人到中年,尤其是40岁之后,无论男女,每天晨起,对着镜中的自己,既熟悉又陌生。 每天看惯的脸还是那张脸,似乎没变。但蓦然回想20年前的自己,不禁惶惶然。这还是自己吗?疲惫的眼神,浮肿、发黑的眼皮, 原先的明眸善睐,也略显迟滞。不仅如此,松懈的下巴,日见明显的法令纹,暗沉的皮肤,尤其是那一头黯然失色的头发,还乌黑闪亮吗?不经意间,几根白发明亮亮的晃得扎眼,恨不得统统拔了去。用手轻轻一撸,几根发丝就这么毫无生气的躺在手间,飘然滑落。滑落的不仅仅是那几根发丝,是青春和岁月。所有这一切,都在提醒、暗示、嘲讽自己——你已不再年轻。就这样熟视无睹?就这样放弃自己?哦,NO. 衰老无法避免,但我要让它慢一点,再慢一点。
首先从头发开始。了无生气的头发会让再精致的容颜都黯然失色。咨询驻颜有术的朋友。推荐选择Fixx 建发双效洗发乳。拥有全球独家的专利技术。内含茶树精油和刺荨麻萃取物,能有效调节头皮油脂,活化毛囊,彻底清洁和舒缓头皮,保障头发生长所需的健康环境,增加头发数量和厚度。专利配方中的胶原蛋白和水解小麦蛋白,能有效增进秀发的柔亮与光泽,从发根到发梢悉心呵护每一根发丝,呵护我们的青春。
Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract (刺荨麻萃取物)
Urtica dioica (nettle), also known as stinging nettle, is a common weed native to Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa. Externally, it has been used to improve the appearance of the hair and is said to be a remedy against oily hair.
Collagen (胶原蛋白)
Collagen is a very important protein for our whole body, including our hair. In the case of hair care, when you apply collagen to the hair shaft, you are able to promote healthy hair growth. Collagen helps strengthen hair and increase the diameter of individual hairs, which helps give thinning hair an overall fuller hair appearance.
Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein (水解小麦蛋白)
Hydrolyzed wheat protein is a moisturizing and conditioning protein derived from whole wheat. It increases the hair’s ability to retain moisture, and impart shine and gloss to damaged and dull hair. Due to its low molecular weight, it easily penetrates the hair shaft, allowing it to attract and retain moisture, build body and reduce porosity, all of which improves hair manageability, lustre and smoothness.
Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil(茶树精油)
Tea tree oil is an essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It is said to have soothing properties that help the skin remain healthy and smooth.