4003 小悠
《Five little monkeys》五只小猴子 ,它音频很有韵律感,朗朗上口,视频里猴子很可爱。对应歌词如下:
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!
One little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor,and the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!
No little monkeys jumping on the bed,
None fell off and bumped his head,
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said:
Put those monkeys back in bed!
1、这首歌可以让宝宝多认识以下单词: 动物monkey、日常物bed、动作跳jump、call、撞bump、医生doctor,同时复习数字概念和数数等。
(1)……jumping on the bed,
(2)……feel of
(3)……bumped his ……,
…… called the doctor,and the doctor said,等
(1)How many monkeys jumping on the bed?
宝宝说:five little monkeys jumping on the bed。
(2)Can you jump on the bed?
《Five little monkeys》教学
2、环境创设进行热身:第二天宝宝睡醒时,她还躺床上,旁边刚好有她的猴子娃娃。我就充分利用起来了,我问宝宝你躺在哪里啊?她说“床上啊”,我说“嗯,bed。”,我又拍了下床嘴上重复说“bed”。这时我拿起娃娃问这只是什么呀,宝宝想了下说“monkey”。我接着重复说“monkey”,然后我就拿起猴娃娃在床上边弹跳边说“jump ”“monkey jumping on the bed”等,蹦了一会我手一松猴子飞床下了,我就边说“monkey fell off the bed”“fell off”“fell off”。宝宝已经会跟读了,这样宝宝对儿歌内容已经有无意识热心准备了。
3、倾听儿歌:宝宝吃完饭,我故意坐在她附近。我点开《Five little monkeys》的视频边看边唱起来,宝宝被动听起了这首儿歌,由于这首歌音乐很有旋律感,重复性强,不一会儿就把宝宝吸引住了。宝宝自己跟着哼唱了几下,索性过来抢过手机自己看起了视频,我在旁边观察,她把各种版本的《Five little monkeys》都看了,我数了下,她听了大概10遍,才把手机还给我,这时她对儿歌内容更清楚了。
4、手指谣清唱教学:宝宝试图自己唱完整 ,但还是唱得很含糊。我就和宝宝说我们来玩手指跳舞吧。五个手指代表Five little monkeys ,掌心代表bed。给宝宝表演起了手指谣,宝宝很喜欢,一起做了起来,边玩边跟唱。我们从跟唱、到合唱、到对唱、到轮唱,到最后她自己独唱,手指谣也很快就学会了。
5、游戏巩固:我和宝宝一起画了五只猴子,画了一张床,叫孩子数下猴子只数one、two、three、four、five,然后和宝宝玩起猴子蹦床游戏,这里宝宝拿猴子蹦,我自然是角色妈妈,爸爸这时充当医生。开始时采取插入问题式边复习句型,如,让五只猴子在床上蹦边问“How many monkeys jumping on the bed?”,宝宝会回答“five little monkeys jumping on the bed”。“how many monkeys fell off the bed?”“one fell off and bumped his head.”游戏最后我问她“Can you jump on the bed?”她明确的告诉我“No!”。最后边唱边玩游戏。
7、延伸到生活中:学了这首歌,宝宝会给我打小报告“Mama、开心(她表妹)jumping on the bed”。“I fell off and bumped my knee”等。宝宝能把歌里的句型延伸到生活中,这就是收获。
1、ABC Song
2、Five Little Monkeys
3、Head shoders knees and Toes
4、Walking Walking
5、If You're Happy
6、Rain Rain Go Away
7、Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
8、One Little Finger