


maxOS sierra 10.12.6
python 2.7 + Anaconda 3 (python 3.6) + TensorFlow 1.8

补充内容:注意:我以上配置安装OpenCV(C++) 之后import cv2 出现问题,原本TensorFlow不能正常使用cv2。所以使用TensorFlow的话就不要这样安装了,(tensorflow有内置的python-opencv),单纯的使用OpenCV & C++可以。提前告知,文末“卸载”处有详细解释。

  • 1、安装Homebrew:
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Homebrew:一个可以下载、更新并卸载 Mac 上的一些软件工具的软件包管理器。

  • 2、安装wget
    brew install wget


  • 3、安装cmake
    brew install cmake


  • 4、用brew下载OpenCV(不是自己上OpenCV官网下载)
    brew install opencv
Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall python@2`


/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/3.4.2: 617 files, 215.5MB


  • 安装完以后的本地目录:

  • 5、Xcode配置OpenCV

    1. 创建一个新项目。
      创建一个空的command line 工程:选择OS X -> Application -> Command Line Tool->Next;填写自己的product名,选择语言为C++,选择自己存放的目录。

    2. 配置路径。

      • 点击工程,选择TARGETS->右侧选择All->Build Settings -> 搜索框输入search paths ->选择search paths下面的Header Search Paths ->双击后面的详细信息添加指定路径:/usr/local/include
      • 选择search paths下面的Library Search Paths ->双击添加指定路径:/usr/local/lib
    3. 添加包。

      • 【方法一】右击工程(黄色的工程文件夹,不是蓝色的那个)new一个group,命名为head。然后打开/usr/local/Cellar/opencv/3.4.2/lib目录(之前brew自动下载的opencv目录下的lib目录),然后按照文件种类排序可以看到一些.dylib文件,将这些.dylib文件拖入刚才新建的文件夹下.我这里是43个文件(原参考文章18个),网上有说要加所有后缀是dylib文件,其实左下角带箭头的那些不用管。

      • 【方法二】此处感谢 Mac OSX10.10上搭建OpenCV3.2.0开发环境 提供的方法。
        最左边选中工程,然后右边选中Targets,在Build Phases里找到Link Binary With Libraries,点击+号;选择add other,然后(默认弹出工程所在的那个目录下)英文输入法按下/键,输入lib的路径/usr/local/lib,点go,然后就是选择OpenCV的库了,用哪个添加哪个,没必要都添加完。我们添加最基础的几个:
    4. 测试。

    5. 卸载


-- 我本来电脑上有安装完善已经用了挺久的TensorFlow环境,最近想学习一下OpenCV(C++),所以就按步骤安装了,
-- 但是之后发现我再用的时候类似import cv2这种包有问题,具体记不清了,大概是"cv2.cv2 not found"
-- 查阅各种资料发现可能是安装OpenCV(C++)之后把原来的路径打乱了,现在导入的已经不是原来的包,也有个别针对的解决方法,但是最终还是没解决,
-- 也就是说原来的TensorFlow我也不能正常用了,而且在它Homebrew路径下面还多了个python 3.7(这是什么鬼,我已经有了Python3.6),以至于一怒之下把所有安装全部卸载(因为浪费我太多时间了)。
-- 卸载顺序:今天帖子的安装(倒序卸载)、Spyder、Notebook、TensorFlow、Anaconda(其实Anaconda包含了Spyder和Notebook)、然后终端测试是不是TensorFlow也不在了、Python是不是也没有了。安全的卸载Python Anaconda?
-- 现在分析估计是我安装TensorFlow的时候已经安装了opencv-python(pip install opencv-python),可能和这个C++版本的有什么冲突,所以导致路径乱掉了,当然也只是我自己的猜测。
-- 最后重新安装Anaconda(自带Python 3.6),然后TensorFlow,和上次安装不同,这次我创建了个TensorFlow的环境(Navigator里创建或者conda create -n tensorflow python=3.6),用于专门安装TensorFlow的各种包,以防出现类似的情况的时候直接删掉这个环境重新搭建就行了,不至于整个卸载Anaconda。启动的时候source activate tensorflow就可以,网上有类似的教程。
-- 至于OpenCV、C++,我就继续用了opencv-python了】


Last login: Tue Jul 10 16:27:41 on console
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
==> This script will install:

Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown FengYulu /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown FengYulu /Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...
remote: Counting objects: 21053, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5190/5190), done.
remote: Total 21053 (delta 16141), reused 20157 (delta 15322), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (21053/21053), 3.15 MiB | 433.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16141/16141), completed with 565 local objects.
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 * [new tag]         1.3.4      -> 1.3.4
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 * [new tag]         1.5.2      -> 1.5.2
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 * [new tag]         1.6.0      -> 1.6.0
 * [new tag]         1.6.1      -> 1.6.1
 * [new tag]         1.6.10     -> 1.6.10
 * [new tag]         1.6.11     -> 1.6.11
 * [new tag]         1.6.12     -> 1.6.12
 * [new tag]         1.6.2      -> 1.6.2
 * [new tag]         1.6.3      -> 1.6.3
 * [new tag]         1.6.4      -> 1.6.4
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HEAD is now at 31361fb Merge pull request #4451 from Homebrew/dependabot/bundler/docs/github-pages-188
==> Downloading
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==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.3.3_2.leopard_64.bottle.tar.gz
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> Cleaning up /Library/Caches/Homebrew...
==> Migrating /Library/Caches/Homebrew to /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew..
==> Deleting /Library/Caches/Homebrew...
==> New Formulae
abyss                                    kontena
adr-tools                                krakend
afuse                                    kube-ps1
akamai                                   kubecfg
allure                                   kubectx
amber                                    kubeless
ampl-mp                                  kumo
angle-grinder                            lammps
angular-cli                              landscaper
annie                                    latexdiff
ansible-lint                             lean
antlr4-cpp-runtime                       lf
apache-arrow                             lgogdownloader
apache-arrow-glib                        libbi
apache-ctakes                            libbitcoin
apibuilder-cli                           libbitcoin-blockchain
apm-server                               libbitcoin-client
apng2gif                                 libbitcoin-consensus
arcade-learning-environment              libbitcoin-database
archivemount                             libbitcoin-explorer
ark                                      libbitcoin-network
arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils             libbitcoin-node
armadillo                                libbitcoin-protocol
arpack                                   libbitcoin-server
asciidoctor                              libccd
asciidoctorj                             libdazzle
asdf                                     libde265
ask-cli                                  libdill
audacious                                libheif
auditbeat                                libidn2
augustus                                 libimagequant
autopep8                                 libjwt
avfs                                     libmatio
avimetaedit                              libmypaint
aws-es-proxy                             libnice
ballerina                                libomp
bamtools                                 libopusenc
bandcamp-dl                              libplctag
bareos-client                            libpq
bartycrouch                              libsbol
bash-snippets                            libserialport
bat                                      libtomcrypt
bats-core                                libtrng
bcal                                     libxlsxwriter
bcftools                                 libxo
bdsup2sub                                liquid-dsp
beagle                                   llvm@4
beast                                    llvm@5
bedops                                   lm4tools
bedtools                                 lmod
bench                                    lzfse
bento4                                   mafft
bettercap                                marathon-swift
binaryen                                 mariadb-connector-odbc
bindfs                                   mariadb@10.1
bioawk                                   mariadb@10.2
bitcoin                                  massren
bitwarden-cli                            maven@3.0
blast                                    maxima
boost-python3                            maxwell
bowtie2                                  mdcat
braid                                    mecab-unidic-extended
brainfuck                                meson-internal
brew-php-switcher                        metis
btfs                                     mill
bwa                                      mimic
bwfmetaedit                              mint
bzt                                      mk-configure
c14-cli                                  mkcert
caffe                                    mkl-dnn
calicoctl                                mmseqs2
ceres-solver                             monero
cfitsio                                  mongodb@3.4
cglm                                     mongodb@3.6
chamber                                  mono-libgdiplus
chrome-export                            mp3fs
chronograf                               mpir
circleci                                 mrboom
ck                                       mruby-cli
clac                                     msgpuck
clblas                                   mujs
clblast                                  mysql-client
clfft                                    mysql@5.7
click                                    nco
clinfo                                   ncview
cling                                    neal
clingo                                   neomutt
clojure                                  neovim
cmark-gfm                                netcdf
cminpack                                 netdata
cockroach                                nicotine-plus
cointop                                  nifi-registry
composer                                 nlopt
configen                                 nnn
confluent-oss                            node@8
console_bridge                           node_exporter
container-diff                           nopoll
corebird                                 ntfs-3g
coreos-ct                                ocaml-findlib
cp2k                                     ocaml-num
cppad                                    ocrmypdf
cquery                                   octave
crc32c                                   octomap
credstash                                odpi
cryfs                                    openapi-generator
csvkit                                   openblas
cuba                                     opencascade
curlftpfs                                opencv@2
cython                                   openfortivpn
darksky-weather                          openimageio
dartsim                                  ori
dashing                                  orocos-kdl
datamash                                 ott
dcm2niix                                 overmind
dcos-cli                                 packetq
ddgr                                     packmol
deark                                    parallelstl
defaultbrowser                           passwdqc
density                                  patchelf
dep                                      payara
deployer                                 pcb
diamond                                  pcl
dislocker                                pdfpc
dita-ot                                  pdfsandwich
djmount                                  percona-server-mongodb
dlib                                     petsc
dnsdist                                  pgweb
docfx                                    php-code-sniffer
docker-ls                                php-cs-fixer
docker-machine-driver-vultr              phplint
docker-squash                            phpmyadmin
docker2aci                               phpunit
dps8m                                    picard-tools
draco                                    pilosa
drafter                                  pinboard-notes-backup
druid                                    pipenv
duc                                      plank
dvanalyzer                               pony-stable
dwarf                                    posh
dynare                                   postgresql@9.6
e2tools                                  precomp
eccodes                                  primer3
elasticsearch@5.6                        prodigal
elektra                                  pspg
eless                                    pumba
encfs                                    pycodestyle
envconsul                                pygitup
erlang@17                                python-yq
erlang@19                                python@2
erlang@20                                qcli
ext2fuse                                 qhull
ext4fuse                                 qmmp
faas-cli                                 qpid-proton
fastme                                   qrupdate
fastqc                                   qsoas
fbi-servefiles                           qtkeychain
fcl                                      quicktype
fd                                       r
field3d                                  rawtoaces
firebase-cli                             raylib
flann                                    rbenv-chefdk
flif                                     redis@3.2
flint-checker                            restic
flintrock                                restview
fn                                       rex
fork-cleaner                             rofs-filtered
fortio                                   rst-lint
freedink                                 rsync-time-backup
frugal                                   rtptools
fruit                                    rustup-init
fselect                                  s-nail
fsql                                     s3-backer
fstrm                                    s3fs
fuse-zip                                 samtools
futhark                                  sbt@0.13
gcc@7                                    sc-im
gcsfuse                                  scalapack
gdcm                                     sccache
genact                                   sceptre
genometools                              schema-evolution-manager
get_iplayer                              scrcpy
ghc@8.0                                  securefs
ghc@8.2                                  seqtk
gifski                                   shellharden
git-appraise                             shelltestrunner
git-cinnabar                             shogun
git-sizer                                sickle
gitfs                                    simg2img
gitlab-gem                               simple-mtpfs
glances                                  singular
glib-openssl                             siril
glpk                                     skaffold
glslviewer                               skafos
gmsh                                     snapcraft
gmt                                      soundpipe
go-bindata                               spades
go-jira                                  sratoolkit
go-statik                                srt
go@1.8                                   ssh-permit-a38
go@1.9                                   ssh-vault
goad                                     sshconfigfs
gocryptfs                                sshfs
gomplate                                 stellar-core
goofys                                   stm32flash
google-authenticator-libpam              stress-ng
goose                                    stubby
gopass                                   suite-sparse
goreleaser                               sundials
goto                                     superlu
gox                                      svgo
gpredict                                 swift-protobuf
gr-osmosdr                               taskell
gradle-completion                        tectonic
grakn                                    telnet
graph-tool                               telnetd
gromacs                                  template-glib
grv                                      terraform_landscape
gtksourceview@4                          terraforming
guile@2.0                                tj
gutenberg                                tmux-xpanes
hapi-fhir-cli                            tnftp
haste-client                             tnftpd
hcloud                                   tokei
hdf5                                     tomcat@8
hdf5@1.8                                 tox
heartbeat                                traefik
historian                                trash-cli
hlint                                    travis
hmmer                                    trezor-agent
howard-hinnant-date                      triton
howdoi                                   tunnel
hss                                      tup
htslib                                   twine-pypi
http-server                              unp64
hwloc                                    unravel
hyperfine                                urdfdom
hypre                                    urdfdom_headers
iamy                                     util-linux
icemon                                   vcftools
ifuse                                    veclibfort
igraph                                   vert
igv                                      vips
imageoptim-cli                           vis
immortal                                 visp
inetutils                                voro++
insect                                   vsts-cli
inspectrum                               vtk
ipython                                  wabt
ipython@5                                warp
iron-functions                           wdfs
jabba                                    webtorrent-cli
jdupes                                   wireguard-go
jhipster                                 woff2
jing-trang                               wp-cli
joplin                                   wpscan
jose                                     wxmaxima
jrtplib                                  xidel
json-table                               xmount
jsonrpc-glib                             xmrig
jthread                                  xtensor
jupyter                                  yamllint
just                                     ydcv
kaitai-struct-compiler                   ykman
kakoune                                  yq
kallisto                                 zig
kedge                                    zim
keepkey-agent                            zip
keystone                                 zork
kibana@5.6                               zyre
==> Updated Formulae
gdbm ✔                                   libpqxx
openssl ✔                                libprotoident
python ✔                                 libproxy
readline ✔                               libpst
sqlite ✔                                 libqalculate
aalib                                    libquicktime
abcde                                    libquvi
abcl                                     librasterlite
abcm2ps                                  libraw
abcmidi                                  librdkafka
abnfgen                                  libre
ace                                      librealsense
aces_container                           librem
ack                                      libressl
acme                                     librest
acmetool                                 librsvg
acpica                                   librsync
activemq                                 librtlsdr
activemq-cpp                             libsass
adplug                                   libsecret
advancecomp                              libshout
advancemame                              libsigsegv
aescrypt-packetizer                      libslax
aespipe                                  libsmi
afflib                                   libsndfile
afl-fuzz                                 libsodium
afsctool                                 libsoup
agda                                     libsoxr
agedu                                    libspatialite
aircrack-ng                              libspectre
alexjs                                   libspectrum
algernon                                 libstfl
allegro                                  libstrophe
alot                                     libsvg-cairo
amazon-ecs-cli                           libswiften
ammonite-repl                            libtasn1
amqp-cpp                                 libtcod
angband                                  libtensorflow
anjuta                                   libtermkey
ansible                                  libtiff
ansible-cmdb                             libtins
ansible@2.0                              libtommath
ansifilter                               libtorrent-rasterbar
ansiweather                              libtrace
ant                                      libu2f-host
ant@1.9                                  libu2f-server
antigen                                  libucl
antlr                                    libuecc
apache-archiva                           libuninameslist
apache-brooklyn-cli                      libunistring
apache-drill                             libupnp
apache-flink                             libusb
apache-geode                             libusb-compat
apache-opennlp                           libuv
apache-spark                             libuvc
apache-zeppelin                          libvidstab
apktool                                  libvirt
app-engine-java                          libvisio
app-engine-python                        libvoikko
appscale-tools                           libvorbis
apr                                      libvpx
apr-util                                 libwbxml
aptly                                    libwebsockets
aqbanking                                libwmf
arangodb                                 libwpd
archey                                   libwpg
archi-steam-farm                         libwps
argon2                                   libxc
argus-clients                            libxkbcommon
argyll-cms                               libxml2
aria2                                    libxmlsec1
armor                                    libxslt
arp-scan                                 libyaml
arping                                   libzdb
artifactory                              libzip
arx                                      libzzip
arx-libertatis                           lightning
ascii                                    lighttpd
asciidoc                                 lilv
asciinema                                lincity-ng
asio                                     link-grammar
aspcud                                   linkerd
aspectj                                  links
aspell                                   liquibase
assh                                     liquigraph
assimp                                   little-cms
astyle                                   little-cms2
at-spi2-atk                              lldpd
at-spi2-core                             llnode
atari800                                 llvm
atdtool                                  llvm@3.9
atk                                      lmdb
atkmm                                    lnav
atlassian-cli                            loc
ats2-postiats                            log4cplus
aubio                                    log4cpp
augeas                                   logcheck
aurora                                   logentries
aurora-cli                               logrotate
autoconf-archive                         logstalgia
autogen                                  logstash
automake                                 logtalk
autopano-sift-c                          lolcat
autossh                                  lorem
avro-c                                   loudmouth
avro-cpp                                 lsdvd
avro-tools                               lsyncd
awf                                      lua
aws-elasticbeanstalk                     lua@5.1
aws-sdk-cpp                              luajit
aws-shell                                luaver
awscli                                   lumo
awslogs                                  lutok
axel                                     luvit
azure-cli                                lv2
b2-tools                                 lwtools
babeld                                   lxc
babl                                     lynis
backupninja                              lynx
bacula-fd                                lysp
bam                                      lz4
baobab                                   lzip
baresip                                  lzlib
basex                                    lzop
bash                                     m-cli
bash-completion                          mackup
bash-completion@2                        macosvpn
bash-git-prompt                          macvim
bash-preexec                             magic-wormhole
bashdb                                   mahout
bastet                                   mailutils
batik                                    mairix
bazaar                                   make
bazel                                    makensis
bchunk                                   makepkg
bcpp                                     makeself
bdw-gc                                   mame
bear                                     mandoc
bee                                      mapcrafter
beecrypt                                 mapnik
berkeley-db                              mapserver
betty                                    mariadb
bfg                                      mariadb-connector-c
bgpstream                                mariadb@10.0
bibtex2html                              mas
bibtexconv                               masscan
bibutils                                 mat
bigloo                                   maven
bind                                     mawk
binutils                                 mbedtls
binwalk                                  mcabber
biogeme                                  mdds
bison                                    mdk
bison@2.7                                mdp
bit                                      media-info
bitlbee                                  mediaconch
bitrise                                  mednafen
blackbox                                 megacmd
blahtexml                                memcached
blastem                                  memcacheq
blink1                                   menhir
blockhash                                mercurial
bltool                                   mesalib-glw
bluepill                                 meson
blueutil                                 mesos
bmake                                    metabase
bmon                                     metaproxy
bnd                                      metricbeat
bochs                                    mftrace
bogofilter                               mg
bonnie++                                 mgba
boost                                    micro
boost-bcp                                micropython
boost-build                              midnight-commander
boost-mpi                                mighttpd2
boost-python                             mikmod
boost-python@1.59                        mikutter
boost@1.55                               miller
boost@1.57                               minbif
boost@1.59                               minetest
boost@1.60                               mingw-w64
boot-clj                                 minicom
bork                                     minidlna
botan                                    minimal-racket
bower                                    minio
brew-cask-completion                     minio-mc
brew-gem                                 minisat
bro                                      minisign
brotli                                   miniupnpc
bsponmpi                                 minizinc
bubbros                                  mitie
buildapp                                 mitmproxy
buildifier                               mjpegtools
buku                                     mkclean
bulk_extractor                           mkdocs
bullet                                   mksh
burp                                     mkvalidator
byacc                                    mkvtoolnix
byobu                                    mldonkey
byteman                                  mlkit
c-ares                                   mlt
cabal-install                            mlton
caddy                                    mm-common
caf                                      mmark
cairo                                    moc
cake                                     mockserver
calabash                                 moco
calc                                     modd
calcurse                                 modules
camlp4                                   moe
camlp5                                   molecule
capnp                                    monax
cargo-completion                         monetdb
carrot2                                  mongo-c-driver
carthage                                 mongo-cxx-driver
cask                                     mongo-orchestration
casperjs                                 mongodb
cassandra                                mongodb@3.0
cassandra@2.2                            mongodb@3.2
castxml                                  mongoose
catimg                                   monit
cattle                                   monitoring-plugins
cayley                                   mono
cc65                                     moreutils
ccache                                   mosquitto
ccextractor                              mozjpeg
cclive                                   mp3blaster
ccm                                      mp3gain
cdk                                      mpage
cdrdao                                   mpc
certbot                                  mpd
certigo                                  mpdas
certstrap                                mpdscribble
ceylon                                   mpfi
cfengine                                 mpfr
cfr-decompiler                           mpg123
cfssl                                    mpich
cgal                                     mplayershell
cgrep                                    mps-youtube
chaiscript                               mpv
chakra                                   mpw
chapel                                   mr
charm                                    mruby
charm-tools                              mscgen
cheapglk                                 msgpack
cheat                                    msitools
check                                    mspdebug
check_postgres                           mtr
checkbashisms                            mu
checkstyle                               multimarkdown
chezscheme                               mupdf
chibi-scheme                             mupdf-tools
chicken                                  mutt
chipmunk                                 mvnvm
chisel                                   mvtools
chkrootkit                               mycli
chocolate-doom                           mydumper
chordii                                  mypy
chromaprint                              mysql
chuck                                    mysql++
cimg                                     mysql-cluster
citus                                    mysql-connector-c
cjdns                                    mysql-connector-c++
ckan                                     mysql-sandbox
clamav                                   mysql@5.5
clang-format                             mysql@5.6
clearlooks-phenix                        mysqltuner
clhep                                    mytop
cli53                                    n
clib                                     nagios
cliclick                                 nagios-plugins
clipper                                  nailgun
cloc                                     nano
clojurescript                            nanomsg
cloog                                    nanomsgxx
closure-compiler                         nanopb-generator
closure-stylesheets                      nasm
clozure-cl                               natalie
clutter                                  nativefier
clutter-gst                              nats-streaming-server
clutter-gtk                              ncdu
cmake                                    ncmpc
cmark                                    ncmpcpp
cmocka                                   ncrack
cnats                                    ncurses
coccinelle                               ndpi
cocoapods                                ne
cocot                                    neatvi
codec2                                   nedit
codemod                                  neko
codequery                                neo4j
coffeescript                             neofetch
cogl                                     nesc
collectd                                 nestopia-ue
collector-sidecar                        net-snmp
colordiff                                nethack
commandbox                               netpbm
compcert                                 nettle
compose2kube                             nexus
conan                                    nfdump
confuse                                  nghttp2
conjure-up                               nginx
conserver                                ngrep
consul                                   ngspice
consul-backinator                        nickle
consul-template                          nifi
convmv                                   nikto
convox                                   nim
cookiecutter                             ninja
coq                                      nmap
corectl                                  nmh
coreutils                                no-more-secrets
corsixth                                 node
coturn                                   node-build
couchdb                                  node@4
couchdb-lucene                           node@6
cpanminus                                nodebrew
cppcheck                                 nodeenv
cppcms                                   nodenv
cpprestsdk                               nomad
cppunit                                  noti
cputhrottle                              notmuch
cracklib                                 npth
crash                                    nq
creduce                                  nrpe
cromwell                                 nsd
crosstool-ng                             nspr
crowdin                                  nsq
cryptol                                  nss
cryptopp                                 ntl
crystal-icr                              ntopng
csmith                                   ntp
cspice                                   nudoku
csvtomd                                  nuget
ctl                                      numpy
ctop                                     nuttcp
cucumber-cpp                             nuxeo
curl                                     nvc
cutter                                   nvi
cvs                                      nvm
cvs2svn                                  nzbget
czmq                                     oauth2_proxy
daemonize                                ocaml
dar                                      ocamlbuild
darcs                                    ocamlsdl
dash                                     ocproxy
dasht                                    ode
datetime-fortran                         offlineimap
dateutils                                ohcount
datomic                                  ola
davix                                    omniorb
davmail                                  ompl
dbhash                                   one-ml
dbus                                     onetime
dbus-glib                                oniguruma
dbxml                                    onioncat
dc3dd                                    onscripter
dcd                                      ooniprobe
dcmtk                                    opam
dcraw                                    open-babel
ddar                                     open-cobol
ddrescue                                 open-mesh
debianutils                              open-mpi
dehydrated                               open-scene-graph
deis                                     openal-soft
deja-gnu                                 opencbm
dependency-check                         openclonk
depqbf                                   opencoarrays
derby                                    opencolorio
devd                                     opencore-amr
devil                                    opencsg
dfc                                      opendetex
dfix                                     openexr
dfmt                                     openh264
dhall-json                               openjazz
di                                       openjpeg
dialog                                   openldap
dict                                     openmotif
dieharder                                openmsx
diff-pdf                                 openrct2
diff-so-fancy                            openrtsp
diffoscope                               opensaml
diffuse                                  opensc
diffutils                                openshift-cli
digdag                                   openslide
direnv                                   openssh
discount                                 openssl@1.1
distcc                                   opentsdb
ditaa                                    openttd
django-completion                        openvdb
djvulibre                                openvpn
dmd                                      ophcrack
dmenu                                    optipng
dmtx-utils                               opus
dnscrypt-proxy                           opusfile
dnscrypt-wrapper                         orc
dnsmasq                                  orc-tools
dnsviz                                   orientdb
docker                                   ortp
docker-cloud                             osc
docker-completion                        oscats
docker-compose                           osm-gps-map
docker-compose-completion                osm-pbf
docker-credential-helper                 osm2pgrouting
docker-gen                               osm2pgsql
docker-machine                           osmfilter
docker-machine-completion                osmium-tool
docker-machine-driver-xhyve              osquery
docker-machine-nfs                       osrm-backend
docker-machine-parallels                 osxutils
docker-swarm                             owfs
dockviz                                  oysttyer
doctl                                    p11-kit
docutils                                 p7zip
doitlive                                 pacapt
dos2unix                                 pachi
dosbox                                   packer
dosbox-x                                 packer-completion
double-conversion                        packetbeat
dovecot                                  paket
doxygen                                  pam-u2f
doxymacs                                 pam_yubico
dpkg                                     pandoc
dropbear                                 pandoc-citeproc
dscanner                                 pandoc-crossref
dsh                                      pango
dshb                                     pangomm
dspdfviewer                              paperkey
dssim                                    paps
dtc                                      par2
dterm                                    parallel
dub                                      pari
duck                                     parquet-tools
dungeon                                  pass
duo_unix                                 passenger
duplicity                                passpie
duply                                    pastebinit
duti                                     pazpar2
dvdauthor                                pbrt
dvm                                      pc6001vx
dwarfutils                               pcb2gcode
dwdiff                                   pcre
dxpy                                     pcre2
dynamips                                 pcsc-lite
e2fsprogs                                pdal
easy-tag                                 pdf-redact-tools
easyrpg-player                           pdf2htmlex
ebook-tools                              pdf2json
ecl                                      pdf2svg
editorconfig                             pdfcrack
efl                                      pdfgrep
eg                                       pdftoedn
eiffelstudio                             pdftoipe
eigen                                    pdns
ejabberd                                 pdnsrec
elasticsearch                            pdsh
elasticsearch@2.4                        peco
elixir                                   pegtl
elvish                                   percona-server
emacs                                    percona-server@5.6
emacs-clang-complete-async               percona-toolkit
embulk                                   percona-xtrabackup
emp                                      perl
emscripten                               perl-build
enchant                                  perl@5.18
enigma                                   pex
entr                                     pg_top
epeg                                     pgbadger
ephemeralpg                              pgbouncer
eprover                                  pgcli
eralchemy                                pgformatter
erlang                                   pgloader
erlang@18                                pgpdump
esniper                                  pgplot
etcd                                     pgpool-ii
ettercap                                 pgroonga
evince                                   pgrouting
exa                                      phoronix-test-suite
exact-image                              physfs
exempi                                   pianobar
exercism                                 pianod
exiftool                                 pick
exim                                     picoc
exiv2                                    picocom
exomizer                                 pidgin
expat                                    pigz
expect                                   pike
exploitdb                                pinentry
eye-d3                                   pioneer
f3                                       pioneers
faac                                     pipes-sh
faad2                                    pius
fabio                                    pixman
fabric                                   pjproject
fades                                    pkcs11-helper
fail2ban                                 pktanon
fakeroot                                 planck
fantom                                   plantuml
fastbit                                  platformio
fastd                                    pldebugger
fatsort                                  plenv
fb-client                                plowshare
fceux                                    plplot
fcitx-remote-for-osx                     plzip
fdclone                                  pmd
fdk-aac                                  pmdmini
fdroidserver                             pngcrush
feedgnuplot                              pngquant
feh                                      poco
fetch-crl                                pod2man
ffe                                      podofo
ffmbc                                    points2grid
ffmpeg                                   polyml
ffmpeg2theora                            ponyc
ffmpeg@2.8                               ponysay
ffmpegthumbnailer                        poppler
ffms2                                    portmidi
fftw                                     postgis
fibjs                                    postgres-xc
ficy                                     postgresql
fifechan                                 postgresql@9.4
file-formula                             postgresql@9.5
file-roller                              postgrest
filebeat                                 potrace
fio                                      pound
fish                                     povray
fits                                     pow
fizmo                                    ppsspp
fizsh                                    pqiv
flac                                     pre-commit
flactag                                  prefixsuffix
flake8                                   prest
flashrom                                 presto
flatbuffers                              primesieve
flatcc                                   prips
flawfinder                               progress
fleetctl                                 proguard
flex                                     proj
flow                                     prometheus
flowgrind                                proof-general
fltk                                     protobuf
fluent-bit                               protobuf-c
fluid-synth                              protobuf-swift
flyway                                   protobuf@2.5
fmt                                      protobuf@2.6
fobis                                    proxytunnel
folly                                    psftools
fon-flash-cli                            psqlodbc
fontconfig                               pstoedit
fontforge                                ptex
fonttools                                pugixml
fop                                      pulledpork
ford                                     pulseaudio
forego                                   pure-ftpd
format-udf                               purescript
fossil                                   pushpin
fox                                      putty
fpc                                      puzzles
fping                                    pv
fq                                       pwgen
freeciv                                  pwntools
freediameter                             pxz
freeimage                                py2cairo
freeipmi                                 py3cairo
freeling                                 pybind11
freeradius-server                        pyenv
freeswitch                               pyenv-virtualenv
freetds                                  pyexiv2
freetype                                 pygobject
freexl                                   pygobject3
frege                                    pygtk
frege-repl                               pygtkglext
frei0r                                   pygtksourceview
fribidi                                  pyinvoke
frobtads                                 pypy
fs-uae                                   pypy3
fstar                                    pyqt
fswatch                                  python-markdown
fuego                                    pytouhou
fuse-emulator                            pyvim
fuseki                                   q
fwknop                                   qbs
fwup                                     qca
fzf                                      qcachegrind
g3log                                    qd
gabedit                                  qemu
galen                                    qjackctl
game-music-emu                           qpdf
gammaray                                 qpm
gammu                                    qrencode
gandi.cli                                qscintilla2
ganglia                                  qt
gauge                                    qtfaststart
gawk                                     quantlib
gbdfed                                   questdb
gcab                                     quex
gcc                                      rabbitmq
gcc@4.9                                  rabbitmq-c
gcc@5                                    radamsa
gcovr                                    radare2
gcviewer                                 raine
gd                                       rakudo-star
gdal                                     rancher-cli
gdb                                      rancher-compose
gdk-pixbuf                               rancid
gdl                                      ranger
gdmap                                    ratfor
gdnsd                                    rbenv
gearman                                  rbenv-aliases
geckodriver                              rbenv-binstubs
gecode                                   rbenv-bundle-exec
gedit                                    rbenv-bundler
geeqie                                   rbenv-bundler-ruby-version
gegl                                     rbenv-communal-gems
generate-json-schema                     rbenv-ctags
geocode-glib                             rbenv-default-gems
geographiclib                            rbenv-gemset
geoip                                    rbenv-use
geoipupdate                              rbenv-vars
geos                                     rbenv-whatis
geoserver                                rclone
gerbv                                    rcs
get-flash-videos                         rdfind
getdns                                   re2
getmail                                  re2c
gexiv2                                   readosm
gflags                                   reattach-to-user-namespace
gforth                                   rebar@3
ghc                                      recon-ng
ghex                                     recoverjpeg
ghi                                      recutils
ghostscript                              redex
ghq                                      redis
gibo                                     redis-leveldb
giflossy                                 redland
gifsicle                                 redpen
gimme                                    redshift
ginac                                    regex-opt
gist                                     remake
git                                      remarshal
git-annex                                remctl
git-archive-all                          reminiscence
git-cola                                 reop
git-crypt                                reposurgeon
git-extras                               residualvm
git-fixup                                restund
git-flow-avh                             resty
git-fresh                                rethinkdb
git-ftp                                  rgbds
git-imerge                               rhash
git-integration                          rhino
git-lfs                                  riak
git-number                               riemann
git-quick-stats                          riemann-client
git-recent                               ringojs
git-remote-hg                            ripgrep
git-review                               rkflashtool
git-secret                               rkhunter
git-standup                              rlvm
git-town                                 rmlint
gitbucket                                robot-framework
giter8                                   rocksdb
gitg                                     roll
github-keygen                            rom-tools
github-markdown-toc                      roswell
gitless                                  rpm
gitup                                    rrdtool
gjs                                      rsstail
gjstest                                  rswift
gkrellm                                  rsync
gl2ps                                    rsyslog
glade                                    rt-audio
glassfish                                rtags
glbinding                                rtf2latex2e
glew                                     rtmidi
glib                                     rtv
glib-networking                          rubberband
glibmm                                   ruby
glide                                    ruby-build
glm                                      ruby@1.8
global                                   ruby@2.0
globjects                                ruby@2.2
globus-toolkit                           ruby@2.3
glog                                     rust
gloox                                    rxvt-unicode
glslang                                  s-search
gmic                                     s3cmd
gmime                                    s6
gmp                                      sagittarius-scheme
gnatsd                                   saldl
gnome-autoar                             sane-backends
gnome-builder                            sassc
gnome-doc-utils                          saxon
gnome-recipes                            sbcl
gnome-themes-standard                    sbt
gnu-chess                                sbtenv
gnu-cobol                                scala
gnu-complexity                           scala@2.10
gnu-sed                                  scala@2.11
gnu-smalltalk                            scalaenv
gnu-tar                                  scalariform
gnu-time                                 scalastyle
gnu-typist                               scale2x
gnu-units                                scamper
gnumeric                                 schismtracker
gnupg                                    scipy
gnupg-pkcs11-scd                         scm-manager
gnupg@1.4                                scons
gnupg@2.0                                scour
gnuplot                                  screen
gnuplot@4                                scummvm
gnuradio                                 scummvm-tools
gnustep-make                             scw
gnutls                                   sdb
go                                       sdcc
go@1.4                                   sdcv
gobby                                    sdf
gobject-introspection                    sdl2
gobuster                                 sdl2_gfx
gocr                                     sdl2_image
godep                                    sdl2_mixer
goenv                                    sdl_gfx
gofabric8                                sdl_image
goffice                                  sdl_mixer
gollum                                   sdl_sound
golo                                     sdl_ttf
gom                                      sdlpop
goocanvas                                sec
google-benchmark                         selecta
google-java-format                       selenium-server-standalone
googler                                  ser2net
goolabs                                  serd
gor                                      serialosc
gosu                                     serveit
gource                                   servus
govendor                                 sfcgal
gpa                                      sfk
gpac                                     sfml
gpatch                                   shadowsocks-libev
gperftools                               shairport-sync
gpg-agent                                shapelib
gpgme                                    shared-mime-info
gphoto2                                  shc
gpp                                      shellcheck
gprof2dot                                shellshare
gpsbabel                                 shfmt
gpsd                                     shibboleth-sp
gpsim                                    shmcat
gputils                                  shml
gqview                                   shocco
grace                                    shpotify
gradle                                   shunit2
grafana                                  shyaml
grails                                   siege
graphene                                 sile
graphicsmagick                           silk
graphite2                                simgrid
graphviz                                 simple-obfs
grc                                      simple-tiles
grep                                     simutrans
grib-api                                 sip
grip                                     sispmctl
gron                                     sjk
groonga                                  skinny
groovy                                   skipfish
groovysdk                                slackcat
groovyserv                               sleuthkit
grpc                                     slimerjs
grsync                                   smali
grunt-completion                         smartmontools
gsettings-desktop-schemas                smlnj
gsl                                      snakemake
gsmartcontrol                            snap-telemetry
gsoap                                    snap7
gspell                                   snappy
gssdp                                    snappystream
gssh                                     snapraid
gst-editing-services                     sngrep
gst-libav                                snort
gst-plugins-bad                          snownews
gst-plugins-base                         snzip
gst-plugins-good                         socat
gst-plugins-ugly                         softhsm
gst-python                               solr
gst-rtsp-server                          solr@5.5
gst-validate                             sonar-scanner
gstreamer                                sonarqube
gstreamermm                              sops
gtk+                                     sound-touch
gtk+3                                    source-highlight
gtk-chtheme                              source-to-image
gtk-doc                                  sourcekitten
gtk-engines                              sourcery
gtk-gnutella                             sox
gtk-mac-integration                      spandsp
gtk-murrine-engine                       sparkey
gtk-vnc                                  sparse
gtkdatabox                               spatialite-gui
gtkextra                                 spatialite-tools
gtkmm                                    spdlog
gtkmm3                                   speech-tools
gtksourceview                            sphinx
gtksourceview3                           sphinx-doc
gtksourceviewmm                          spigot
gtksourceviewmm3                         spim
gtkspell3                                spin
gucharmap                                spiped
guile                                    spring-roo
gupnp                                    sql-translator
gupnp-av                                 sqlcipher
gupnp-tools                              sqldiff
gwenhywfar                               sqlite-analyzer
gws                                      sqliteodbc
gwt                                      sqlmap
gwyddion                                 sqlparse
gx                                       squashfs
gx-go                                    squid
gxml                                     src
gzip                                     srtp
h2                                       ssdeep
h2o                                      ssh-audit
hackrf                                   ssh-copy-id
hadolint                                 sshguard
hadoop                                   sshrc
halibut                                  sshuttle
hamlib                                   sslh
hana                                     sslmate
handbrake                                sslscan
haproxy                                  sslsplit
harfbuzz                                 sslyze
hashcat                                  sstp-client
hashpump                                 st
haskell-stack                            stanford-parser
hatari                                   statik
haxe                                     stdman
hayai                                    stella
hbase                                    stern
headphones                               stgit
heimdal                                  stk
help2man                                 stlink
henplus                                  stockfish
hercules                                 stoken
heroku                                   stone-soup
hesiod                                   storm
hevea                                    stormlib
hexedit                                  streamlink
hexgui                                   strongswan
hfstospell                               stunnel
hg-fast-export                           submarine
hg-flow                                  subnetcalc
hh                                       subversion
hicolor-icon-theme                       subversion@1.8
highlight                                suil
hive                                     supersonic
hivemind                                 supertux
hledger                                  supervisor
homebank                                 surfraw
homeshick                                suricata
hopenpgp-tools                           svg2pdf
hostess                                  svg2png
hspell                                   svgcleaner
html-xml-utils                           svtplay-dl
htmlcleaner                              swagger-codegen
htmldoc                                  swfmill
htop                                     swi-prolog
httest                                   swift
http-parser                              swiftformat
http_load                                swiftgen
httpflow                                 swiftlint
httpie                                   swiftplate
httrack                                  swimat
hub                                      sword
hubflow                                  sylpheed
huexpress                                sync_gateway
hugo                                     syncthing
hunspell                                 syncthing-inotify
hydra                                    synfig
hyper                                    syntaxerl
hyperscan                                sysbench
i2p                                      sysdig
ib                                       systemc
ibex                                     szip
icarus-verilog                           t1utils
icbirc                                   taisei
icdiff                                   taktuk
ice                                      talloc
icecream                                 tarantool
icoutils                                 tarsnap
icu4c                                    tarsnap-gui
ideviceinstaller                         task-spooler
idnits                                   tasksh
idris                                    taylor
idutils                                  tbb
ii                                       tbox
ilmbase                                  tcc
imagemagick                              tcl-tk
imagemagick@6                            tclap
imagesnap                                tcpdump
imageworsener                            tcpreplay
imake                                    tcptraceroute
imapfilter                               tee-clc
imapsync                                 teensy_loader_cli
imlib2                                   telegraf
infer                                    telegram-cli
influxdb                                 teleport
innoextract                              temporal_tables
innotop                                  tenyr
inspircd                                 termbox
instead                                  terminal-notifier
internetarchive                          terminator
io                                       termius
ios-deploy                               terraform
ios-sim                                  terraform-docs
ios-webkit-debug-proxy                   terraform-provisioner-ansible
iozone                                   terragrunt
ipbt                                     tesseract
iperf3                                   testssl
ipfs                                     texapp
ipmitool                                 texinfo
iproute2mac                              texmath
ipv6calc                                 tfenv
ircd-hybrid                              tgui
ircii                                    the_platinum_searcher
ired                                     the_silver_searcher
ironcli                                  thefuck
irssi                                    thrift
isc-dhcp                                 tidy-html5
isl                                      tiff2png
iso-codes                                tig
ispc                                     tiger-vnc
isync                                    tika
itex2mml                                 tile38
itstool                                  timedog
ivykis                                   timelimit
jack                                     timewarrior
jadx                                     tin
jags                                     tinc
jansson                                  tintin
jasper                                   tinyxml2
javarepl                                 tippecanoe
jbake                                    titlecase
jbig2dec                                 tkdiff
jbig2enc                                 tldr
jboss-forge                              tmux
jemalloc                                 tmuxinator-completion
jena                                     tnef
jenkins                                  todo-txt
jenkins-job-builder                      todolist
jenkins-lts                              todoman
jetty                                    tomcat
jetty-runner                             tomcat-native
jfrog-cli-go                             tomcat@6
jhiccup                                  tomcat@7
jigdo                                    tomee-webprofile
jlog                                     tor
jmeter                                   trace2html
jmxtrans                                 tracebox
jnettop                                  trafficserver
jo                                       trafshow
joe                                      traildb
jooby-bootstrap                          transcrypt
jp2a                                     translate-shell
jpeg                                     translate-toolkit
jpeg-turbo                               transmission
jpeginfo                                 treefrog
jpegoptim                                tsung
jq                                       ttf2eot
jruby                                    ttfautohint
jsdoc3                                   tth
json-c                                   ttyd
json-fortran                             ttyrec
json-glib                                tundra
jsoncpp                                  twarc
jsonnet                                  twemcache
jsonpp                                   twoping
jsonschema2pojo                          twtxt
jsvc                                     txr
juise                                    txt2tags
juju                                     typescript
juju-wait                                u-boot-tools
julius                                   ucommon
jump                                     ucon64
jvgrep                                   udpxy
jvm-mon                                  udunits
jython                                   ufraw
kafka                                    uftp
kafkacat                                 uhd
kanif                                    unbound
kapacitor                                uncrustify
karn                                     unibilium
kawa                                     unicorn
keepassc                                 unison
kerl                                     unixodbc
keychain                                 unoconv
khal                                     unpaper
khard                                    unrar
kibana                                   unyaffs
kitchen-sync                             unzip
kite                                     upscaledb
klavaro                                  uptimed
knot                                     upx
knot-resolver                            urbit
kobalt                                   urh
kompose                                  uriparser
konoha                                   urlview
kops                                     urweb
kotlin                                   userspace-rcu
kpcli                                    utf8proc
krb5                                     uwsgi
ktoblzcheck                              v8
kube-aws                                 v8@3.15
kubernetes-cli                           vagrant-completion
kubernetes-helm                          vala
kvazaar                                  valabind
kyoto-cabinet                            valgrind
kyoto-tycoon                             vamp-plugin-sdk
kyua                                     vapoursynth
lablgtk                                  varnish
lame                                     varnish@4
languagetool                             vault
lapack                                   vault-cli
lasi                                     vaulted
lastpass-cli                             vbindiff
laszip                                   vcdimager
latex2html                               vdirsyncer
latex2rtf                                vegeta
launch                                   verilator
launch4j                                 vert.x
launchdns                                vice
lbdb                                     viewvc
lcdf-typetools                           vifm
lcdproc                                  vim
lcm                                      vim@7.4
ldc                                      vimpc
ldns                                     virtualpg
le                                       vncsnapshot
lean-cli                                 vnstat
leaps                                    vnu
ledger                                   volatility
ledit                                    voldemort
legit                                    vowpal-wabbit
lego                                     vpcs
leiningen                                vte
lensfun                                  vte3
leptonica                                vultr
less                                     w-calc
leveldb                                  w3m
lfe                                      wakatime-cli
lftp                                     wandio
libaacs                                  wartremover
libagar                                  watch
libarchive                               watchexec
libass                                   watchman
libassuan                                watson
libatomic_ops                            webalizer
libav                                    webdis
libbladerf                               weboob
libbluray                                webp
libbpg                                   webpack
libcanberra                              websocketd
libcddb                                  weechat
libcdio                                  wesnoth
libcdr                                   wget
libcds                                   whatmp3
libcello                                 when
libchamplain                             whohas
libcoap                                  whois
libconfig                                widelands
libcouchbase                             wiggle
libcue                                   wildfly-as
libdap                                   wimlib
libdc1394                                wine
libdca                                   winetricks
libdiscid                                wiredtiger
libdivecomputer                          wireguard-tools
libdmtx                                  wireshark
libdsk                                   wla-dx
libdvdcss                                woboq_codebrowser
libdvdnav                                wolfssl
libdvdread                               wrangler
libebml                                  writerperfect
libebur128                               wrk
libedit                                  wslay
libepoxy                                 wtf
liberasurecode                           wwwoffle
libetonyek                               wxmac
libetpan                                 wxpython
libewf                                   x11vnc
libextractor                             x264
libfabric                                x265
libfaketime                              x3270
libfixbuf                                xa
libfixposix                              xalan-c
libflowmanager                           xapian
libfreehand                              xboard
libfreenect                              xcenv
libftdi                                  xclip
libgaiagraphics                          xctool
libgcrypt                                xdot
libgdata                                 xerces-c
libgee                                   xmake
libgeotiff                               xml-security-c
libgetdata                               xml-tooling-c
libgig                                   xmoto
libgit2                                  xonsh
libgit2-glib                             xorriso
libglade                                 xpdf
libglademm                               xplanet
libgnomecanvas                           xqilla
libgnomecanvasmm                         xrootd
libgosu                                  xsane
libgpg-error                             xsd
libgphoto2                               xsv
libgraphqlparser                         xvid
libgsf                                   xxhash
libgsm                                   xz
libgtop                                  yadm
libgweather                              yaf
libgxps                                  yaml-cpp
libhdhomerun                             yank
libhttpseverywhere                       yara
libical                                  yarn
libidn                                   yash
libimobiledevice                         yasm
libinfinity                              yaws
libjson-rpc-cpp                          yaz
liblas                                   yaze-ag
liblcf                                   yelp-tools
liblinear                                yeti
liblo                                    ykneomgr
liblockfile                              ykpers
liblunar                                 yle-dl
liblwgeom                                yosys
libmaa                                   you-get
libmagic                                 youtube-dl
libmatroska                              yubico-piv-tool
libmaxminddb                             z3
libmemcached                             z80dasm
libmicrohttpd                            zabbix
libmikmod                                zanata-client
libmodplug                               zbackup
libmonome                                zbar
libmowgli                                zebra
libmp3splt                               zenity
libmpc                                   zero-install
libmpdclient                             zeromq
libmspub                                 zile
libmtp                                   zimg
libmwaw                                  zinc
libmxml                                  zint
libnatpmp                                zita-convolver
libnfs                                   zmap
libngspice                               zmqpp
libnotify                                znapzend
libofx                                   znc
libogg                                   zookeeper
liboping                                 zopfli
libosinfo                                zorba
libosmium                                zplug
libowfat                                 zpython
libp11                                   zsh
libpagemaker                             zsh-autosuggestions
libpano                                  zsh-completions
libpeas                                  zsh-lovers
libphonenumber                           zsh-syntax-highlighting
libplist                                 zstd
libpng                                   zurl
==> Renamed Formulae
arm -> nyx                               newsbeuter -> newsboat
camlistore -> perkeep                    opencv3 -> opencv
cdiff -> ydiff                           osh -> etsh
crystal-lang -> crystal                  php56 -> php@5.6
fbida -> exiftran                        php70 -> php@7.0
findbugs -> spotbugs                     php71 -> php@7.1
gcc6 -> gcc@6                            php72 -> php
geth -> ethereum                         root6 -> root
gitlab-ci-multi-runner -> gitlab-runner  saltstack -> salt
gmt4 -> gmt@4                            speedtest_cli -> speedtest-cli
gnome-icon-theme -> adwaita-icon-theme   ssreflect -> math-comp
grunt -> grunt-cli                       tachyon -> alluxio
gtef -> tepl                             thrift@0.90 -> thrift@0.9
httpd24 -> httpd                         transfig -> fig2dev
latexila -> gnome-latex                  wpcli-completion -> wp-cli-completion
mobile-shell -> mosh
==> Deleted Formulae
abi-compliance-checker                   ledger@2.6
angolmois                                libgc
antlr@3                                  libical-glib
apache-spark@1.5                         libmpc@0.8
apache-spark@1.6                         libpng@1.2
artifactory-cli-go                       libpqxx@3
autoconf@2.64                            libtess2
automake@1.12                            libxml2@2.7
autotrace                                litmus
aws-cloudsearch                          llvm@3.8
bazel@0.2                                logstash@2.4
blucat                                   lua@5.3
bokken                                   luciddb
clang-format@3.8                         mal4s
clasp                                    mapnik@2
cloog@0.15                               mg3a
cloudbees-sdk                            mimetic
docker@1.11                              monotone
docker@1.71                              mpfr@2
dvtm                                     mvptree
ecj                                      nazghul
eigen@3.2                                node@0.10
elixirscript                             node@0.12
gcc@4.6                                  open-mpi@1.6
gcc@4.7                                  otto
gcc@4.8                                  pcap_dnsproxy
geogit                                   percona-server@5.5
gh                                       perl@5.14
glfw@2                                   phantomjs@1.92
gmp@4                                    phantomjs@1.98
go-gui                                   picolisp
go@1.5                                   pond
go@1.6                                   ponscripter-sekai
go@1.7                                   ppl@0.11
grails@2.5                               python3
gringo                                   qt@5.7
gsl@1                                    redis@2.6
gst-plugins-bad@0.10                     rexster
gst-plugins-base@0.10                    rexster-console
gst-plugins-good@0.10                    ruby@1.9
gst-plugins-ugly@0.10                    ruby@2.1
gstreamer@0.10                           selenium-server-standalone@2.45
htop-osx                                 snescom
i3                                       solr@5.4
i3status                                 srtp@1.5
influxdb@0.8                             stklos
isl@0.11                                 swig@2
isl@0.12                                 szl
isl@0.14                                 talk-filters
jboss-as                                 tcpurify
jboss-as@5                               tomcat@8.0
jetty@8                                  ufoai
jpeg@6                                   unison@2.40
jpeg@9                                   voltdb
juju@1.25                                wry
kafka@0.80                               xplanetfx
kes                                      zeromq@3.2
kibana@4.1                               zeromq@4.0
==> Installation successful!

==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics.
Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here:

==> Next steps:
- Run `brew help` to get started
- Further documentation:
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ 
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ 
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ brew install wget
==> Installing dependencies for wget: gettext, libunistring, libidn2, openssl
==> Installing wget dependency: gettext
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring gettext-
==> Caveats
This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides the BSD gettext library & some software gets confused if both are in the library path.

If you need to have this software first in your PATH run:
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find this software you may need to set:
    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/gettext/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/gettext/include

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/ 1,934 files, 16.9MB
==> Installing wget dependency: libunistring
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libunistring-0.9.10.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libunistring/0.9.10: 54 files, 4.4MB
==> Installing wget dependency: libidn2
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libidn2-2.0.5.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libidn2/2.0.5: 68 files, 669.3KB
==> Installing wget dependency: openssl
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring openssl-1.0.2o_2.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the SystemRoots
keychain. To add additional certificates (e.g. the certificates added in
the System keychain), place .pem files in

and run

This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries.

If you need to have this software first in your PATH run:
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find this software you may need to set:
    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2o_2: 1,792 files, 12.3MB
==> Installing wget
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring wget-1.19.5.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/wget/1.19.5: 50 files, 3.7MB
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ brew install cmake
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring cmake-3.11.4.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
Emacs Lisp files have been installed to:
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.11.4: 2,363 files, 32.9MB
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ brew install opencv
==> Installing dependencies for opencv: eigen, lame, x264, xvid, ffmpeg, jpeg, libpng, libtiff, ilmbase, openexr, gdbm, readline, sqlite, xz, python, python@2, numpy, tbb
==> Installing opencv dependency: eigen
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring eigen-3.3.4.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/eigen/3.3.4: 486 files, 6.5MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: lame
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring lame-3.100.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/lame/3.100: 27 files, 2.1MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: x264
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring x264-r2854.sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/x264/r2854: 11 files, 3.4MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: xvid
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring xvid-1.3.5.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/xvid/1.3.5: 10 files, 1.2MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: ffmpeg
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ffmpeg-4.0.1.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.0.1: 246 files, 49.3MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: jpeg
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring jpeg-9c.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/9c: 21 files, 724.6KB
==> Installing opencv dependency: libpng
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libpng-1.6.34.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.34: 26 files, 1.2MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: libtiff
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libtiff-4.0.9_4.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/libtiff/4.0.9_4: 246 files, 3.5MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: ilmbase
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring ilmbase-2.2.1.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/ilmbase/2.2.1: 353 files, 5.6MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: openexr
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring openexr-2.2.0_1.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/openexr/2.2.0_1: 132 files, 11.1MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: gdbm
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring gdbm-1.16.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/gdbm/1.16: 19 files, 574.6KB
==> Installing opencv dependency: readline
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring readline-7.0.5.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides the BSD libedit library, which shadows libreadline.
In order to prevent conflicts when programs look for libreadline we are
defaulting this GNU Readline installation to keg-only.

For compilers to find this software you may need to set:
    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/readline/7.0.5: 46 files, 1.5MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: sqlite
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring sqlite-3.24.0.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because macOS provides an older sqlite3.

If you need to have this software first in your PATH run:
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/sqlite/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find this software you may need to set:
    LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/opt/sqlite/lib
    CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/opt/sqlite/include

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/sqlite/3.24.0: 11 files, 3.5MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: xz
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring xz-5.2.4.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.4: 92 files, 1MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: python
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring python-3.7.0.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/bin/python3 -s --no-user-cfg install
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/bin/python3 -s --no-user-cfg install
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/bin/python3 -s --no-user-cfg install
==> Caveats
Python has been installed as

Unversioned symlinks `python`, `python-config`, `pip` etc. pointing to
`python3`, `python3-config`, `pip3` etc., respectively, have been installed into

If you need Homebrew's Python 2.7 run
  brew install python@2

Pip, setuptools, and wheel have been installed. To update them run
  pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

You can install Python packages with
  pip3 install <package>
They will install into the site-package directory

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0: 4,788 files, 102.2MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: python@2
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring python@2-2.7.15_1.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15_1/bin/python -s --no-user-cfg ins
Last 15 lines from /Users/apple/Library/Logs/Homebrew/python@2/post_install.01.python:
copying setuptools/_vendor/packaging/ -> build/lib/setuptools/_vendor/packaging
copying setuptools/_vendor/packaging/ -> build/lib/setuptools/_vendor/packaging
copying setuptools/script (dev).tmpl -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/script.tmpl -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/cli-32.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/cli-64.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/cli.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/gui-32.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/gui-64.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/gui.exe -> build/lib/setuptools
copying setuptools/command/launcher manifest.xml -> build/lib/setuptools/command
running install_lib
copying build/lib/ -> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
copying build/lib/pkg_resources/ -> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources
error: could not delete '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/': Permission denied
Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall python@2`
==> Caveats
Pip and setuptools have been installed. To update them
  pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

You can install Python packages with
  pip install <package>

They will install into the site-package directory

==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15_1: 4,323 files, 78MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: numpy
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring numpy-1.14.5_1.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/LICENSE.txt
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy is not writable.

You can try again using:
  brew link numpy
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/numpy/1.14.5_1: 939 files, 24.8MB
==> Installing opencv dependency: tbb
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring tbb-2018_U5.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/tbb/2018_U5: 133 files, 2.7MB
==> Installing opencv
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring opencv-3.4.2.sierra.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/3.4.2: 617 files, 215.5MB
Lynns-MacBook-Pro:~ FengYulu$ 

  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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