
annovar无需安装,下载后解压即可直接使用。annovar软件里面是几个perl写的脚本: 下载数据库,注释数据 可用来推断蛋白质序列 将变异文件转化annovar可以使用的文件格式 注释文件,一次可完成多种类型的注释 可用来更灵活地定制过滤注释流程

1、Download DataBase


# 这里下载三个数据库 refgene、dbsnp、1000genomes
perl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar refGene humandb/
perl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar avsnp150 humandb
perl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar 1000g2015aug humandb


annovar对输入文件有明确格式要求的只有前5列,这5列依次必须为: Chromosome ("chr" prefix is optional), Start, End, Reference Allelel, Alternative Allele. 其余的可以列随需要添加。输入文件格式如下:

1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
1 13211293 13211294 TC - comments: rs59770105, a 2-bp deletion
1 105492231 105492231 A ATAAA comments: rs10552169, a block substitution
16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss

其中插入或者删除以-表示, “0” means this information is not readily available.

perl -format vcf4 example/ex2.vcf > ex2.avinput


2.1 -allsample


# 转换格式时vcf中的每一个样本会单独生成一个待注释的vcf文件
perl -format vcf4 example/ex2.vcf -outfile ex2 -allsample


2.2 -includeinfo, -comment

comment参数会保留vcf文件的头部注释信息(以#开头的行)。 -format vcf4 example/ex2.vcf -outfile ex2 -allsample -includeinfo -comment

2.3 dbSNP identifiers

有时我们得到了一些有兴趣的snp位点(dbsnp rsID)且只想对这些位点进行注释,可使用-format rsid来完成这一功能:

[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat example/snplist.txt 

[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ -format rsid example/snplist.txt -dbsnpfile humandb/hg19_snp138.txt > snnplist.avinput 
NOTICE: Scanning dbSNP file humandb/hg19_snp138.txt...
NOTICE: input file contains 4 rs identifiers, output file contains information for 4 rs identifiers
WARNING: 1 rs identifiers have multiple records (due to multiple mapping) and they are all written to output

[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat snplist.avinput 
chr2 186229004 186229004 C T rs4308095
chr7 6026775 6026775 T C rs41534544
chr7 6777183 6777183 G A rs41534544
chr9 3901666 3901666 T C rs12345678
chr22 24325095 24325095 A G rs74487784
2.4 All variants in a genomic region


[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ -format region -seqdir humandb/hg19_seq/ chr1:2000001-2000003
NOTICE: Reading region from STDIN ... Done with 1 regions from 1 chromosomes
NOTICE: Finished reading 1 sequences from humandb/hg19_seq/chr1.fa
NOTICE: Finished writting FASTA for 1 genomic regions to stdout
1 2000001 2000001 A C
1 2000001 2000001 A G
1 2000001 2000001 A T
1 2000002 2000002 T A
1 2000002 2000002 T C
1 2000002 2000002 T G
1 2000003 2000003 C A
1 2000003 2000003 C G
1 2000003 2000003 C T

而且,通过一些其他参数还能限定这段区域内的变异类型来进行注释,譬如2bp insertion,3bp的indel等,详见

  1. vcf文件在格式转换时,若突变位点有两个不同的等位基因则在结果文件中会分两行放。
  2. 在注释时,遇到格式不符合的行会跳过继续注释而不是终止注释,最后那些格式不符合的行会生成另一个文件(*.invalid_input)。



### 使用annotate_variation.pl注释refgene数据库
perl input.av -buildver hg19 -geneanno -dbtype refGene humandb/  -out ex1 
# -geneanno 表示使用基于基因的注释,另有-filter表示基于过滤的注释,-region表示基于位置的注释
# -dbtype refGene 表示使用"refGene"数据库
# -out ex1 表示输出文件以ex1为前缀,亦可用 --outfile 直接指定文件名

### 使用table_annovar.pl注释多个数据库
perl example/ex1.avinput humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out myanno -remove -protocol refGene,cytoBand,exac03,avsnp147,dbnsfp30a -operation gx,r,f,f,f -nastring . -csvout -polish -xref example/gene_xref.txt
#-bulidver hg19 表示使用的参考基因组版本
#-out myanno 表示输出文件前缀,亦可用 --outfile 直接指定文件名
#-remove 表示删除中间文件
#-protocol 表示使用的数据库,其数据库顺序要与后面的operation注释方式对应上
#-operation 表示对应数据库的注释类型(g代表gene-based、r代表region-based、f代表filter-based,gx means gene-based with cross-reference annotation (from -xref argument))
#-nasting . 点号代替缺省值
#-csvout 表示输出为csv格式



4.1 gene-based

Gene-based annotation是根据SNPs以及CNVs的位置信息来确定是否会造成编码序列以及开放阅读框的改变从而影响氨基酸的改变,使用者可以自主选择RefSeq genes, 包括UCSC genes, ENSEMBL genes, GENCODE genes, AceView genes等来进行注释。注释后会生成两个文件:ex1.variant_function and ex1.exonic_variant_function。

$ perl -geneanno -dbtype refGene -out ex1 -build hg19 example/ex1.avinput humandb/
$ cat ex1.variant_function
UTR5 ISG15(NM_005101:c.-33T>C) 1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
UTR3 ATAD3C(NM_001039211:c.*91G>T) 1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
splicing NPHP4(NM_001291593:exon19:c.1279-2T>A,NM_001291594:exon18:c.1282-2T>A,NM_015102:exon22:c.2818-2T>A) 1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
intronic DDR2 1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
intronic DNASE2B 1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
intergenic LOC645354(dist=11566),LOC391003(dist=116902) 1 13211293 13211294 TC - comments: rs59770105, a 2-bp deletion
intergenic UBIAD1(dist=55105),PTCHD2(dist=135699) 1 11403596 11403596 - AT comments: rs35561142, a 2-bp insertion
intergenic LOC100129138(dist=872538),NONE(dist=NONE) 1 105492231 105492231 A ATAAA comments: rs10552169, a block substitution
exonic IL23R 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
exonic ATG16L1 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
exonic NOD2 16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
exonic NOD2 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
exonic NOD2 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
exonic GJB2 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
exonic CRYL1,GJB6 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss 
detail explain of first column
[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.exonic_variant_function
line9 nonsynonymous SNV IL23R:NM_144701:exon9:c.G1142A:p.R381Q, 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
line10 nonsynonymous SNV ATG16L1:NM_001190267:exon9:c.A550G:p.T184A,ATG16L1:NM_017974:exon8:c.A841G:p.T281A,ATG16L1:NM_001190266:exon9:c.A646G:p.T216A,ATG16L1:NM_030803:exon9:c.A898G:p.T300A,ATG16L1:NM_198890:exon5:c.A409G:p.T137A, 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
line11 nonsynonymous SNV NOD2:NM_022162:exon4:c.C2104T:p.R702W,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon3:c.C2023T:p.R675W, 16 50745926 50745926 C comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
line12 nonsynonymous SNV NOD2:NM_022162:exon8:c.G2722C:p.G908R,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon7:c.G2641C:p.G881R, 16 50756540 50756540 G comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
line13 frameshift insertion NOD2:NM_022162:exon11:c.3017dupC:p.A1006fs,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon10:c.2936dupC:p.A979fs, 16 50763778 5076377comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
line14 frameshift deletion GJB2:NM_004004:exon2:c.35delG:p.G12fs, 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss line15 frameshift deletion GJB6:NM_001110221:wholegene,GJB6:NM_001110220:wholegene,GJB6:NM_001110219:wholegene,CRYL1:NM_015974:wholegene,GJB6:NM_006783:wholegene, 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss
4.2 region-based annotation

其与Gene-based annotation作用相反,它是用来确认在特定区域的突变造成的影响。比如在44个物种的保守基因区域,预测的转录因子结合区域,基因重复区域,GWAS分析区域,基因突变数据库,表观组学位点等。此处以Conserved genomic elements annotation为例介绍region-based annotation的使用:

[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ -regionanno -build hg19 -out ex1 -dbtype phastConsElements46way example/ex1.avinput humandb/
NOTICE: Reading annotation database humandb/hg19_phastConsElements46way.txt ... Done with 5163775 regions
NOTICE: Finished region-based annotation on 12 genetic variants in ex1.hg19.avinput
NOTICE: Output files were written to ex1.hg19_phastConsElements46way
# -regionanno 表示使用基于区域的注释
# -dbtype phastConsElements46way 表示使用"phastConsElements46way"数据库,注意需要使用Region-based的数据库
[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.hg19_phastConsElements46way
phastConsElements46way Score=387;Name=lod=50 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
phastConsElements46way Score=420;Name=lod=68 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
phastConsElements46way Score=385;Name=lod=49 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
phastConsElements46way Score=395;Name=lod=54 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
phastConsElements46way Score=545;Name=lod=218 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss
输出文件:输出的注释文件第1列为“phastConsElements46way”,对应注释的类型,这里的phastCons 46-way alignments属于保守的基因组区域的注释;
4.3 filter-based annotation

Filter-based annotation是用以确认已记录在特定数据库里的突变。例如想要知道突变是否为novel variation就需要知道该突变是否存在于dbSNP库里,它在1000 genome project里面等位基因频率怎样,以及计算一系列突变项目得分并加以过滤。它区别于region-based annotation就在于它针对突变碱基进行工作,而region-based annotation 针对染色体位置。举例来说就是region-based比对chr1:1000-1000而filter-based比对chr1:1000-1000上的A->G。

4.3.1 使用1000Genomes数据库进行频率注释


[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ -filter -dbtype 1000g2012apr_eur -buildver hg19 -out ex1 example/ex1.avinput humandb/
NOTICE: Variants matching filtering criteria are written to ex1.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_dropped, other variants are written to ex1.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_filtered
NOTICE: Processing next batch with 15 unique variants in 15 input lines
NOTICE: Database index loaded. Total number of bins is 2766067 and the number of bins to be scanned is 12
NOTICE: Scanning filter database humandb/hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04.txt...Done

###已存在于数据库中的变异写入 *dropped文件,在数据库中不存在的变异信息将会被写入到*filtered文件.
####需要注意的是,我们也可以使用-maf 0.05 -reverse过滤掉高于0.05的变异;但是过滤ALT等位基因的频率,我们更提倡使用-score_threshold参数。

[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_dropped
1000g2012apr_eur 0.04 1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
1000g2012apr_eur 0.87 1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
1000g2012apr_eur 0.81 1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
1000g2012apr_eur 0.06 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
1000g2012apr_eur 0.54 1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
1000g2012apr_eur 0.96 1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
1000g2012apr_eur 0.05 16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
1000g2012apr_eur 0.01 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
1000g2012apr_eur 0.01 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
1000g2012apr_eur 0.53 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
4.3.2 使用dbsnp数据库进行注释
[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ -filter -out ex1 -build hg19 -dbtype snp138 example/ex1.avinput humandb/
NOTICE: Variants matching filtering criteria are written to ex1.hg19_snp138_dropped, other variants are written to ex1.hg19_snp138_filtered
NOTICE: Processing next batch with 15 unique variants in 15 input lines
NOTICE: Database index loaded. Total number of bins is 2858459 and the number of bins to be scanned is 12
NOTICE: Scanning filter database humandb/hg19_snp138.txt...Done


[kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.hg19_snp138_dropped
snp138 rs35561142 1 11403596 11403596 - AT comments: rs35561142, a 2-bp insertion
snp138 rs149123833 1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
snp138 rs1000050 1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
snp138 rs1287637 1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
snp138 rs11209026 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
snp138 rs6576700 1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
snp138 rs15842 1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
snp138 rs80338939 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
snp138 rs2066844 16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
snp138 rs2066845 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
snp138 rs2066847 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
snp138 rs2241880 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease

ANNOVAR Documentation

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