"This is the biggest, most significant thing we’veever done in eight and a half years."
Efe Cakarel can't disguise an excitement that’sbordering on hyperbole. Here's why:MultipleAcademyAward nominee and eternalcritics’ darling Paul Thomas Anderson is exclusively streaming his new filmJununonCakarel’s platformMUBI. "The films that he does—that’s the reason we exist,"says Cakarel, founder and CEO of MUBI. (The enthusiasm is reflected in a clockthe company put on its homepage: "Countdown to Global Premiere.")
Efe Cakarel无法掩饰近乎夸张的激动,这是因为多次获得奥斯卡提名以及批判家永恒的宠儿Paul Thomas Anderson专门将自己的新电影《Junun》在Cakarel的平台MUBI上发布。MUBI的首席执行官以及创始人Cakarel说:“他的电影作品,就是我们存在的理由”,(热情被体现在公司主页的时钟上:“全球首映倒计时。”)
Launched in 2007 under the name The Auteurs, streamingservice MUBI bills itself as "the ultimate destination for watching theworld’s best films"—and it’s banking on the idea that "less ismore" to break out of the crowded stream dominated byNetflix,Hulu,Amazon, andHBO. Instead of unleashinga firehose of content to viewers, MUBI curates 30 films at a time on its sitewith a new film replacing another every day.
"They are trying to be everything foreveryone," Cakarel says of the competition. "As a result, they arenot satisfying everyone. Because of our curation, we can really become thetrusted service you go to to watch a quality film. We want to be the staff pickat your favorite video store."
But is being an online film club enough to loosenNetflix’s grip on streaming? MUBI’s strongest asset, in conjunction withsnagging exclusives with directors like Paul Thomas Anderson, is its footholdon a global scale, which, Cakarel says, was the impetus behind MUBI in thefirst place.
但是成为在线电影俱乐部足够能撼动Netflix对于流媒体的统治地位吗?MUBI最大的资产在于跟Paul Thomas Anderson这样的导演合作,这是其在全球范围内的立足点,Cakarel说这是MUBI的首要推动力。
During a trip toTokyoin 2007, Cakarel wanted to watch the Chinese dramaIn the Mood for Lovebuthit an all-too familiar snag in streaming abroad.
"There was not a single platform where I couldwatch a movie—it was unbelievable," he says. "An idea was born rightat that moment, and I started writing a business plan on the flight back toSan Francisco."
Two months later, MUBI was born and christened, atfirst, with a very different name.
"The name change happened because The Auteurs wasa very challenging brand to scale. I found myself at a dinner party with peopleasking me, 'What do you do?' And I’m like, 'The Auteurs.' And they’re like,'What?' You can’t even spell it!" Cakarel says. "So I wanted tocreate a brand that has no association with film that we could build to becomea global brand. MUBI doesn’t have any meaning—it’s four letters: consonant,vowel, consonant, vowel. Scientifically those are the easiest names that can bepronounced across very different cultures."
Although Netflix has been around since 1997, itintroduced streaming in 2007, which put MUBI in a tough spot in the battle forcontent. Netflix was well out of the gate in terms of its online library,leveraging existing deals with studios to build its stock of VHS and DVDcopies. In theU.S., Cakarel agrees thatNetflix is "unstoppable." However, expanding abroad is where thestreaming giant has had its biggest roadblock that it’s aggressively trying tobarrel past.
About 35% of Netflix’s 65 million subscribers areinternational and the plan announced in September to expand into Singapore,South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will no doubt bump up that number—but withwhat kind of content? MUBI has offices in theU.S.,U.K.,Germany,France,Turkey,andMexicoto deliver tailored curations toits 7 million users across 200 countries—the 30 films presented inIstanbul, for example, won’t be the same as inParis. Realizing how diverse MUBI’s user base was fromthe start, Cakarel was able to focus early on securing deals for internationalfilms, acquiring and licensing more than 4,500 titles globally, such as ZhuRikun’sThe Dossier, KlausHärö’sMother of Mine, andJúlia Murat’sFound Memories.
Rikun的《档案》,Klaus Härö的《我的母亲》,以及Júlia
"Once you get out of theU.S.,content is a very difficult, expensive, and fragmented business—it takes many,many years to aggregate quality content from all the independent distributorsall over the world," Cakarel says. "As a result Netflix could notmove as fast outside theU.S.—[they] stillcan’t. In theU.S., Netflix won that game fiveyears ago but we saw a much bigger opportunity outside of theU.S.And that’s the opportunity: that we could create an amazing service that canco-exist with Netflix—that can complement the Netflix experience."
Logging into Netflix can illicit a touch of thehysterical sublime—you’re inundated with rows and rows of TV shows and film andcolumns of genres. The painful process of selecting something on Netflix hasofficially become ripe for parody.
Meanwhile, MUBI thinks it has a solution for thiscondition. "We’re taking the entire paradox of choice out of theequation," Cakarel says.
It’s not that choice is bad, it’s that Cakarel wantsto position his company as valuing quality over quantity and as sort of a sidekick to Netflix, which is part of the reason MUBI’s subscription rate starts atonly $4.99 per month. How MUBI curates its content is a mix of data and manualinput: Analyzing what kinds of films people in different countries are watchinggenerates a bulk of titles, and from there, MUBI’s editorial team whittles downthe list. Cakarel explains that the curation process can become hyper-localizedand is always fluid—MUBI’s editorial team is expected to keep in mind andcontextualize current or historical events that can translate into films.
"The team plans months ahead what they want toprogram—themes, retrospectives—but can also react to events instantly," hesays. An example of this is how the company acquiredNicola
Costantino: The ArtefactaandLucifer, two films currentlyscreening at theLondon Film Festivaland, now, on MUBI.
It’s a unique experience given the current landscapeof streaming—unique enough to catch the eye of Paul Thomas Anderson. "PTAwas one of those 7 million people on the platform watching movies and reallyliking the experience. One day I got an email from him and we began a wonderfulconversation [aboutJunun],"says Cakarel. "This was a very personal project for him and he wanted toshow it to a discerning audience."
考虑到流媒体当前的环境,这的确是个独特的体验,并足够独特来吸引Paul Thomas Anderson。“Paul Thomas Anderson是在平台上观看电影的700万用户之一,并且真正的喜欢这种体验。有一天我从他那里收到一封邮件,然后我们关于《Junun》进行了一场美妙的对话”,Cakarel说。“这对于他是个非常私人的项目,他想要将其展示给一个挑剔的观众。”
Junundocuments Anderson’strip to Rajasthan, India, with Radiohead lead guitarist and frequentcollaborator Jonny Greenwood. Greenwood has composed the score for the threeAnderson films beforeJunun.For Anderson's new movie, Greenwood and a group of musicians worked on Israelicomposer Shye Ben Tzur’s new album.Jununplayed at the New York Film Festival and beginningtonight it will stream only on MUBI—a deal that could be a significant turningpoint for the company.
《Junun》记录了Anderson去印度拉贾斯坦邦的旅行,一道的还有Radiohead的主吉他手以及频繁合作者Jonny Greenwood。在《Junun》之前,Greenwood已经为Anderson的电影谱写了三部曲子。为了Anderson的新电影,Greenwood以及一群音乐制作人致力于以色列作曲家Shye Ben Tzur的新专辑。《Junun》在纽约电影节上映,但从今晚开始它将只会在MUBI上发行,这是个可能成为公司重要转折点的事件。
Cakarel declined to discuss specifics of the termsMUBI has made with Anderson and film studios but said that "deals aretypically done based on either revenue share, straight license fee, or cost persubscriber with a minimum guarantee."
"Five years from today I want people from BuenosAires to Tokyo to New York, to automatically think, ‘What’s on MUBI tonight?’when they want to watch a movie. That’s the vision. And it’s a big vision,delighting millions of people every day with the best films," Cakarel says."It’s going to take us many years but the team is more energized thanever—look at what we’re doing this week!"