【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 1(II)词汇 Common Mistakes
Here are some factors that can make it difficult to manage your time.
stress 压力
Stress can cause people to become anxious. 【跟读】
Instead of focusing on their work, they may worry about what could happen if they fail.
As a result, they may get distracted and rush through their work, which leads to mistakes.
procrastination 拖延
Procrastination is the act of putting off doing something until a later time.
People may procrastinate because they think their work is unpleasant or boring.
But if you have waited too long to do your work, you may get stressed and rush through it.
【选择】-Why are people more likely to make mistakes when they are stressed? -They get anxious and rush throught their work.
【选择】-When do employees tend to procrastinate? -When they think their work is boring.
【选择】-Which of the following is likely to cause stress? -a tight deadline
【选择】-Why may someone get stressed if they have been procrastinating? -They have little time left to finish their work.
【填空】People often get stressed when they need to finish work on a tight deadline. 当人们需要在紧迫的期限内完成工作时,他们往往会感到压力。
【填空】Employees may be motivated by a little stress, but too much stress can be distracting. 员工可能会受到一点压力的激励,但太大的压力会分散注意力。
【填空】Worrying about what could go wrong if a project fails can cause someone a lot of stress. 担心如果项目失败会出现什么问题会给人带来很大的压力。
【填空】【朗读】He had a week to finish his project, but he procrastinated until the last day. 他有一周的时间来完成他的项目,但他一直拖延到最后一天。
【填空】Her work has greatly improved since she learned to stop procrastinating. 自从她学会不再拖延以来,她的工作有了很大的改进。
To multitask means to work on more than one thing at the same time.
Multitasking causes you to divide your attention between tasks, rather than focus on each one. 【朗读】
As a result, it may take you longer to finish individual tasks.
perfectionism 完美主义
Perfectionism means to want everything to be as good as possible.
It can cause people to focus on minor details and ignore more urgent or important work.
【选择】-What is an example of multitasking? -making a phone call while writing an Email
【选择】-Why do perfectionists tend to focus on small and unimportant details? -They want everything to be as good as possible.
【选择】-What can cause people to focus too much on minor details? -perfectionism
【选择】-Why can cause people to get anxious and rush through their work? -tight deadline
【选择】-Why can perfectionism cause someone to manage their time poorly? -They focus too much on unimportant details.
【填空】While multitasking may seem efficient, it actually means your work takes longer to complete. 虽然多任务处理似乎很有效,但实际上这意味着你的工作需要更长的时间才能完成。
【填空】By splitting your attention between tasks, you'll probably make mistakes because you aren't focusing. 把你的注意力分散在不同的任务上,你可能会犯错误,因为你没有集中注意力。
【填空】【跟读】You need to stop multitasking and focus on completing one thing at a time. 你需要停止多任务处理,专注于一次完成一件事。
【填空】Perfectionists have high standards, but sometimes they can be unrealistic. 完美主义者有很高的标准,但有时他们是不现实的。
【填空】She has gotten frustrated with his perfectionism because he spends too much time on unimportant details. 她对他的完美主义感到沮丧,因为他在不重要的细节上花了太多时间。
【填空】Perfectionism can cause people to confuse their priorities and waste time on minor details. 完美主义会导致人们混淆轻重缓急,在小细节上浪费时间。