变量 | 描述 |
{{ ds }} |
the execution date as YYYY-MM-DD
{{ ds_nodash }} |
the execution date as YYYYMMDD
{{ prev_ds }} |
the previous execution date as YYYY-MM-DD if {{ ds }} is 2018-01-08 and schedule_interval is @weekly , {{ prev_ds }} will be 2018-01-01
{{ prev_ds_nodash }} |
the previous execution date as YYYYMMDD if exists, else None
{{ next_ds }} |
the next execution date as YYYY-MM-DD if {{ ds }} is 2018-01-01 and schedule_interval is @weekly , {{ next_ds }} will be 2018-01-08
{{ next_ds_nodash }} |
the next execution date as YYYYMMDD if exists, else None
{{ yesterday_ds }} |
the day before the execution date as YYYY-MM-DD
{{ yesterday_ds_nodash}} |
the day before the execution date as YYYYMMDD
{{ tomorrow_ds }} |
the day after the execution date as YYYY-MM-DD
{{ tomorrow_ds_nodash }} |
the day after the execution date as YYYYMMDD
{{ ts }} |
same as execution_date.isoformat() . Example: 2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
{{ ts_nodash }} |
same as ts without - , : and TimeZone info. Example: 20180101T000000
{{ ts_nodash_with_tz }} |
same as ts without - and : . Example: 20180101T000000+0000
{{ execution_date }} |
the execution_date (pendulum.Pendulum) |
{{ prev_execution_date}} |
the previous execution date (if available) (pendulum.Pendulum) |
{{prev_execution_date_success }} |
execution date from prior successful dag run (if available) (pendulum.Pendulum) |
{{prev_start_date_success}} |
start date from prior successful dag run (if available) (pendulum.Pendulum) |
{{ next_execution_date}} |
the next execution date (pendulum.Pendulum) |
{{ dag }} |
the DAG object |
{{ task }} |
the Task object |
{{ macros }} |
a reference to the macros package, described below |
{{ task_instance }} |
the task_instance object |
{{ end_date }} |
same as {{ ds }}
{{ latest_date }} |
same as {{ ds }}
{{ ti }} |
same as {{ task_instance }}
{{ params }} |
a reference to the user-defined params dictionary which can be overridden by the dictionary passed through trigger_dag -c if you enableddag_run_conf_overrides_params in ``airflow.cfg` |
{{ var.value.my_var }} |
global defined variables represented as a dictionary |
{{ var.json.my_var.path}} |
global defined variables represented as a dictionary with deserialized JSON object, append the path to the key within the JSON object |
{{ task_instance_key_str}} |
a unique, human-readable key to the task instance formatted {dag_id}_{task_id}_{ds}
{{ conf }} |
the full configuration object located at airflow.configuration.conf which represents the content of your airflow.cfg
{{ run_id }} |
the run_id of the current DAG run |
{{ dag_run }} |
a reference to the DagRun object |
{{ test_mode }} |
whether the task instance was called using the CLI’s test subcommand |
Variable | Description |
macros.datetime |
The standard lib’s datetime.datetime
macros.timedelta |
The standard lib’s datetime.timedelta
macros.dateutil |
A reference to the dateutil package |
macros.time |
The standard lib’s datetime.time
macros.uuid |
The standard lib’s uuid
macros.random |
The standard lib’s random