Go net包剖析


  • 一、声明
  • 二、epoll基础
  • 三、net包到底层类图
  • 四、连接的建立
  • 五、异步的数据读写
  • 六、调度有网络消息的G
  • 七、带超时时间的读写
  • 八、总结





int epoll_create(int size); // 初始化epoll句柄
 // 套接字的事件监听注册。含新增,修改,删除操作。可以监听读写事件(一般只监听读事件)
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event);
// 收集注册在epoll句柄中的已触发的事件
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event * events, int maxevents, int timeout);


epollcreate ==> epoll_create
epollctl ==> epoll_ctl
epollwait ==> epoll_wait



2.连接的建立最终需要调用Linux的系统的socket, bind, listen, accept, connect, send, recv等函数。这些系统调用在netFD这一层被调用。


epoll实现TCP Client + Server


Go调用Linux系统调用实现TCP Client + Server

3.其中scoket函数里调用了Linux相关的 socket,bind,listen,connect等系统调用。


func poll_runtime_pollOpen(fd uintptr) (*pollDesc, int) {
    pd := pollcache.alloc() // 分配pollDesc
    lock(&pd.lock) // 初始化 pollDesc
    if pd.wg != 0 && pd.wg != pdReady {
        throw("runtime: blocked write on free polldesc")
    if pd.rg != 0 && pd.rg != pdReady {
        throw("runtime: blocked read on free polldesc")
    pd.fd = fd
    pd.closing = false
    pd.everr = false
    pd.rg = 0
    pd.rd = 0
    pd.wg = 0
    pd.wd = 0

    var errno int32
    errno = netpollopen(fd, pd) // epoll_ctl 注册监听事件
    return pd, int(errno)

func netpollopen(fd uintptr, pd *pollDesc) int32 {
    var ev epollevent
    ev.events = _EPOLLIN | _EPOLLOUT | _EPOLLRDHUP | _EPOLLET // 4种类型的事件都需要注册
    *(**pollDesc)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) = pd
    return -epollctl(epfd, _EPOLL_CTL_ADD, int32(fd), &ev) // 调用epoll_ctl




func poll_runtime_pollWait(pd *pollDesc, mode int) int {
    err := netpollcheckerr(pd, int32(mode))
    if err != 0 {
        return err
    // As for now only Solaris, illumos, and AIX use level-triggered IO.
    if GOOS == "solaris" || GOOS == "illumos" || GOOS == "aix" {
        netpollarm(pd, mode)
    for !netpollblock(pd, int32(mode), false) { // 最终调用netpollblock阻塞
        err = netpollcheckerr(pd, int32(mode))
        if err != 0 {
            return err
        // Can happen if timeout has fired and unblocked us,
        // but before we had a chance to run, timeout has been reset.
        // Pretend it has not happened and retry.
    return 0

func netpollcheckerr(pd *pollDesc, mode int32) int {
    if pd.closing {
        return 1 // ErrFileClosing or ErrNetClosing 如果套接字关闭或即将关闭
    if (mode == 'r' && pd.rd < 0) || (mode == 'w' && pd.wd < 0) {
        return 2 // ErrTimeout 如果套接字已经超时(定了事件的超时时间且过了超时时间)
    // Report an event scanning error only on a read event.
    // An error on a write event will be captured in a subsequent
    // write call that is able to report a more specific error.
    if mode == 'r' && pd.everr {
        return 3 // ErrNotPollable epoll_wati发生_EPOLLERR错误
    return 0

func netpollblock(pd *pollDesc, mode int32, waitio bool) bool {
    gpp := &pd.rg
    if mode == 'w' {
        gpp = &pd.wg

    // set the gpp semaphore to WAIT
    for {
        old := *gpp
        if old == pdReady {
            *gpp = 0
            return true
        if old != 0 {
            throw("runtime: double wait")
        if atomic.Casuintptr(gpp, 0, pdWait) {

    // need to recheck error states after setting gpp to WAIT
    // this is necessary because runtime_pollUnblock/runtime_pollSetDeadline/deadlineimpl
    // do the opposite: store to closing/rd/wd, membarrier, load of rg/wg
    if waitio || netpollcheckerr(pd, mode) == 0 { // 如果可以进入休眠 调用gopark G进入waitting状态
        gopark(netpollblockcommit, unsafe.Pointer(gpp), waitReasonIOWait, traceEvGoBlockNet, 5)
    // be careful to not lose concurrent READY notification
    old := atomic.Xchguintptr(gpp, 0)
    if old > pdWait {
        throw("runtime: corrupted polldesc")
    return old == pdReady


  1. SetDeadline使用场景。如果不设置超时时间,那么G会一直阻塞在读写中,直到注册的事件发生。如果业务层要处理长时间没有读写请求的G,不设置超时时间是无法实现的。



        lastpoll := int64(atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll))
        if netpollinited() && lastpoll != 0 && lastpoll+10*1000*1000 < now {
            atomic.Cas64(&sched.lastpoll, uint64(lastpoll), uint64(now))
            list := netpoll(0) // non-blocking - returns list of goroutines
            if !list.empty() { // 触发读写事件的G的List

    if netpollinited() && atomic.Load(&netpollWaiters) > 0 && atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll) != 0 {
        if list := netpoll(0); !list.empty() { // non-blocking
            gp := list.pop() // 取触发读写事件的G的List中的首个元素继续运行
            casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
            if trace.enabled {
                traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
            return gp, false


func netpoll(delay int64) gList {
    if epfd == -1 {
        return gList{}
    var waitms int32
    if delay < 0 {
        waitms = -1
    } else if delay == 0 {
        waitms = 0
    } else if delay < 1e6 {
        waitms = 1
    } else if delay < 1e15 {
        waitms = int32(delay / 1e6)
    } else {
        // An arbitrary cap on how long to wait for a timer.
        // 1e9 ms == ~11.5 days.
        waitms = 1e9
    var events [128]epollevent
    n := epollwait(epfd, &events[0], int32(len(events)), waitms)
    if n < 0 { // 出现错误
        if n != -_EINTR {
            println("runtime: epollwait on fd", epfd, "failed with", -n)
            throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
        // If a timed sleep was interrupted, just return to
        // recalculate how long we should sleep now.
        if waitms > 0 { // 如果设定了大于0的等待时间 不阻塞 直接退出
            return gList{}
        goto retry // 如果超时时间小于等于0 则再次尝试
    var toRun gList
    for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ { // 取出触发读写事件socket绑定的G
        ev := &events[i]
        if ev.events == 0 {

        if *(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) == &netpollBreakRd {
            if ev.events != _EPOLLIN {
                println("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for", ev.events)
                throw("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for something unexpected")
            if delay != 0 {
                // netpollBreak could be picked up by a
                // nonblocking poll. Only read the byte
                // if blocking.
                var tmp [16]byte
                read(int32(netpollBreakRd), noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&tmp[0])), int32(len(tmp)))

        var mode int32
        if ev.events&(_EPOLLIN|_EPOLLRDHUP|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 {
            mode += 'r'
        if ev.events&(_EPOLLOUT|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 {
            mode += 'w'
        if mode != 0 {
            pd := *(**pollDesc)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data))
            pd.everr = false
            if ev.events == _EPOLLERR {
                pd.everr = true
            netpollready(&toRun, pd, mode) // 将触发读写事件的socket绑定的G放入toRun中
    return toRun

func netpollready(toRun *gList, pd *pollDesc, mode int32) {
    var rg, wg *g
    if mode == 'r' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
        rg = netpollunblock(pd, 'r', true)
    if mode == 'w' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
        wg = netpollunblock(pd, 'w', true)
    if rg != nil {
    if wg != nil {

func netpollunblock(pd *pollDesc, mode int32, ioready bool) *g {
    gpp := &pd.rg
    if mode == 'w' {
        gpp = &pd.wg

    for {
        old := *gpp
        if old == pdReady {
            return nil
        if old == 0 && !ioready {
            // Only set READY for ioready. runtime_pollWait
            // will check for timeout/cancel before waiting.
            return nil
        var new uintptr
        if ioready {
            new = pdReady
        if atomic.Casuintptr(gpp, old, new) {
            if old == pdReady || old == pdWait {
                old = 0
            return (*g)(unsafe.Pointer(old))
  1. 上面的源码都比较简单,调用epoll_wait找到触发读写事件的socket和绑定的pollDesc,并根据pollDesc找到对应的G。将G放入gList中,再调度gList中的G,调用ready使G从waitting进入runnable状态。


  1. 设置超时时间,主要是增加一个timer,设置timer的到期时间和回调函数。
func poll_runtime_pollSetDeadline(pd *pollDesc, d int64, mode int) {
    if pd.closing {
    rd0, wd0 := pd.rd, pd.wd
    combo0 := rd0 > 0 && rd0 == wd0
    if d > 0 {
        d += nanotime() // d为到期时间
        if d <= 0 {
            // If the user has a deadline in the future, but the delay calculation
            // overflows, then set the deadline to the maximum possible value.
            d = 1<<63 - 1
    if mode == 'r' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
        pd.rd = d
    if mode == 'w' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
        pd.wd = d
    combo := pd.rd > 0 && pd.rd == pd.wd
    rtf := netpollReadDeadline // 绑定到期后的处理函数 
    if combo {
        rtf = netpollDeadline
    if pd.rt.f == nil {
        if pd.rd > 0 {
            pd.rt.f = rtf
            // Copy current seq into the timer arg.
            // Timer func will check the seq against current descriptor seq,
            // if they differ the descriptor was reused or timers were reset.
            pd.rt.arg = pd
            pd.rt.seq = pd.rseq
            resettimer(&pd.rt, pd.rd) // 新增read timer
    } else if pd.rd != rd0 || combo != combo0 { 
        pd.rseq++ // invalidate current timers
        if pd.rd > 0 { // 修改原有的read timer
            modtimer(&pd.rt, pd.rd, 0, rtf, pd, pd.rseq)
        } else { // 删除原有的timer
            pd.rt.f = nil
    if pd.wt.f == nil {
        if pd.wd > 0 && !combo {
            pd.wt.f = netpollWriteDeadline // 绑定到期后的处理函数 
            pd.wt.arg = pd
            pd.wt.seq = pd.wseq
            resettimer(&pd.wt, pd.wd) // 新增timer
    } else if pd.wd != wd0 || combo != combo0 {
        pd.wseq++ // invalidate current timers
        if pd.wd > 0 && !combo { // 修改原有的timer
            modtimer(&pd.wt, pd.wd, 0, netpollWriteDeadline, pd, pd.wseq)
        } else { // 删除原有的timer 
            pd.wt.f = nil
    // If we set the new deadline in the past, unblock currently pending IO if any.
    var rg, wg *g
    if pd.rd < 0 || pd.wd < 0 { // 如果超时时间 < 0  则尝试将对应的G取出并设置为runnable
        atomic.StorepNoWB(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&wg)), nil) // full memory barrier between stores to rd/wd and load of rg/wg in netpollunblock
        if pd.rd < 0 {
            rg = netpollunblock(pd, 'r', false)
        if pd.wd < 0 {
            wg = netpollunblock(pd, 'w', false)
    if rg != nil {
        netpollgoready(rg, 3)
    if wg != nil {
        netpollgoready(wg, 3)


func netpolldeadlineimpl(pd *pollDesc, seq uintptr, read, write bool) {
    // Seq arg is seq when the timer was set.
    // If it's stale, ignore the timer event.
    currentSeq := pd.rseq
    if !read {
        currentSeq = pd.wseq
    if seq != currentSeq { // 如果是先触发了读写事件 再触发超时 则序列号不相等. 此时需要唤醒G
        // The descriptor was reused or timers were reset.
    var rg *g
    if read {
        if pd.rd <= 0 || pd.rt.f == nil {
            throw("runtime: inconsistent read deadline")
        pd.rd = -1 // 设置超时时间 和 回调处理函数
        atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(&pd.rt.f), nil) // full memory barrier between store to rd and load of rg in netpollunblock
        rg = netpollunblock(pd, 'r', false)
    var wg *g
    if write {
        if pd.wd <= 0 || pd.wt.f == nil && !read {
            throw("runtime: inconsistent write deadline")
        pd.wd = -1 // 设置超时时间 和 回调处理函数
        atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(&pd.wt.f), nil) // full memory barrier between store to wd and load of wg in netpollunblock
        wg = netpollunblock(pd, 'w', false)
    if rg != nil {
        netpollgoready(rg, 0) // 唤醒read协程
    if wg != nil {
        netpollgoready(wg, 0) // 唤醒write协程
  1. rg/wg值的互相转换。rg/wg初始值为0,调用gopark前,rg/wg的值为pdWait,调用gopark时,将rg/wg值设置为G。唤醒前,如果是通过epoll_wait中注册的事件唤醒,在netpollunblock中被设置为pdReady。如果是在timer超时中被唤醒,则在netpollunblock中设置为0。唤醒后,pdWait设置为0。

  2. SetDeadline, SetReadDeadline, SetWriteDeadline这3个函数会修改pollDesc中的rd,wd (read deadline, write deadline),rd/wd函数的值的设置和含义如下。

rd/wd的值 何时设置 含义
0 初始化时 gopark使协程陷入waitting后,只会通过epoll_wait唤醒协程
>0 调用SetDealLine(read/write)后 设置timer唤醒协程,gopark使协程陷入waitting后,既可以由epoll_wait唤醒,也可以由timer唤醒
<0 调用SetDeadLine后阻塞在读写中,后由timer唤醒 该连接的读写超时,无法再异步读写



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