You recently read an article in newspaper about someone you know personally. You found some information is wrong. Write a lettle to editor to inform him about it. Use following points:
1. What is the article about?
2. What is the error?
3. What you expect an editor to do ?
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you regarding the recent article you published about Sir David Markham last week, April 2nd, in the Time magazines.
The article gives a brief biography of Sir David's life and then continues to focus on his work and the impact it has had. The biography starts with his birth in Edinburgh and his later move in 1962 to Durham University. From here, it focuses on his work with the UN.
I would like to point out an error in your article. Documentation shows that Sir David did not go directly from Edinburgh to the University of Durham, in 1961. In fact, he took a gap year in Europe working with a volunteer program and then went to University in 1962. I know this as I worked with him in Europe and became friends with him. His year abroad, which is absent from your article, created the foundation of his philosophy of life which guided him through his work in later years.
I hope you will publish this correction in the newspaper. Sir David's work is still of immense importance and people should know the importance of that gap year in his life.
Looking forward to a positive reply.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Frankland.