- 前缀树 Trie tree
1.1 前缀树定义
1.2 前缀树创建
1.3 查询word之前加入过几次
1.4 所有加入字符串中,有几个是以pre为前缀的
1.5 删除- 贪心 greedy
2.1 贪心算法定义
2.2 贪心解题思路
2.3 贪心常用技巧
2.4 会议室安排会议
2.5 切金条
2.6 最大钱数IPO -- 502 IPO(hard)
2.7 堆的应用--一个数据流中,随时取得中位数 -- 295 Find Median from Data Stream(hard)
1.前缀树 Trie tree
1.1 前缀树定义
1.2 前缀树创建
1. 创建TireNode类型,定义pass和end,并创建26条新的空路
2. 遍历时,先看有没有这条路径,若有就pass++,没有就创建新的
3. 每次字符经过一个点时,pass++,到达结尾点时end++
4. 查询前缀是,用pass。查询完整字符串时,用end
public class Trie TrieNode{
public int pass;//经过这个点,pass++
public int end;// 以这个点结尾, end++
public TrieNode[] nexts;// HashMap<Char, Node> nexts;
// or TreeMap<Char, Node> nexts;字符特别多的时候,用哈希表
public TrieNode(){
pass = 0;
end = 0;
//next[0] == null 没有走向“a”的路
//next[25] != null 有走向“z”的路
nexts = new TrieNode[26]
public class Trie{
Trie root;//头节点
public Trie{
root = new TrieNode();
public void insert(String word){
if(word == null){
char[] chs = word.toCharArray();//把word转换成字符类型的数组
TireNode node = root;//node在根节点出发
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chs.length; i++){//从左到右遍历字符
index = chs[i] - 'a';//每个字母减a的ascii码,这样a的index是0,b是1,c是2
if ([index] == null){[index] = new TrieNode();
node = node.nexts[index];
1.3 查询word之前加入过几次
public int search(String word){
if(word == null){
return 0;
char[] chs = word.toCharArray();
TrieNode node = root;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0, i < chs.length, i++){
index = chs[i] - 'a';
if([index] == null){
return 0;//树中的节点已经到头,但word还没查询完,说明原来没有加入过
node =[index];
return node.end;//查询完成,全部匹配,end的值就是加入过几次
1.4 所有加入字符串中,有几个是以pre为前缀的
public int prefixNumber(String pre){
if(pre == null){
return 0;
char[] chs = pre.toCharArray();
TrieNode node = root;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0, i < chs.length, i++){
index = chs[i] - 'a';
if([index] == null){
return 0;//树中的节点已经到头,但word还没查询完,说明原来没有加入过
node =[index];
return node.pass;//查询完成,pre 匹配,看pass有几次
1.5 删除
public void delete(String word){//沿途pass--,最后end--
if(search(word) != 0){//先查询树中有没有加入过此word
char[] chs = word.toCharArray;
TrieNode node = root;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chas.length; i++){
index = chs[i] - 'a';
if(--node.nexts[index].pass == 0){//此处pass减完后为0,不需要遍历后续节点,直接把后面全部删除
//java 中可以,jvm直接把null后面的空间自动释放
//c++ 要遍历
node.nexts[index] = null;
node = node.nexts[index];
2. 贪心 greedy
2.1 贪心算法定义
局部最优 -?>整体最优
2.2 贪心解题思路
- 实现一个不依靠贪心的解法X,可以用最暴力的尝试
- 脑补出贪心策略A,B,C
- 用解法X和对数器,验证每一个贪心,用实验的方式得知哪个贪心是正确的
- 不纠结贪心策略的证明
2.3 贪心常用技巧
- 根据某标准建立一个比较器来排序
- 根据某标准建立一个比较器来组成堆
2.4 会议室安排会议
public static int bestArrange(Program[] programs, int timePoint) {
Arrays.sort(programs, new ProgramComparator());
int result = 0;
// 依次遍历每一个会议,结束时间早的会议先遍历
for (int i = 0; i < programs.length; i++) {
if (timePoint <= programs[i].start) {
timePoint = programs[i].end;
return result;
public static class ProgramComparator implements Comparator<Program> {
public int compare(Program o1, Program o2) {
return o1.end - o2.end;
2.5 切金条
一块金条切成两半,是需要花费和长度数值一样的铜板的。比如长度为20的金条,不管切成长度多大的两半,都要花费20个铜板。一群人想整分整块金 条,怎么分最省铜板?
例如,给定数组{10,20,30},代表一共三个人,整块金条长度为10+20+30=60. 金条要分成10,20,30三个部分。 如果, 先把长度60的金条分成10和50,花费60 再把长度50的金条分成20和30,花费50 一共花费110铜板。
但是如果, 先把长度60的金条分成30和30,花费60 再把长度30金条分成10和20,花费30 一共花费90铜板。
思路:哈夫曼编码(Huffman Coding)
1. 把数组放入小根堆
2. 选出最小的两个数,结合,把结合后的数重新放入小根堆
3. 重复步骤2,直到小根堆空
public int lessMonry(int[] arr){
PriorityQueue<Integer> pQ = new PriorityQueue<>();
for(int i =0; i < arr.length; i++){
int sum = 0;
int cur = 0;
while(pQ.size() > 1){
cur = pQ.poll() + pQ.poll();
sum += cur;
return sum;
2.6 最大钱数IPO -- 502 IPO(hard)
思路: 堆!
1. 把所有项目按花费放进小根堆(利润无所谓),called 未解锁
2. 按初始资金,弹出花费<初始资金的所有项目,按利润放入大根堆called 解锁。
3. 按贪心,选利润最大的
4. 重复2-3,直到达到项目上限
class Solution {
public int findMaximizedCapital(int k, int w, int[] profits, int[] capital) {
PriorityQueue<Node> minCostQ = new PriorityQueue<>(new MinCostComparator());
PriorityQueue<Node> maxProfitQ = new PriorityQueue<>(new MaxProfitComparator());
for(int i = 0; i < profits.length; i++){
minCostQ.add(new Node(profits[i], capital[i]));
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){//进行k轮
while(!minCostQ.isEmpty() && minCostQ.peek().c <= w){
if (maxProfitQ.isEmpty()){//资金不够解锁项目
return w;
w += maxProfitQ.poll().p;
return w;
public class Node{
public int p;
public int c;
public Node(int p, int c){
this.p = p;
this.c = c;
public class MinCostComparator implements Comparator<Node>{
public int compare(Node o1, Node o2){
return o1.c - o2.c;
public class MaxProfitComparator implements Comparator<Node>{
public int compare(Node o1, Node o2){
return o2.p - o1.p;
2.7 堆的应用--一个数据流中,随时取得中位数 -- 295 Find Median from Data Stream(hard)
思路:大根堆和小根堆配合 --时间复杂O(log N)
1.first input先进大根堆
2. input 跟大根堆顶比较,input >= 大根堆堆顶,input进小根堆
3. 比较大小根堆的size,如果size相差=2,把数多的堆的堆顶弹出,放入另一个
class MedianFinder {
// To store lower half of data stream eg. 1, 2, 3, 6
PriorityQueue<Integer> lowerHalf;
// To store upper half of data stream eg. 8, 9, 11
PriorityQueue<Integer> upperHalf;
/** initialize your data structure here. */
public MedianFinder() {
lowerHalf = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b) -> b - a); // Max heap : To fetch largest
// element from lower half in O(1) time
upperHalf = new PriorityQueue<>(); // Min heap : To fetch lowest
// element from upper half in O(1) time
public void addNum(int num) {
// Insert in lowerHalf is it's empty or if number being inserted is less than the peek of lowerHalf otherwise insert in upperHalf
if(lowerHalf.isEmpty() || num <= lowerHalf.peek()){
// We also need to ensure that the halves are balanced i.e. there is no more than a difference of 1 in size of both halves
// Let lowerHalf be the one to hold one extra element if the size of total data stream is odd otherwise be equal to upperHalf
if(upperHalf.size() > lowerHalf.size()){ // If an element added above made upperHalf have one more element than lowerHalf then we poll it and put it into lowerHalf
} else if(lowerHalf.size() > upperHalf.size() + 1){
// If an element added above, made lowerHalf have 2 more elements then upperHalf then we put one into upperHalf from lowerHalf
public double findMedian() {
if(lowerHalf.size() == upperHalf.size()){
return (double)(lowerHalf.peek() + upperHalf.peek())/2;
return (double)(lowerHalf.peek());