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Let them wear jewels: Marie Antoinette
- Marie Antoinette 绝代艳后,玛丽·安托瓦内特
- Louis XVI’s wife liked her bling.
- bling 闪亮风潮的穿戴
- Indeed gemstones cost her her reputation.
- gemstone 宝石裸石
- reputation 声誉;声望;信誉
- Marie Antoinette’s standing never recovered from a (probably unfair) accusation that she had been involved in a fraud involving an unimaginably valuable diamond necklace.
- recover from ... 从……中恢复过来
- be involved in
- unimaginably 无法想象地
- On November 14th, a selection of the doomed queen’s baubles—including a necklace strung with 331 pearls and a ring encasing a lock of her hair—go on sale at Sotheby’s auction house in Geneva.
- bauble 圣诞彩球;装饰球;个装饰品
- encase v. 嵌入
Before she met her bloody end during the French Revolution, a loyal retainer smuggled her riches to Vienna, where they were guarded by relatives until her daughter reclaimed them in 1796.
For the past month people in cities such as Dubai, New York and Singapore have had the rare opportunity to view—and try on—the priceless jewellery.
- priceless 无价的;极珍贵的;极重要的;极有趣的
- One wonders what the notoriously out-of-touch queen would say if she saw the hoi polloi fondling her diamond ribbon-bow pendant, one of the auction’s highlights.
- notoriously 非常;众所周知的
- ribbon-bow 缎带;蝴蝶结;丝带蝴蝶结
- pendant 吊坠;坠子;挂件
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