Trump administration owes Americans answers about restrictions on Huawei
·(the) Trump administration 特朗普政府
owe someone sth. 亏欠某人某事
n. 限制;约束(某项命令或规定)
搭配短语:restrictions on sth.
搭配短语:strict restrictions on commercial activities
Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei's global influence has been steadily growing in recent years, and the U.S. government's concern has been growing along with it.
n. 电信;长途通信
·steadily 稳固地,平稳地
Fearing that the spread of Chinese-made cellphones, routers and other equipment may render Western countries, including those that share the most sensitive intelligence with the United States, vulnerable to Beijing, Washington has tried to hold Huawei accountable for alleged intellectual-property theft — while discouraging key allies such as Britain, Australia and New Zealand from relying on Huawei technology.
·伴随状语,Fearing that the spread of sth. may render Western countries , vulnerable to Beijing
vulnerable 脆弱的
Beijing 首都指代国家
v. 致使;造成
make/render someone do sth.
使某人做某事,旨在让某人产生行为动作,如make sb. go shopping(让某人出去购物),make sb. stay at home(让某人待在家里)等。
make/render someone + adj.
让某人处于某种状态中,旨在让某人有一种情感或者处境,如make sb. angry(使某人生气), make sb. happy(使某人高兴),make sb. embarrassed(使某人尴尬) 等。
·", including ... the United States, " 插入语
intelligence 情报
intellectual-property 知识产权
adj. 有责任的;应作解释的
搭配短语:hold someone accountable for sth. 让某人为某事负责
·discourage sb. for doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
rely on 依赖,依靠 (文中根据上下文翻译成“使用”)
What's ultimately at stake here is the future of 5G networks around the world — the ultrafast connection systems that will soon link smartphones, enable driverless automobiles and, potentially, revolutionize warfare.
把话说到底,现在处于危险境地的是全世界 5G 网络的未来,5G 网络这一超高速的连接系统很快就可以连接智能手机,能让无人驾驶汽车变成现实,并且有可能为战争的形式带来革新。
· 主语从句 "What's..."
ultimately adv. 最终; 最后; 终归
·at stake
搭配短语:be at stake (作表语)
搭配短语:sth. at stake (作后置定语)
例句:The lives of wild animals are at stake.
例句:There are many interests at stake.
·5G networks 同位语 the ultrafast connection systems
ultrafast 超高速的
词根词缀: ultra- 极端的,超越的
定语从句,"that will ....warfare."
v. 使发生革命性巨变
例句:The new theory will revolutionize modern science.
·war: 广义的战争,与“和平”相对。一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。
warfare: 侧重指战争状态或具体的作战方法。如:guerilla warfare游击战,nuclear warfare核战争。
Now the Trump administration has escalated to a new level, requiring that all U.S. firms seek federal approval before selling to Huawei.
· escalated
v.(使) 逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧;
Though not an outright ban on sales, it is a major restriction because Huawei's products rely on inputs purchased from no fewer than 30 U.S. companies, and now those will be subject to government licensing. Huawei says it has stockpiled a 12 month-supply of U.S.-made inputs in anticipation of just such a move.
尽管这不是一个针对销售下达的彻底的禁令,但它也确实是一个严重的限制,因为华为的产品依赖于从不下 30 家美国公司购入的零件,而现在那些零件交易需要获得政府的许可。华为表示正是因为预见了这样的变化,他们已经囤积了足够使用 12 个月的美国产零件。
adj. 直截了当的;彻底的
搭配短语:an outright refusal(直截了当的拒绝)
v. 大量储备,囤积
词性拓展:stockpile(n. 大量囤积的物资或商品)
·no fewer than 不少于
government licensing 政府许可
be subject to 受制于
My holiday plan is subject to parents approval.
·in anticipation of
例句:I have postponed our meeting in anticipation of his procrastination.
If the Trump administration's latest step represents a deliberate attempt to bring down Huawei, it is not justified. In that sense, the administration owes the public more transparency about its intentions.
adj. 故意的,蓄意的
·justified sth. 说明某事正确或合理
sth. justified 作被动,某事被证明是合理的
n. 透明度;透明(性)
搭配短语:the transparency of ice(冰的透明度)
例句:The admission process lacks transparency.
5G 技术
第五代移动通信技术,简称 5G,是最新一代蜂窝移动通信技术,属于 3G、4G 系统后的延伸。5G 的性能目标是提高数据速率、减少延迟、节省能源、降低成本、提高系统容量和实现大规模设备连接。5G 技术将主要运用于三大方面,即:增强型移动宽带、关键任务服务,以及海量物联网。
5G 对移动宽带(移动网络)的增强主要体现在两个方面,其一是覆盖范围更广,其二是网络容量更大。得益于覆盖范围和网络容量的改善,5G 可以应用在数字广告牌、远程培训教育、远程医疗、多人线上会议、改善人口密集地区移动网络使用体验等领域。
5G 将支持低于 1 毫秒的时延,可靠性也远远超过 4G。因此也就可以用在那些对网络延迟很敏感的领域,比如无人机、工业流水线,还有即将实现的自动驾驶汽车等等。
海量物联网的应用场景大致包含以下部分:资产跟踪、智能农业、智慧城市、能源/公用事业监控、实体基础设施、智能家居、远程监控、信标和联网购物。海量物联网是一个全新的应用领域,在这些例子中,我们可以看到 5G 变革性的影响。
当前,提供 5G 无线硬件与系统的公司有:三星、高通、思科、诺基亚、爱立信、联发科技、瞻博网络、华为、中兴。
到投票结束时,“政治因素”的得票率依然超过 50%,而商业仅获得 13%的投票。针对“商业原因”这一选项占比很低的现象,CNN 的现场连线嘉宾表示,美国民众的眼睛是雪亮的,因为在美国,根本没有任何一家公司可以替代华为,又何谈出于“保护主义”而抵制华为。