多条件 and 查询 条件同时满足
select * from yingxiong where y_sex ='男' and y_age > '30' and y_type = 'adc'
多条件 or 查询 条件至少满足一个
select * from yingxiong where y_sex = '女' or y_type = 'adc'
select * from yingxiong where y_age BETWEEN '18' and '30'
另外集合方式查询 in()表示集合
select * from yingxiong where y_age in (18,25,30)
order by xxx asc 排序 (默认为正序排列,升序)
select * from yingxiong order by y_age
order by xxx desc 降序排列
select * from yingxiong order by y_age desc