -> b -> b
reducer :: (a -> b -> b) -> (f a -> b -> b)
reducer (-<) f0 a -> b -> b
reducer (reducer (-<)) (f1 (f0 a)) -> b -> b
然后f0匹配到Node,f1匹配到FingerTree。所以-<<<就能处理FingerTree(Node a)类型了
*Main> toList Empty
*Main> toList (Single 1)
*Main> toList (Deep [1,2] Empty [3,4])
*Main> toList (Deep [1,2] (Single (Node3 3 4 5)) [6,7])
3.2 Deque operations
infixr 5 <|
(<|) :: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
a <| Empty = Single a
a <| Single b = Deep [a] Empty [b]
a <| Deep [b,c,d,e] m sf = Deep [a,b] (Node3 c d e <| m) sf
a <| Deep pr m sf = Deep ([a] ++ pr) m sf
infixl 5 |>
(|>) :: FingerTree a -> a -> FingerTree a
Empty |> a = Single a
Single b |> a = Deep [b] Empty [a]
Deep pr m [e,d,c,b] |> a = Deep pr (m |> Node3 e d c) [b,a]
Deep pr m sf |> a = Deep pr m (sf ++ [a])
(<||) :: (Reduce f) => f a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
(<||) = reducer (<|)
(||>) :: (Reduce f) => FingerTree a -> f a -> FingerTree a
(||>) = reducel (|>)
toTree :: (Reduce f) => f a -> FingerTree a
toTree s = s <|| Empty
a <| Deep [b,c,d,e] m sf = Deep [a,b] (Node3 c d e <| m) sf
(<|) :: a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
reducer (<|) 就变成了 f a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
To deconstruct a sequence, we define a type that expresses a view of the left end
of a sequence as either empty or an element together with the rest of the sequence:
Then we can define separate functions isEmpty, head L , and tail L using the view:
In a lazy language like Haskell, the tail part of the view is not computed unless it
is used. In a strict language, it might be more useful to provide the three separate
functions as primitives.
data ViewL s a = NilL | ConsL a (s a)
data ViewR s a = NilR | ConsR (s a) a
viewL :: FingerTree a -> ViewL FingerTree a
viewL Empty = NilL
viewL (Single x) = ConsL x Empty
viewL (Deep pr m sf) = ConsL (head pr) (deepL (tail pr) m sf)
viewR :: FingerTree a -> ViewR FingerTree a
viewR Empty = NilR
viewR (Single x) = ConsR Empty x
viewR (Deep pr m sf) = ConsR (deepR pr m (init sf)) (last sf)
deepL :: [a] -> FingerTree (Node a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree a
deepL [] m sf =
case viewL m of
NilL -> toTree sf
ConsL a mbar -> Deep (toList a) mbar sf
deepL pr m sf = Deep pr m sf
deepR :: [a] -> FingerTree (Node a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree a
deepR pr m [] =
case viewR m of
NilR -> toTree pr
ConsR mbar a -> Deep pr mbar (toList a)
deepR pr m sf = Deep pr m sf
isEmpty :: FingerTree a -> Bool
isEmpty x = case viewL x of
NilL -> True
ConsL _ _ -> False
headL :: FingerTree a -> a
headL x = case viewL x of ConsL a _ -> a
tailL :: FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
tailL x = case viewL x of ConsL _ x' -> x'
lastR :: FingerTree a -> a
lastR x = case viewR x of ConsR _ a -> a
initR :: FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
initR x = case viewR x of ConsR x' _ -> x'
3.3 Concatenation
The only difficult case is concatenation of two Deep trees.
We can
use the prefix of the first tree as the prefix of the result, and the suffix of the second
tree as the suffix of the result. To combine the rest to make the new middle subtree,
we require a function of type
FingerTree (Node a) → Digit a → Digit a → FingerTree (Node a) →
FingerTree (Node a)
中间的Digit a → Digit a可以简化成一个 [a]
app3 :: FingerTree a -> [a] -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
app3 Empty ts xs = ts <|| xs
app3 xs ts Empty = xs ||> ts
app3 (Single x) ts xs = x <| (ts <|| xs)
app3 xs ts (Single x) = (xs ||> ts) |> x
app3 (Deep pr1 m1 sf1) ts (Deep pr2 m2 sf2) =
Deep pr1 (app3 m1 (nodes (sf1 ++ ts ++ pr2)) m2) sf2
nodes :: [a] -> [Node a]
nodes [a,b] = [Node2 a b]
nodes [a,b,c] = [Node3 a b c]
nodes [a,b,c,d] = [Node2 a b,Node2 c d]
nodes (a:b:c:xs) = Node3 a b c : nodes xs
(><) :: FingerTree a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
xs >< ys = app3 xs [] ys
Deep pr1 (app3 m1 (nodes (sf1 ++ ts ++ pr2)) m2) sf2
instance Monoid (FingerTree a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend = (><)
[1] https://www.zhihu.com/question/32163076
[2] http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.pdf
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoid
[4] http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree/more-trees.html