2. 送你一颗心,暖意有十分:一分健康,一分快乐,一分思念,一分祝福,一分祝愿,一分牵挂,一分关怀,一分问候,一分爱意,一分暖意。
3. 真爱是夏天微风,给人清凉;真爱是雪中送炭,给人温暖;真爱是心有灵犀,给人默契;真爱是命中注定,给人缘分;真爱难得,好好珍惜!
① Without you, the color is single. Without you, the food is tasteless. Without you, I am hollow.
② Have your day, so we pull together in times of trouble, the paddle drives faster, the shore is clear.
③Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!
无论在现在的日子里,还是在未来的时光里,愿天下有情人能一起相知相守,白头偕老 !