The Action Sequence Pack 1 plugin is an extension plugin for Yanfly Engine Plugins' Battle Engine Core. This extension plugin will not work without the main plugin.
This extension plugin contains the more basic functions used for customized action sequences on a technical scale. Here, you are able to change switches, operate variables, add states, change damage rates, and more.
Action Sequences - ala Melody
Battle Engine Core includes Yanfly Engine Melody's Battle Engine system, where each individual aspect of the skill and item effects can be controlled to a degree. These are called Action Sequences, where each command in the action sequence causes the game to perform a distinct individual action.
Each skill and item consists of five different action sequences. They are as follows:
1. Setup Actions--准备动作
They prepare the active battler before carrying out the bulk of the action and its individual effects. Usually what you see here are things such as the active battler moving forward a bit, unsheathing their weapon, etc. This step will occur before the active battler expends their skill or item costs.
在当前激活的战斗者执行大部分动作及其效果之前,准备动作会被执行。通常你所看到的就是战斗者向前移动 一点,拔出武器等。这个步骤将发生在当前激活的战斗者产生技能或道具消耗之前。
2. Whole Actions--全体动作
These actions will affect all of the targets simultaneously. Although this section does not need to be used, most actions will use this for displaying
animations upon all enemies. This step occurs after skill and item costs.
这些动作将同时影响所有目标。尽管这部分不是必须的,大部分动作会用这来显示对全体敌人的动画。这一步 发生在技能和道具消耗之后。
3. Target Actions--目标动作
This section will affect all of the targets individually. Used primarily for physical attacks that will deliver more personal forms of damage. Actions that occur here will not affect other targets unless specifically ordered to do so otherwise.
这个部分将分别影响所有的单个目标。主要用于物理攻击,这能带来更个性化的伤害形式。除非特意命令这样 做,否则发生于此的动作将不会影响其他的目标。
4. Follow Actions--跟随动作
This section will dedicate towards cleanup work after the individual targeting actions. Here, it'll do things such as removing immortal flags, start up common events, and more.
这部分将用于单体动作执行之后的清理工作。此时,它将做像移除不死状态,启动公共事件,等等这样的一些 事。
5. Finish Actions--结束动作
This section will have the active battler close up the action sequence. Usually stuff like running waits and holds at the last minute for skills and items, moving back to place, and others.
这个部分将让激活的战斗者关闭动作序列。其内容通常是运行等待并维持技能和道具执行的最后一刻,返回技 能释放前的位置,等等。
Target Typing--目标类型
user; 选中激活的战斗对象
target, targets;技能或道具在数据库中默认的目标设置
actors, existing actors; 所有存活角色
all actors; 所有角色
dead actors: 死亡角色
actors not user; 除了施放技能的存活角色
actor x; 位置为X的角色
character x; ID为X的角色.
enemies, existing enemies; 存活敌方
all enemies; 所有敌方角色
dead enemies: 阵亡敌方角色
enemies not user; 除了施放技能的其他敌方角色
enemy x; X位置敌人
friends; 所有存活友方
all friends; 所有友方
dead friends; 阵亡友方
friends not user; 除开自己的友方
friend x: 位置X的友方
opponents; 存活的敌方
all opponents; 所有敌方
dead opponents; 阵亡敌方
opponent x: X位置敌方
all alive; 所有存活单位
all members; 所有单位
all dead; 所有阵亡单位
all not user; 除自己所有存活单位
focus; 施放者及目标
not focus; 除了施放者及目标